Sunday, January 18, 2009

Budget Committee Cuts School Budget

At Thursday's meeting, despite loud protests from school committee members, the Budget Committee voted to cut nearly $700,000.00 from the school budget in an attempt to reign in run away spending. Kudos to those members who voted in favor of the cuts and who acted in a responsible manner to the taxpayers of Winchester. It's a start in the right direction, let's hope we get enough support at the Deliberative Session to make some more needed cuts in our over inflated, pork filled budget and send a message loud and clear to those who continue to waste our hard earned tax dollars.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Now let's all take a look at the numbers.Just remember the adage that figures can lie and liars can figure. We need to get definite numbers on the SPED count. My question is "If we have so many special education teachers at the school why the heck are our students so far behind when they get to Keene?"If the teachers are not doing their jobs then they need to be replaced with ones that will. We also need to understand that we cannot load the school with untrained staff.

Anonymous said...

So, it's okay to spemd all kinds of thousands of dollars on the ELM Center, the Pickle Festival and bonuses and frozen sick time to the overpaid employee's of the town, and extra gas and overtime to our highway dept guys - but, when it comes to the kids.. well... you know where I'm going here...

st st st

Anonymous said...

What the blog didn't mention about was out of the $700,000 budget cut by the budget committee, $560,000 of this money is additional state aid money we will receive this year in 2009. The cuts came over the objection and displeasure of the school committee I might add. The school budget committee wants to hang on every tax dollars like it was their own money.

This budget cuts have nothing to do with the children. The school will go on and on no matter what we cut. We are talking about greed from the people that control the tax dollars going into the school system. We are not talking about education of the children, we are talking about growing a business. We are talking about a business of their need to labeling more children, which adds more special aids, more teachers, bigger budgets, higher salaries for the administrators and teachers. With the teachers 5% raise coming to this year and over 120 employees at the school we can cut more at deliberative session. We only cut $700,000 out of the purposed budget increase .

Anonymous said...

It is about time that the people of Winchester, take a hard look at the future of the town. Perhaps an enlightening experience like riding around our fair village and seeing how many of the for sale signs on houses are foreclosures. This hasn't happened here since the great depression years. How much more will go to delinquent taxes? This country is in this mess because of runaway spending based on property values that don't exist today. Don't be fooled by government run by the employees for the employees. It has to stop somewhere. Let it be here.

Anonymous said...

George Orwell hit the nail on the head in one of his books, when he wrote that some of the animals in the barn were created more equal than the others. It used to be required reading in school here, when the expectations of the teachers were far higher.