Thursday, November 6, 2008

False Information and Wasting our Time?

We have been accused of doing the town a great disservice by Johnp, a very disgruntled Winchester resident who has accused us of posting false information and wasting our time because no one in Winchester cares about anything we post. Below is Johnp's post on the Forum board .. comments are welcome; but please keep them civil.

November 6, 2008 11:36 AM
Hello to whom ever it concerns! I just thought I would congradulate the owner of this blog site as being the biggest donater of false statements to the people of winchester. Keep up the good work. To bad you dont include your identity so we can come laff at you to your face. Everyone knows how ya must hide here in a blog, good job! Sure hope ya run for a office with all this info, that would even be more fun. Yes I find this lots of fun just to type to ya. Bet ya dont post this one Ha Ha! So keep up the goood work that has taken up so much of your time thatno one will ever read and continue doing what ya are doing it will only hurt your self and no one else in the town will give ya the time of day. Sure hope ya are realy proud of what you are doing, I know I am proud to know, thanks to ya very lame blogging as to what not to do. Again thanks for for showing me how not to be. I know my chain of command very well and when it comes time fix something I know where to go and who to ask and it surely wont be at this very lame approch ya have here. When it comes to town affairs ya have get of your computer chair ,walk out the door, go to town meetings,ask questions, and last but least make real attempts in getting to real truth, gossip and rummers get ya no where! Real invloved winchester residents get to real answers, no real involovement gets no real truth. I have spent litteraly thousands of ours asking questions and how to get things fixed none of my time has been wasted at all. How much time has been wasted here. how many things have ya fixed for winchester here . I thought so! those answers are ya have gained no ground at all . What a real waste of time.
So again keep up the good work and keep showing us all a good time


the Winchester Informer said...

Well Johnp, as you can see, we did post your comments for all to see. We don't hide anything, in fact we encourage people to post, both pro and con and give heir opinions to the subjects on this blog. So please feel free to come back anytime and post at your heart's content, we only ask that everyone refrain from using foul language and not attack anyone personally ( as you have attempted to do ). Perhaps you'll actually do a bit of reading and fact checking before you sit down to type a response.

Anonymous said...

I have been a steady reader of this blog for several months now and I find the information here very informative and it has opened my eyes to a number of different things wrong with our town and the people who were elected to run it. I have yet to see any false claims or misinformation here, so I don't know why you would say the things you have said about these people running this web site. I guess it does take all kinds to make a community, it's just too bad we don't have more people like these who have taken their time to show us problems we never knew about until now. You should really isssue an apology John to these fine people.

Anonymous said...

Johnp, keep up the good work. Apparently you think being the 4th highest taxed town in the state is a good idea. And you can bet this is not going to get you any brownie points in the town hall. You can join with a lot of people who would like to stop this crazy spending, and maybe we can pay the taxes and still buy groceries.

Anonymous said...

Actually reading these comments from Johnp was a waste of time. If he's not a town employee attempting to discredit this blog, he must be a relation to someone in town hall. He has the same signs of arrogance and that self rightous attitude so apply displayed at board meetings we have all been subjected to. I commend the owners of this site for allowing him to post and not removing his comments, shows people like him that all are welcome to say whatever they feel here.

Anonymous said...

JohnP: Thank you for posting your feelings.People like you that have their own opinions are just what makes this site creditable. Everyone's opinions are welcome. We try to be fair and balanced. Be reassured John, we are not hiding behind some cloak to protect us from someone gaining our identity.

Speaking for all of the members of the winchesterinformer; you can find us at most of the selectman's and planning board meetings and as a member of budget committee myself, I can attest that our info is correct. We dig for the facts so people reading these posts can draw their own conclusions about how their tax dollars are being spent or wasted. If in our reporting we misinterpret, we will be quick to correct. Personally, I have spent hours digging in the files at the town hall for the truth so you do not have to. Johnp, if there's something you dsagree with, what you called "false information" please point it out to us. Obviously the misinformation you are receiving, is influenced by the problem, "the town hall", the elected officials we entrusted to protect the best interest of the citizens of Winchester.

Anonymous said...

The older people in town are not happy with the way they are being forced to dig into the last of there savings to save there homes. They dont understand the raises and bonuses thats leading them to home loss. So johnp, think about your future in winchester, its time for a change, did you miss the elections?

Anonymous said...

Although I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, sometimes people run their mouths and need to be censored for their own good so others won't see their foolishness, especially in print. Johnp's posting was one of those times I think. He surely doesn't speak for us or anyone I know in town.

Anonymous said...

You can get off your soapbox now Johnp or whoever you are, the tide is turning despite your ridiculous statements.

Anonymous said...

Did you get paid by the selectmen or one of the department heads to come here and post that drivel Johnp? I'll bet they put you up to it.You should really explore all the facts before you go sticking your foot in your mouth again. Go read the selectman's minutes or the planning board minutes and educate yourself to what has been going on recently in town, then come back here and defend your statements if you can.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Johnp was educated at Winchester Elementary School. His grammar and spelling says a lot about his education. Pitiful! That was tax money well spent....

Anonymous said...

I happen to know johnp's loyalty to winchester very well and he is losing his home in Winchester because of his loyalty. And his total losses to the town of Winchester are exceeding $385,000.00. Are any of you folks losing that. So where is the humanity,dignaty,pride,heart and so on!

Anonymous said...

I would think that someone who may be on the verge of losing their home would relish the chance to regain control of their holdings by supporting people who have the town's best interests in mind as they seek change and an end to the staus quo that has been so prevalent in town for so long. By ridculing the people who have provide a board to sound off on and have taken the time to inform people of the irregularities in Winchester, while on the verge of losing it all makes no sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Johnp, how about the guy from winchester that is rumored to be on total disability and built a building including roofing. If this is true it stops all this guys credibly. The rest of us have one hell of a tax burden making up for people like this. We need a brake and this is the year.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe a thing this guy says, we are all watching and waiting for the deliberative session and then we'll see who is laughing.

Anonymous said...

Nearly 1200 people have visited the Informer home page and probably this blog too. I'd say there are an awful lot of hits for no one caring or reading wouldn't you Johnp?

Anonymous said...

Well Johnp, judging from the replies to your adverse comments I'd say you are among the minority in town that thinks things in town are just great. I have family in two of the surrounding towns that have come here to read and are shocked at how Winchester people are being taken for a ride. They were so impressed with this blog and the other sites put up by these people that they are going to start their own; how's that for no one is reading and all this being a big waste of time?

Anonymous said...

JOKE OF THE DAY Take a look at the Reader Opinion in todays keene sentinel. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

I saw nothing there in reference to this website, but there was an article in there written by a Winchester resident who was complaining about the surcharges on a package of cigarettes. Is this what you were referring to, informed? Are you saying that the person who wrote the defaming comments above is one and the same with the person who wrote to the paper?

Anonymous said...

I think its one in the same, the name and attitude fit.

Anonymous said...

No matter who this person is or was, the fact that they are attempting to cast doubt on what's posted here is obvious. There may be some statements on this blog that aren't factual; but they're not far off as to what is going on behind closed doors and that is plain as day. The fact that someone is actually attempting to shed some light on a variety of subjects which affects us all is good enough for me and if they error and get something wrong, so be it, we're all human and from past responses these people are quick to admit mistakes and attempt to correct any misinformation they have put up on this blog. As for the rest of the content, it's the opinions of others to which they have no control and if that is what you are complaining about, Johnp, that's too bad.

Anonymous said...

Hey Johnp, can you get us the answer as to why employees are getting huge bonuses and raises while the economy sucks for the rest of us and unemployment is climbing faster than Boeing 787?

Anonymous said...

Just as we all figured, this was just another attempt to discredit this blog and the fine people who run it. It's been several days now and this person has not come back and posted anything in his defense, though several bloggers have posted questions for him. I'll bet he was someone from the town hoping to discourage participation by the people in town by spreading lies and innuendos. Now that's lame.

Anonymous said...

The spelling and grammer in this guys blog was so bad I hope he is not who we think he is It looks like he would struggle really hard making change for his customers at his store(If it is him)

Mechanic said...

I am deffenitly in favor of this sight and agree that something is wrong and needs to be changed. As a home owner, fauther, worker and life long resident of winchester. The only problem I have is the bashing of peoples grammer and spelling. I myself have troubles with it and I do not blame it on a bad education or anything like that. That being said, I think Johnp needs to do his homework before telling any more stories.

Anonymous said...

Mechanic you are 100% right
I am guilty of bashing his grammer and that has nothing to do with the subjects on this sight. I must have got caught up in the moment and drifted of course.The subject should be how he wants us to blindly follow our leaders and not question anything.Pat yourself on the back Mechanic that was a good call on grammer bashing and I also sit and type with a dictionary in my lap and a wife who I try to get to proof read for me

Anonymous said...

We don't feel this website/blog is a waste of time. It is very informative and allows us to know what is really going on in our town.

Mechanic said...

Thank you anonymous, and I say that seeing as how Johnp does not seem to want to respond there must be a little guilt getting to him. As others have said before, it will all come out at the deliveritave sessions as long as we as a town stick together. Someone needs to start caring for the town, and include the best interest of the people that make it a town.

the Winchester Informer said...

We'd like everyone to take a step back and remember that even the most educated people in the world sometimes have troubles expressing themselves in writing and that spelling mistakes are the most common error committed, so many times, that programs like spell check have been implemented on just about every electronic device known to man. Having said that, we thank all of you for your support of our efforts and to Johnp, we thank you too, for taking the time to come and express your opinion and we apologize to you, for those who wrongly made fun of your spelling and grammar.

Anonymous said...

Its a new era and with info. like this web site its hard to keep people in the dark. So tax payers of winchester keep your eyes open and report what you see. Tell your friends and neighbors to wake up and get involved, this is our last best chance to change the way we do business as a town. I think even johnp would agree about now.

Mechanic said...

That is what it is going to take for any chance at a better change.

Anonymous said...

OMG......look at the selectmans meeting minutes for 12/3 "John P" is going to run for selectman this march, I dont know if I want to laugh or cry. I am one that wants Ted Whippie out of there but not to be replaced by John P

Anonymous said...

Really Scared,you have nothing to worry about, as you can see the voters are wising up. We need a couple of good people to run for budget com. look around its important.