Tuesday, October 20, 2009

AG's Office State Probe in Keene Sentinel Article Misleading -

Brian Jordan wanted to share with us a copy of the letter he got from the Attorney General’s Office. He thought people should see what the AG's office had to say in response to his complaints about Nate Jette and Chris Roberts.

The letter does not state as the Keene Sentinel wrote in their newspaper article last week that either of them were cleared of anything in any kind of “state probe”.

All the letter says is that based on the information provided there wasn’t enough evidence to start a criminal investigation.

It’s possible that if the AG’s office were to get other information or they were to question those with direct knowledge for instance, they may have a different determination.

So you really have to search out the truth because there seems to be a bigger fight to keep the truth hidden than some people ever could have imagined.

There must be a “walk in closet” full of skeletons in this town. Guess we'll have to try to shake them out.

Happy Halloween !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If the AG's office was interested in getting proof of criminal wrongdoing they would open up an investigation, spend some time in Winchester, talking to people and then they would spend some time in the Winchester Police Dept going through files and computers. They aren't going to be able to establish any wrongdoing by making a few phone calls to a couple of thieves asking them if they stole anything from the cookie jar.

They just aren't motivated to exposing one of their own and would rather protect them.

Anonymous said...

Did this investigator actually think that talking to the Chief and the two officers involved would provide one iota of the truth? Did he really think that these three would incriminate themselves by providing honest answers to his questions? It's truly an injustice to all when matters regarding an officer's conduct or issues with a department in general are swept under the rug as being minor, when the same offenses would result in jail time for the common man.

Anonymous said...

FACT: Not all parties with information were contacted by the AG's office.

Anonymous said...

2 years ago Phillips didn't want Jette part of his department because he wasn't good at the job of police officer and was causing embarrasment to the department. Jette's personnel file was chock full of disciplines and reprimands. Phillps even put him on the midnight shift in the hopes he would leave on his own. Jette tried to do that, but nobody wanted him because of all his integrity problems! Your Chief must have a short memory along with his short stock of principles.