Monday, January 26, 2009

A complete listing of all the town's warrants that will be on the March ballott


To the inhabitants of the Town of Winchester, in the County of Cheshire in said state, qualified to vote in Town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet in the Town Hall in said Winchester on Saturday the 7th of February next 2009 at nine o’clock in the forenoon to discuss, debate and amend warrant articles #1 through #40 and to receive the reports of the selectmen, town treasurer and other town officers including the agents and committees and act thereon. Final vote will be by the official ballot on Tuesday, March 10, 2009.

You are hereby notified to meet in the Town Hall in said Winchester on Tuesday, the 10th of March next 2009 at eight o’clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects. The Polls not to close an hour earlier than seven of the clock in the afternoon.

ARTICLE 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year.

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of up to Three Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,400,000.00) for the purpose of preparing plans and specifications, and for the reconstruction of the Winchester Wastewater Treatment Plant, that will qualify the Town for federal and state funds, such sum to be raised by serial bonds and notes, under and in compliance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (NHRSA 33:1 et seq as amended) and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the interest rate thereon, and to take such actions as may be necessary to effect the issuance, negotiation, sale and delivery of such bonds or notes as shall be in the best interest of the Town of Winchester; and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for, accept, and expend grants, donations, and gifts, and to participate in the State Revolving Fund, established pursuant to RSA 486:14.

To be enacted, this article requires a 3/5 vote.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-2

ARTICLE 3. Shall the Town of Winchester raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $3,555,071.00? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $3,564,362.00, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Winchester or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 10-1

ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000.00 for the Town’s share of State road grant reconstruction costs for bridges and place it in the non-lapsing Capital Reserve Fund established at the March 2006 Town Meeting under Article 19 for that purpose?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $28,677.00 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund established under Article 16 at the 2006 Town Meeting for the purpose of performing the assessing update or revaluation of the real estate in the Town of Winchester scheduled for 2009-2010?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $24,800.00 as the fourth of five lease-to-purchase payments for the 2004 International dump truck, plow, and sander package?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Account under the provisions of RSA 35:1 III for the purpose of future upgrades and/or purchase of the town’s computers and networking system, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be placed in this fund with the Board of Selectmen being the agent of said fund?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-1, 1 abstention

ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for promoting commercial and industrial development in the Town, and name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend said funds? This is to be a non-lapsing account.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be placed in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund established in 2006 at the Town Meeting under Article 14?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 10-1

ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,340.00 to payoff frozen sick time for Town employees?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 10-1

ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to hire a professional firm to prepare an impact fee schedule?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 to support the annual Pickle Festival?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 to be deposited in the Evergreen Expendable General Care Trust Fund established by an affirmative vote by the 1998 Town Meeting as Article 11; the source of these funds to be withdrawn from the surplus generated by the perpetual care funds already established for the care and maintenance of lots within the Evergreen cemetery, and not from taxation.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 11-0

ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for the purpose of subsidizing youth recreation in the Town to be paid to the E.L.M. Memorial Community Center on a contractual basis?

Inserted by petition
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-2

ARTICLE 15. Are you in favor of raising and appropriating the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for the support of The Winchester Learning Center, provided that the Winchester Learning Center raises an equal or greater amount from other sources?

Inserted by petition
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-0, 2 abstentions
Recommended by the Budget Committee 6-5

ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate up to $10,000.00 to reimburse the Conant Public Library Investment Account at Ocean Bank for the purchase a new boiler for the Conant Public Library?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0
Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-2

ARTICLE 17. Shall the Town vote to discontinue the Class 6 portion of Fullam Pond Road?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0

ARTICLE 18. Shall the Town vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 36-A:4-a, I(a) to authorize the conservation commission to expend funds to purchase interests in land outside the boundaries of our municipality, subject to the approval of the local governing body?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will adopt the provisions of RSA 466:30-a which make it unlawful for any dog to run at large, except when accompanied by the owner or custodian, and when used for hunting, herding, supervised competition and exhibition or training for such?

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0

ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the Reassessment Capital Reserve Fund established by Warrant Article #21 at the May 1987 Town Meeting? These funds were expended in full June 1996. This is a clean-up Warrant Article per the Department of Revenue.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0

ARTICLE 21. “Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 72:37b, for an optional tax credit of $750.00 on residential property for the expanded local property tax relief for all residents who have been declared to be disabled under the U.S. Federal Social Security Act?”

ARTICLE 21. cont. Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 22. Pursuant to RSA 41:8-d, “Are you in favor of decreasing the board of selectmen to 3 members?”

Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 23. In accordance with RSA 231:62 are you in favor of electing a Highway Agent for a three year term?

Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 24. Shall the Town, in accordance with RSA 79-A:25, deposit in the conservation fund up to $4,000.00 of the revenues per year collected in Land Use Change taxes, and deposit the balance of all such revenues in the general fund for the purpose of reducing taxation?

Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town of Winchester will accept the road known as Ashten Rue in the subdivision known as Woodward Heights Subdivision, as a town road.

Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 26. We the town’s people of Winchester, New Hampshire would like to have it put into the town’s policy that the animal control officer position be elected rather than being appointed by town officials.

Inserted by petition

ARTICLE 27. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #1 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article III, Q to read: Uncommon multiple uses of a property will require a special exception.

ARTICLE 28. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #2 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article III, T: Replace paragraph on signage with a new sign ordinance.

ARTICLE 29. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #3 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article III, J: Duplexes and multifamily housing, decrease minimum lot size requirements and density would be calculated by number of bedrooms and not units.

ARTICLE 30. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #4 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article III, K: Delete conversion and accessory apartments terms and consolidate the minimum housing requirements. (Homes are either single family, duplex or multifamily).

ARTICLE 31. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #5 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article XXII(Table of usage): Updates to A4, A5a, A5b, H1 & F5.

ARTICLE 32. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #6 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article XXI (Definitions): Delete A, accessory apartments & H, Conversion.

ARTICLE 33. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #7 as proposed by the Planning Board? Adopt the Small Wind Energy Ordinance.

ARTICLE 34. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #8 as proposed by the Planning Board? To amend Article III, U: Delete existing paragraph and replace with a new Steep Slopes Ordinance?

ARTICLE 35. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #9 as submitted by the Board of Selectmen? To amend Article XXII,(Table of Usage) J3: Change J3 and add J4 & J5; To allow composting facilities by special exception in the agricultural & commercial districts, subject to multiple conditions and still prohibit facilities designed to incinerate or dispose of solid waste, unless owned by the town and continue to allow storage of waste generated on site pending removal, recycling or collected by volunteers.

Recommended by the Planning Board

ARTICLE 36. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #10 as submitted by petition? To amend by removing all the Planned Residential Development Ordinances?

Not recommended by the Planning Board

ARTICLE 37. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #11 as submitted by petition? To request the Planning & Zoning Board to uphold & enforce the Steep Slopes Ordinance?

ARTICLE 38. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #12 as submitted by petition? To amend by removing all the Back Lot Ordinances.

Not recommended by the Planning Board

ARTICLE 39. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #13 as submitted by petition? To amend by prohibiting the installation of any new underground or fuel storage tanks in the downtown business district zone.

Not recommended by the Planning Board

ARTICLE 40. Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment #14 as submitted by petition? To amend with new language, item #3 under J, Industrial uses, to allow by special exception facilities designed to process, recycle, treat and transport solid waste, refuse and putrescible materials as defined by RSA’s only in the agricultural or highway commercial districts with restrictions.

Not recommended by the Planning Board

We, the undersigned Selectmen of the Town of Winchester, hereby certify on the 26th day of January, 2009 an Attested Copy of the Original Warrant was posted at the place of meeting within specified, at the Post Office in Winchester and the Post office in Ashuelot, New Hampshire being public Places in said Town.

True Copy of Warrant-Attest:
Sherman Tedford, Chairman

Kenneth Berthiaume

Roberta Fraser

Gustave Ruth

Theodore G. Whippie

Then personally appeared, Sherman Tedford, Kenneth Berthiaume, Roberta Fraser, Gustave Ruth and Theodore G. Whippie, Selectmen of the Town of Winchester, and made oath that the foregoing affidavit by them is true.

Before me:
Ellen A. Cole
Notary Public
Commission Expires:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Town Continues to Claim Information is False

We have received several more emails from citizens in town, who tell us they have called the town to check on the information being posted here and have been told that
the information on this blog is not true and in some instances it is pure lies.
To that we say hogwash, just more attempts to discredit us and promote doubt. The information we have provided has come directly from the town itself and invite anyone who claims otherwise to put up or shut up. Anyone wishing to verify any information found on this Blog or on our home page ( ) may do so by simply filling out a Citizens Right To Know form; which can be downloaded from a link on our homepage and submit it to either Bob Gray or Ellen Cole in the Selectman's office on the main floor at the town hall. That old adage that "people who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones" still holds true today.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Did the Board of Selectmen Act Illegally

At their most recent work session meeting held on 01/07/09,did several members of the board act illegally when they appointed alternates for themselves?

Below is a c&p from the meeting minutes,

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Tedford would like to appoint alternate officials when a representative of the Selectboard is unavailable to attend a committee meeting. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to appoint Sherman Tedford as her (Roberta Fraser) alternate member for the Budget Committee. Selectman Whippie seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to nominate Ted Whippie as Kenneth Berthiaume’s alternate representative for the Planning Board. Selectman Fraser seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.

This from the NHLGC; New Hampshire law does not authorize selectmen to create a standing pool of alternates, or even to appoint a “temporary” alternate to fill in for an absent selectman. This may present certain logistical challenges, particularly with three-member boards of selectmen, but that is the way the law is written. However, if a selectman is disqualified from participating in a specific matter because of a conflict of interest, the remaining members of the board may appoint a former selectman to fill in for that one specific matter. RSA 43:7. The disqualified selectman continues to be a board member and to participate in all other matters as usual except the one from which he or she is disqualified. In the unlikely event that an entire board of selectmen is disqualified, the board may ask the superior court to appoint former selectmen to handle the matter. RSA 43:8.

It would seem that by appointing alternates for themselves they have acted in an illegal manner.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Budget Committee Cuts School Budget

At Thursday's meeting, despite loud protests from school committee members, the Budget Committee voted to cut nearly $700,000.00 from the school budget in an attempt to reign in run away spending. Kudos to those members who voted in favor of the cuts and who acted in a responsible manner to the taxpayers of Winchester. It's a start in the right direction, let's hope we get enough support at the Deliberative Session to make some more needed cuts in our over inflated, pork filled budget and send a message loud and clear to those who continue to waste our hard earned tax dollars.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hope you all have really deep pockets and some money left in your 401ks, you're going to need it if these articles are placed on the ballot and are voted in.


To the inhabitants of the Town of Winchester in the County of Cheshire and the State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in school affairs: You are thereby notified to meet at the Winchester Gymnasium at 7:00 PM on Thursday, February 5th, 2009, to consider the following articles in deliberative session, pursuant to RSA 40:13. The official voting of the business of the School District as determined at the deliberative session and the election of School District Officers will be held at the Winchester Town Hall on Tuesday, March 10th, 2008 with the polls open between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.

ARTICLE ONE: Shall the Winchester School District raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $10,288,109? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $10,475,158, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Winchester School District or by law or the
governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. [NOTE: This operating budget warrant article does not include appropriations contained in ANY other warrant articles.]

ARTICLE TWO: Shall the voters of the Winchester School District adopt a School
Administrative Unit budget of $1,816,479 for the forthcoming fiscal year in which $258,279 is assigned to the school budget of this School District? This year's adjusted budget of $1,776,609, with $252,610 assigned to the school budget of this School District, will be adopted if the article does not receive a majority vote of all the school district voters voting in this School Administrative Unit. The operating budget for the SAU includes operating expenses for four school districts.

ARTICLE THREE: To see if the Winchester School District will vote to raise and appropriate “up to” $150,000 to be placed in the Special Education Expendable Trust Fund, with such amount to be funded from the June 30, 2009 unreserved fund balance
available for transfer on July 1, 2009? [NOTE: This article will not require any additional funds to be raised through general taxation.] The School Board recommends this article. The Budget Committee [does not] recommend this article.

ARTICLE FOUR: Shall the Winchester School District receive the reports of its agents, auditors, committees and officers?

ARTICLE FIVE: Are you in favor of re-opening Thayer High School starting in the 2009-2010 School year beginning with the freshman class and progressing one class per year until the Keene School District contract has expired? This will only take effect if the Keene School district is in agreement. (The current contract requires grades 9 thru 12.) By Petition

ARTICLE SIX: Shall the Winchester School District vote to transact any other business as may lawfully come before the meeting?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We deserve better from our leaders at the town hall!

The selectmen set the warrant articles for the budget, most voters respect the judgment of the selectmen when they go into the polling booth. Most votes see the warrant article has been approved by the selectmen most people will vote yes. Trusting the judgment of the selectmen. The past few years we have followed our leadership over a cliff. We trusting their judgment. Our tax rate for town government is steadily increasing. We were number one in the county in the year 2000 at $9.09. It steadily declined to $4.73 in 2004 about the time John Stetser took control, now it has steadily increased till we are now number 6th highest in the county at $7.01. This year in March we must use our good judgment in excepting what the selectmen approved.

The school budget shows the same trend. We went from 7th highest in the county in 2000 to the highest in 2007 at a tax rate of $17.13 and in 2008 we are the second highest behind Monadnock School at $16.22. Yes! We can not blame the leaders at the town hall for the school, but we can blame our budget committee for both budgets. Replace the people up for election this year with people with people that have an interest in saving our town from being the highest taxed community in the state.

The Winchester Residents deserve better from our elected leadership for what we are getting for our tax dollars.

The town doesn't look like it did one year ago. We have two tools here in place now. One: the keeps asking hard important questions, where is the accountability for our tax dollars. Two: The people should keep posting their concerns on the winchesterinformer. It is having an affect on our town government toward being more accountable.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The Informer has received the following email from a concerned Winchester citizen in regards to a problem they observed at the Town recycling center due to lack of employee attention.

I have been to the dump on Saturday and today. I thought that we were supposed to be recycling. Both days the attendant was in the shed and people unloaded any kind of rubbish from pickup trucks and put it into the container. On Saturday , my husband asked about why trash was not separated and did not get a satisfactory answer. I wonder how many citizens are doing this with no regard to the cost to the town. Perhaps you could ask the select people why they are not monitoring this situation as it is costing us money.

Thanks for your help.

This person is absolutely right. By not properly disposing of your trash, it costs us all more money when these containers have to be gone through by the disposal company to remove recyclables that were thrown into them instead of the proper bins the town supplies just for this purpose. Are we just too lazy to do this or is it a case of lack of supervision by the center's employees and an attitude of "I just don't care " by those who circumvent the centers spirit of recycling? In any case this is a matter that needs to be addressed by the BOS and anyone who sees this happening should report the person doing this by simply taking down a plate number and making a complaint at Town Hall ..

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Are you in favor of decreasing the board of selectmen to 3 members?'' pursuant to RSA 656:13.

One way to correct the direction our town has been taken in, is to start over with our elected officials; the Selectmen. If the voters agree; According to RSA 41:8-d, we can petition the voters to rescind our previous action of increasing the board to 5 Selectmen and reduce it to 3 Selectmen by petition.
According to RSA41 8-e: If a town votes to decrease its board to 3 members, at the annual meeting following the meeting at which it so voted, the terms of office of all members of the Board of Selectmen shall end and the town shall elect 3 new members to the Board of Selectmen. We can vote to start over and any selectmen would have to rerun for the office. This would be the first step to regaining control of our town an insuring that Winchester would become a town of it's people, governed in a manner in which everyone had a voice and those voices would be heard. No more " we'll take it under advisement, thank you for your comments" and then nothing is done. It's time to elect officials who will listen and then act on the concerns of it's citizens. What say thee?

For those who question the legality of this issue .. we'll go one step farther.

41:8-d Revocation. – A town which has voted to enlarge its board of selectmen may rescind its action in the manner described in RSA 41:8-b, except that the question shall read: "Are you in favor of decreasing the board of selectmen to 3 members?''

and pursuant to RSA 656:13.

41:8-e Effective Date and Manner of Increase or Decrease. – If a town votes to enlarge or to decrease its board of selectmen the change does not take effect in either case until the first annual meeting following the meeting at which the questions were acted upon. If the town votes to enlarge the board to 5 members, at the first annual meeting following the meeting when the action was taken the town shall elect 2 members for a 3-year term and one member for a one-year term. At the next succeeding annual meeting 2 members shall be elected for a 3-year term, at the next following annual meeting one member shall be elected for a 3-year term, and at succeeding annual meetings members shall be elected to fill the vacancies regularly occurring. If a town votes to decrease its board to 3 members, at the annual meeting following the meeting at which it so voted, the terms of office of all members of the board of selectmen shall end and the town shall elect 3 members of the board of selectmen, one for one year, one for 2 years, one for 3 years and at all succeeding annual meetings shall elect a member to the board for a 3-year term.

Selectman want to add another $3,641,817.00 to budget spending

Here are the final BOS Warrant Articles to be place on the 2009 ballot. In a time when every area town and the state is cutting back expenses and laying some employees off, our town's elected official continue on with the status quo of adding more expenditures to an already over bloated budget. Are they really working for us the taxpayer and the best interest of Winchester? You be the judge ...


ARTICLE 1 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,400,000.00) for the purpose of preparing plans and specifications, and for the reconstruction of the Winchester Wastewater Treatment Plant, that will qualify the Town for federal and state funds, such sum to be raised by serial bonds and notes, under and in compliance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (NHRSA 33:1 et seq as amended) and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the interest rate thereon, and to take such actions as may be necessary to effect the issuance, negotiation, sale and delivery of such bonds or notes as shall be in the best interest of the Town of Winchester; and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for, accept, and expend grants, donations, and gifts, and to participate in the State Revolving Fund, established pursuant to RSA 486:14? To be enacted, this article requires a 3/5 vote. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0. [If passed, taxation will not be impacted by this appropriation until 1 year after the completion of this project in 2012]

ARTICLE 2 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000.00 for the Town’s share of State road grant reconstruction costs for bridges and place it in the non-lapsing Capital Reserve Fund established at the March 2006 Town Meeting under Article 19 for that purpose? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 3 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $28,677.00 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund established under Article 16 at the 2006 Town Meeting for the purpose of performing the assessing update or revaluation of the real estate in the Town of Winchester scheduled for 2009-2010? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0.

ARTICLE 4 To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $24,800.00 as the fourth of five lease-to-purchase payments for the 2004 International dump truck, plow, and sander package? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0.

ARTICLE 5 To see if the Town will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Account under the provisions of RSA 35:1 III for the purpose of future upgrades and/or purchase of the town’s computers and networking system, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be placed in this fund with the Board of Selectmen being the agent of said fund? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 6 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for promoting commercial and industrial development in the Town, and name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend said funds? This is to be a non-lapsing account. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be placed in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund established in 2006 at the Town Meeting under Article 14? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0. Budget recommendation?

ARTICLE 8 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,340.00 to payoff frozen sick time for Town employees? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 9 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to hire a professional firm to prepare an impact fee schedule? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 10 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 to support the annual Pickle Festival? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0.

ARTICLE 11 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 to be deposited in the Evergreen Expendable General Care Trust Fund established by an affirmative vote by the 1998 Town Meeting as Article 11; the source of these funds to be withdrawn from the surplus generated by the perpetual care funds already established for the care and maintenance of lots within the Evergreen cemetery, and not from taxation. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0.

ARTICLE 12 To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for the purpose of subsidizing youth recreation in the Town to be paid to the E.L.M. Memorial Community Center on a contractual basis? Inserted by Petition. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 4-0.

ARTICLE 13 Are you in favor of raising and appropriating the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for the support of The Winchester Learning Center, provided that the Winchester Learning Center raises an equal or greater amount from other sources? Inserted by Petition. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 3-0, with 2 abstentions.

ARTICLE 14 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate up to $10,000.00 to reimburse the trust fund for the purchase a new boiler for the Conant Public Library? Recommended by the Board of Selectmen, 5-0.