Thursday, March 5, 2009

NH Stimulus Wish List

We received the following in an email this morning ..

I would like to post an inquiry on the Winchester Informer- To get
a better understanding why The Town of Winchester is not a part
of the "NH Stimulus Wish List"? I located this at Keene Sentinel
Online It is so frustrating to see all the towns listed on this Wish
List and it certainly is astounding to see what these towns are
asking help with and the amount offunds they are requesting.
What about Winchester? Do any of our Selectmen even know about
this? Do they care to inquire? I may not be completely clear on the
"purpose" of this Wish list but it certainly looks like someone from
our Town Office should be inquiring on it and certainly hope we
didn't miss a great opportunity on funding for our town!

Thank you.
Wendy Hildreth

We're sure everyone would like to know why Winchester isn't on
that list asking for help on the many projects in town and on the
many spending articles that have been submitted by our elected
officials. Does make you wonder ..


Anonymous said...

If in fact there is money going to towns that apply, and we didn't, someone is at fault. Ether in the town hall or our reps. in concord. It was in the paper last week about money for water and sewer, did we apply? Sounds like a job for John Gomarlo, Henry Parkhurst, or Molly Kelly.

Anonymous said...

I guess they think that we're all so well off that they don't need government money, they have us to keep filling the town coffers.

Anonymous said...

The Sewer Plant would be the ideal stimulus package project for our town. And Bob Gray & several Board of Selectman have been talking with key people. Plus Gus Ruth composed a letter that was signed by all of the Selectman & was mailed out several weeks ago (I believe it was to Paul Hodes' office). They have been working on it - HOWEVER,

FACT - The stimulus monies are going to "construction ready" projects only.

FACT - The sewer plant project won't be "construction ready" for two years.


We would need to have the engineers get our plans completed immediately and out-to-bid by July. It's simply NOT going to happen.

Warrant Article #3 is a Catch 22 for our town.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, article 3 is still a ton of money, and its money that some people can't pay.

FedUp2 said...

The mailing from the Board of Selectmen would appear to be intentionally misleading and misinforming the taxpayers.

Does anyone know which Selectmen made the false statement that this project had expected stimulus monies?

Anonymous said...

They'll do and say anything to get their own way, just look at the rest of the warrant articles that they approved and placed on the ballot. Several are an attempt to get around spending the budget committee said no to, simply because the town can't afford them right now with the way the economy is effecting everyone and yet the selectmen ignored the board and adopted warrants to circumvent their recommendations. I don't know about you; but this just shows me the arrogance and total disregards for the rest of us this group has. They are out of control and need to be replaced with people who will act in the best interest of all of us, not just themselves and the rest of the town's employees. Aristocracy is an evil thing, when you have a small circle of people controlling all factions of town government, there is no democracy and everyone but a few suffer the consequences.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

As a budget committee member and a tax payer I was appalled at the selectmen actions of adding these articles after the budget committee cut them.

Whether people like me, or dislike my tactics in forcing change,you have to admit I have force conversation and dialog among the citizens of Winchester. Now the citizens have awaken, criticizing and not accepting what they hear from the town hall. It will be hard to shut us up now. In the past we trusted and accepted the selectman's opinion to do the right thing for the welfare of the citizens. Now as I talk to people around town the past two years I can see people are speaking-out and have awakening to the fact we are getting screwed by our leadership at the town hall and by their circle of friends.

People have told me we will never make them change in the town hall, the same people said we can never get rid of Stetser. Now they are talking differently.

The circle of influence at the town hall has links missing, we have a chance to remove two more links the selectmen.

Show them with a vote of no confidence and vote NO on all their articles, including Margaret Sharra's planning board articles 27 - 35. 35 and 40. Yes on 36-39 If Sharra has her hand in something it must be looked at suspiciously.

Vote for me Bob Davis and Brian Moser and see what we can do. We will develop transparency and sense of openness at the town hall.
March 8, 2009 9:27 PM