Sunday, July 25, 2010

Riddle Me This Part Two

Name another town in the State of New Hampshire or the country for that matter that would allow someone with a violent temper requiring him to attend a Mental Health Program and be placed on probation for Criminal Threatening continue to be involved in Community Services and around young children. 

We received an email containing the following and checked the information ourselves to verify it's truthfulness.

" Reporting Good News "

Ironically, an individual trying to cover up his negative side started the “Positive News” Winchester blog site.  The Keene Sentinel reported this week that Edward A. Lake, 42, of 3 Main Street, Ashuelot plead guilty to one of several Criminal Threatening charges.  We have heard the recording of the threat and agree there was no way he could plead innocent.  Ironically, despite the fact that he was threatening to blow his victims head off, he refused to sign the court’s no firearms waiver.  A charge of  Simple Assault was dismissed for lack of evidence as was two more charges of Criminal Threatening in a plea agreement.

With that in mind, we recommend that the ELMCC seriously consider asking him to step down as Vice Chairman of their board and not allowing this individual to continue volunteering as a coach, or chaperone.

He was sentenced to 120 days in jail (deferred) with two years probation and mandated to attend nine months of councilling with a Cheshire County Mental Health program. It's obvious that this is one disturbed individual with a multitude of issues.

Whatever good news he has tried to spread about himself over the past few months, the cat-is-now-out-of-the-bag.  We write this as a warning to parents whose children attend ELMCC programs and events and think you should be made aware of the facts.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Help Me Find My Way Home

I'm lost and don't know how to find my way home. For the past few weeks I've been living at the home of some nice people who have been giving me food and water and shelter and taking care of me; but I want to go home. Do you know me and where I live? If you do would you please contact the Winchester Informer so I can get in touch with my owners.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Riddle Me This ..

We've been pondering this for a few days now and just can't seem to come up with any rational reasoning for what transpired at the last ZBA meeting. Perhaps someone out here in the cyber world can make sense of this:

 At the June monthly ZBA meeting, Art Charland, one of the appointed alternates on the Planning Board offered his services to John Hann and volunteered to be an alternate on the Zoning Board. Art has much experience in ZBA and PB duties having been on boards in other towns. Art should be commended for his willingness to take part in town business and offering his expertise and service. John accepted Art's request and he was confirmed an alternate by all the members of the board.

However, just before last weeks meeting of the board, he received a call from John Hann and was told he could not be an alternate; because it was stated, this would be a conflict of interest and not allowed under the law or the new Conflict of Interest warrant passed by the town this past election according to Margaret Sharra.  Art questioned this by asking,  then how is it that Ken Cole can be appointed to both boards and Margaret Sharra, a part-time town employee, Chairperson of the Planning Board and appointed secretary to the Zoning Board, as well a member of REDC and other committees, not be considered in the same manner? Clearly this too violates the law. John Hann replied, " NO ". When asked to explain he stated  because Margaret said so.  HUH????  Does this make any sense to any of you ?? Is it NOT clear what's going on regarding the law and Ms. Sharra's feelings?

Here's another one that should have you shaking your heads.

In regards to the old train station in Ashuelot, recently purchased by Jane Sheeran. Seems, we are told,  she wants to tear down the old historic building, so she went to Leroy Austin, our code non-enforcement officer, who, issued a permit to her so she could go ahead with the demolition. Course, Leroy, in his usual manner of incompetence went an issued the permit for Lot #45 on Map 19 .. So you ask what's wrong with this? Seems legal enough, after all he's entrusted to act as an agent of the town and surely he's qualified to make these decisions, right?  Well believe it or not, Leroy issued Ms. Sheeran a permit to build/demolish on the wrong piece of land. Yup, he's screwed up again and put the town squarely behind the eight-ball, which could lead to a lawsuit. You see the  information received for the ZBA hearing that took place Thursday, July 1st - was that the building permit that Leroy Austin gave to Jane Sheeran for the Railroad Station  for Lot #45 on map 19 was:

Please note the location that it was submitted for:

Owner Information:


Building Value: $0
Features Value: $0
Land Value: $1,600

Card Value:
Parcel Value:




Does anyone else think it's time to replace Mr. Austin with someone who's at least competent enough to read maps and lot numbers ?

There's so much more we could add to this topic; 10 sick days, $1200 dollar picnic tables, more wasted dollars on chip sealing town roads after last year's fiasco, purchasing cruisers after a warrant clearly showed the town's citizens said NO and on and on it goes; but we don't want to put all of our cards on the table ( so to speak ) right now. We'll add something new every week just to see and hear your reactions and read your comments.

Winchester, stranger than fiction ..


Town of Winchester 1 Richmond Road Winchester, NH 03470
MINUTES of the
May 26, 2010
Work session

Board Members Present:  Sherman Tedford-Chairman; Roberta Fraser; Gustave Ruth; Theresa Sepe and Kenneth Gardner. Also present is Town Administrator Robert Gray. Also attending is Leroy Austin, building inspector/code enforcer and Rick Meleski, sewer department superintendent. The meeting convenes at 10:00AM.  

1st Order of Business: Open Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the May 17, 2010 work session minutes: Selectman Ruth makes a motion to accept the minutes.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.  

2nd Order of Business: Discussion with Mr. Andrew Symington regarding 7 Dubriske Ct.
Mr. Andrew Symington addresses the board explaining his reason for meeting with the Board today:
On March 28th he sent the board a booklet outlining what he thinks the issues are of 7 Dubriske Ct. Prior to purchasing the property Mr. & Mrs. Symington had discussions with the realtor and with Leroy Austin to find out everything they could about the property. The sewer goes into a holding tank that needs to be pumped frequently. Leroy said that would still be permitted as long as the alarm is fixed on it so the occupants know when it needs to be pumped. The Symington’s were aware of this before the property was purchased. The problem started when he tried to rent it out. The neighbor was against them renting it out until the septic was fixed. He also claimed that the house was condemned years ago. From having more conversations with Leroy and surrounding neighbors it became clear that 7 Dubriske Ct was condemned at some time. Mr. Symington began to investigate the issues. All orders to vacate must have been recorded in the court. There are no records of it. Neither Mr. Symington nor Leroy has found anything to substantiate that the place was condemned, just what is known from Leroy and others. Selectman Gardner asks if an order to vacate was actually issued. Leroy responds not by him, by former health officer Bucky Jones. Leroy explains that there was an issue with the holding tank when the Porter’s were at the place. They did not pump it regularly. Leroy claims that property was part of the “dirty dozen” Selectman Tedford asks if the property is in compliance with everything right now. Leroy answers yes and he has issued a Certificate of Occupancy based on the fact that Mr. Symington was going to pump the holding tank regularly. Mr. Symington states that he may not have purchased the property if he had known about these issues. Selectman Ruth asks if that property was part of the original hookups. Selectman Tedford states that there were lines but no lateral. He asks if the original plans were created for Dubriske Ct. or Broadbrook Rd. Leroy claims it was for Broadbrook Rd and one property at 7 Dubriske Ct. Mr. Symington states that the town is under the obligation to take care of the property since an order to vacate was issued. Mr. Symington has a map that shows the areas that were supposed to be serviced and he claims Dubriske Ct is a part of it. Selectman Ruth questions where the lateral is. Selectman Ruth states there is a place for Mr. Symington to hookup, the manhole and that it is the responsibility of the landowner to provide the lateral for the sewer. Mr. Symington disagrees. He feels it is the town’s responsibility to provide the lateral. Selectman Gardner asks if there is ledge on the property. Leroy answers yes. Selectman Tedford asks where the water line goes and Rick answers it goes up Broadbrook Rd. and goes parallel across the road and runs in front of all the houses on Dubriske Ct. Rick is not aware of ledge.
There is discussion about when the Ashuelot sewer project was funded and what area was supposed to be connected. It was funded in 1990. Some paperwork cannot be found. Original plans are in office, but the as- builds cannot be found. Rick cannot find the plans showing anything on Dubriske Ct. Mr. Symington explains that the road is on a hillside and there is not ledge, it is fill so it wouldn’t be hard to run the line. Mr. Symington has been working on getting easements from the property owners on Dubriske Ct.    Selectman Tedford questions why a water line was put in and not sewer. Mr. Symington has hired an engineer to draw up designs. He will give those to the town to use. He is doing the legwork and would like the town to do the actual work. Selectman Tedford asks Rick’s Meleski’s opinion. Rick would like all three houses to hook up to sewer. If a main were put in then according to the ordinance the houses would have to comply and hook up. They discuss how the lateral would be put in if there were ledge. Selectman Tedford asks about the cost for test boring. No one is sure about that. Selectman Gardner asks about the design plans that Mr. Symington had done. Does it take into account ledge, and it does not on the designs. Rick has looked at the plans. There are extras in the plans that the town may not do. The plans would have to go to Steve Roberts at the DES to approve. Selectman Sepe questions the approved septic systems at the houses. Mr. Symington does have a compliant system right now that just has to be pumped out frequently. Selectman Sepe questions if a line has ever been extended on a road at the Town’s expense before. Leroy says yes it has, Goamko Dr and most recently Snow Brook Rd. Selectman Tedford wants to know the depth of the lateral. The manhole is 10ft deep. Rick will go get the plans. A ten-minute recess is taken at 10:50am.
Meeting reconvenes at 11:00am.
Rick Meleski has the information of the depth of the stub for Dubriske Ct. It is approximately 10ft down and there is no bore testing that has been done. Selectman Tedford asks how the water line goes up Dubriske Ct. The water line is 5ft down. A sewer main would have to be on the left side of the Rd. A sewer line would go into a concrete sleeve to cross the water line. The board looks at the plans and discusses if it can be done. Rick explains that Mr. Symington can apply and run a 4-inch line to his house since there is a lateral so close. The question is where to run the line. There are factors to consider before moving forward with this. Need pricing on test boring, since it would have to be done. A decision would have to be made as to whether to add a line or a main. Need to confirm where the water line is. If the town puts a lateral in Mr. Symington is responsible for the line from the house to the Rd and he is aware of it. Selectman Tedford asks if we can get an idea of what it would cost to test bore and then have another meeting. Selectman Tedford asks if Mr. Symington would split the cost of test boring. Mr. Symington agrees to pay $500.00 of the cost. Selectman Tedford wonders if the town could dig to see how deep it is and never mind test boring.
Bob will get waivers signed from property owners and Rick will get Donald to dig for the water line. Rick will go from manhole to stub to determine where the ledge is. There is a discussion as to whether to add a lateral or a main and have everyone connect.
Selectman Sepe clarifies what will be done now, property owners will be asked for permission to dig, do the testing, and Mr. Symington will continue to pump the system he has now. Everyone agrees that is what is going to happen.
Another meeting will be held on June 16 at 7:00pm.

3rd Order of Business: Office documents
1.John Gomarlo’s vacation request was discussed and Bob will sign it.
2. Kristine Chestna, from Tata & Howard, brought a change order and the addendum to add Tata & Howard’s engineering cost for work for the headworks at the sewer plant. As soon as the approved addendum to the note from the DES is received these documents can be signed.
3. Abatement approvals- Avitar has given their opinion as to whether to approve or deny the abatement applications and the Selectmen need to approve or deny.
Selectman Tedford makes a motion to approve the abatements for:  
M5 L 53-2
M8 L 53-1-6
M37 L 4-6
M8 L 44
Selectman Gardner seconds it. Motion carries.
Bob explains the denials.
Selectman Fraser makes a motion to deny for M33 L24-C Selectman Tedford seconds it, motion carries
Selectman Tedford makes a motion to deny for M20 L15 Selectman Sepe seconds it, motion carries
Selectman Gardner makes a motion to deny for M2 L28-1 Selectman Sepe seconds it, motion carries
Selectman Tedford makes a motion to deny for M21 L22 Selectman Gardner seconds it, motion carries
Selectman Gardner makes a motion to deny for M37 L16 Selectman Sepe seconds it, motion carries
Selectman Fraser makes a motion to deny M15 L15 Selectman Tedford seconds it, motion carries with Selectman Ruth abstaining since it is his property
Selectman Gardner makes a motion to deny M26 L59 Selectman Sepe seconds it, motion carries

Since the salt has already been paid for from the highway budget and that was included in expenses figured last week, Selectman Gardner would like to have High St. fixed and paved, as Dale had requested.
Selectman Gardner makes a motion to expend up $15,000.00 to pave High Street, to be finished and billed before June 15th. Selectman Ruth seconds it. Motion carries.

Selectman Tedford makes a motion to approve the transfer from the landfill budget to the highway budget. Selectman Ruth seconds it. Motion carries.

Town Administrator Bob Gray Resigns

We've received word that Bob has turned in his resignation effective October 1st.
Bob cites personal reasons for his leaving and that he had been contemplating this move for some time.
This is surely a huge loss for the town as Bob is well like, highly respected and always a pleasure to talk with no matter what the subject. With the loss of Ellen Cole and now with Bob turning in his resignation, the face of Winchester is most definitely changing. Is there something going on behind the scenes that we all need to know about ?