Wednesday, May 27, 2009

June 1st Winchester Planning Board Meeting - Please Come

Dear Fellow Winchester Citizen,

This Monday – June 1st there will be a Public Meeting with the Planning Board as regards a proposed Industrial Park on Route 119 between Ashuelot and Winchester.

This is the same property and owner that wanted to put a compost facility in the location in question. The town voted on allowing that this past March and defeated it.

At this past Planning Board Meeting the Board was told by Stevens and Associates, who represent the property owner, that they would revisit the Compost Facility Proposal at a later date but for now are trying to establish approvals for an Industrial Park.

I would like to ask anyone getting this email to read the attached letter and be present at the Planning Board Meeting on Monday June 1st at the Winchester Town Hall. It will start at 7pm.

Because this will impact the quality of life we have in Winchester I think it is in the best interest of us all if we hear for ourselves what is being proposed and the various viewpoints around it.

I personally am against such a proposal.

Thanks very much. Please pass this on to anyone you know in Winchester.

Strength, honor and blessing,

Bill Phillips – Ashuelot, New Hampshire


Anonymous said...

You go Bill! We are behind you 100 percent!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....have you ever heard of Mount Trashmore?
Mount Trashmore Park is 165 acres. The mountain is 60 ft. high and over 800 ft. long, and was created by compacting layers of solid waste and clean soil. The park is open from 7:30am to sunset. Facilities include four large and many small picnic shelters, playground areas, a basketball court, four volleyball areas, parking, a walking trail, vending machines, and restrooms.

The park features two lakes, Lake Windsor located along South Blvd, is brackish water fed by Thalia Creek. Fishing is allowed. Lake Trashmore located along Edwin Dr, is freshwater and is stocked with fish. No private boats are allowed on this lake, but fishing is allowed.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

re: Planning Board meeting on June 1st. Notice in the Winchester Post Office of meeting now indicates that TTT or N&M properties has WITHDRAWN their application for this hearing on the 1st, and will not be heard.
Do come anyway tho, for we still have the VanDyke situation on the other side of town being heard.

Anonymous said...

I am personally for it and will spread the word!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's NOT add a Trash Mountain to go with the Pisgah Mt. we already have. Let's not turn the Ashuelot River into the Trash Mt. runoff river. Enough pollution already! Studies have found that adding more businesses and residents to a town only increase the existing per person costs of services to a town. In other words it makes the taxes go UP!!! Smaller is better and cheaper. We have no need to accomodate some VT business. Let's keep Ashuelot beautiful and dump free.

Anonymous said...

might be hilarious but its true! Check it out on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Recreation on a giant mound of municipal solid waste? Now THAT sounds appealing. Fortunately we live in the country and don't have to pile up other peoples garbage in order to get a place to play. I would suggest that if the idea of "Mt Trashmore" appeals to you, perhaps you should relocate to where ever it is...

Anonymous said...

Its clear that the people who are fighting this have way to much time on their hands. We need this business and I will personaly make sure that it happens. You guys need to get a "Real Life" Go fight more important issues, there are many more in this world that are alot more important. This is all just ridiculous crap!

Anonymous said...

Good ole USA! Virginia Beach Virginia is where it is located.

And actually we have a small replica of Mt trashmore in Winchester minus a play area but its behind our dump! All our trash from years gone by just covered up.

Anonymous said...

I too support this facility coming to our town.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 7:26 pm.. Please tell us WHY you support this facility...Thank you

Anonymous said...

I guarantee this goofball doesn't pay taxes in this town. Either because they don't live here or they pay rent. How much do you want to bet?

Nor do they have any clue how the property taxes work. Or how this type of business will NOT help with the taxes.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break!! If you pay rent you are paying your share of property taxes!! get a clue! Most rental income goes towards property taxes. Renters should have just as much say as home owners.

Anonymous said...

If you rent property (as opposed to owning it) You have no vested interested in the long term effects on the comunity - Once Winchester has become the dumping center of central New England you can simply pick up and move to some place nicer, and the fact that property values have gone down owing to the proximity of a landfill means nothing to you...

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it! We voted not to have this trash project in Winchester and now they think that they can back door the no answer. Obviously someone somewhere has said that if you keep harping at the people in this town they will give in. I am certain that we are all smart enough to see the forest through the trees and figure out that we have all ready spent too much money cleaning up the Ahsuelot. I certainly don't want another bill like we had when the tannery had to be cleaned up. Would someone please tell me what this company does not understand?

Anonymous said...

I have been a renter in ashuelot for many many years and plan to stay here long term, that doesnt mean I dont care about the town. I care very deeply. The same goes for property owners, many people just sell there propery when the feel like moving for many different reasons. I think that people should be concerned what down town Winchester looks like and stop putting way to much time and effort into some business that will be on rte 119. Put your energy into more important issues and stop your wining!

Anonymous said...

I dont consider Brattleboro to be a "Dumping Ground" as you so called put it.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, as a renter, you can't comprehend the effect a dump would have on selling our homes. In your head it's a simple matter. The truth is - NO ONE wants to invest in a house next to a dump. Especially when you comprehend what the value of our property is now, compared to what it will be with a dump next door (or down the street).
You are completely missing our point! We can't just up and sell our homes. We invest time and money into our homes and care passionately about our surroundings and our community.
It's not as if we have the ability to throw up our hands and say, "Gee this place stinks. The paint is peeling off the house. The landlord won't fix things when I want them too. I guess I'll find another place to live."
I hope that some day, you too will have a vested interest in your community. Then and only then will you be able to comprehend our fears.

Anonymous said...

Just because I dont own property in the town does not mean I dont invest in the town. I contribute many hours of my free time to many community activities. What do you do?

Anonymous said...

Ya I agree with you. Sounds like these people have nothing but to much free time on their hands. Come on you already live in Winchester, thats enough to make the value of your property go down as it is. I agree with the person who wrote about taking a closer look at down town. Its such a ugly site driving by. Why cant we put some energy into cleaning that up?

Anonymous said...

Talk about investing your money into a home next to a "dump"... I bet you haven't ever thought about the poor people that have property next to our current facility we have in our town. They have to put up with overflowing trash containers, traffic, smell etc because our facility is not up to date technology. And I bet everyopne of you dump your trash there... Dont you? The company we contract with that transfers our waste and trash could careless about Winchester! I have seen many times going to our facility the overflowing containers and no where else to put your trash- NOW THATS DISGUSTING! and guess what your taxes are paying for it. HOw many times have you taking a walk or travel into the woods to see how many refrigerators, furniture, tires etc just thrown because people cant afford to bring it to the recycle center for the fee?
Get educated with the 21st century technology of recycling.
Hey another question for you? If N&M bought out Waste Management company contract with the town- then what would you do? Where would you bring your trash then?

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh, if N&M Properties bought out the CONTRACT with the town, then they would be CONTRACTUALLY OBLIGATED to provide the waste transfer services, so I guess we'd all bring our trash to the SAME PLACE but the containers would say TTT Trucking not Monadnock disposal or whatever.
Since we agree that transfer stations are disgusting, I don't see what the attraction is of having another one...

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is you didnt respond to what I asked about dumping your trash in our current facility. It doesnt bother you to devalue the home owners on forest Lake road by bringing your trash there but you are not willing to allow up to date technology come into our town to provide a better way to handle our recycles, trash, dump (call it what you will) What I think is disgusting is that the ones who have our current contract do not care about Winchester because they continously allow overflowing of containers, etc etc and to me what we have now is a DUMP! along with all the objects that are currently in our woods that people leave there and are ruining our enviroment because they cant afford to bring them to a facility to be recycled. Not long ago Winchester Selectmen were looking at having residents "buy" the special trash bags like Hinsdale. What do you think about that idea? Paying for your bag of trash to be recycled?

Anonymous said...

Wow, do i agree with the post above!! Great job and you are so right. Have we even given a thought to those people that live close to the dump we have now? I find it to be horrid! The trash is always over flowing and I have to hold my breath to just drive in. The only reason "some" Ashuelot residents dont want it, is because its on their side of town. Get real! I am going to vote yes come march and you people should too!