Friday, August 6, 2010

Riddle Me This Part Three

When is a serious safety hazard not a hazard?   Can we all say DYSFUNCTIONAL .....

Taken verbatim from Wednesday's BOS meeting;

Selectman Ruth would like to alert the Board to problems over at the tannery. Leroy is very concerned about liability issues. Selectman Ruth said, “There are holes where the old tanks were. Some depths of these tanks were about 12 feet. If someone falls in they won’t be able to get out. It isn’t fenced in any more. These are some pictures I took of where the leather factory was. These are different areas. These walls are approximately 12 feet high, and there is no way of getting out of it if you fall in. There are no ladders or access to the surface.” Selectman Sepe said, “If Leroy is concerned about it why isn’t he here speaking to us.” Gus said, ”These are my concerns.  Leroy is concerned about the buildings. Selectman Fraser asks  ”Did Leroy bring this to your attention?” Selectman Ruth said “No, somebody else had brought it to my attention because it was found that turtles are trapped in there now. Snapping turtles, Wood turtles, and Painted turtles are trapped inside these. Selectman Sepe clarified that this is not a secured property. Selectman Ruth said “First of all the turtles need to be removed before winter, or they will die in there. The water is about 2 feet deep. I think we should do something. Right now I have 2 people that are willing to help, one is a licensed trapper and the other is an individual from town who is willing to go down there and trap the turtles and take them out.  Right now we have 2 feet of water in there, and I would like to get the Fire Department or someone with a portable pump to pump the water out.” Chairman Tedford suggests demolishing one wall. Selectman Ruth said, ”The holding tanks are 12 feet below the surface, and they will fill up again.” The Board is concerned that the tanks are 12 feet deep, and if someone falls in there is no way of getting up and out of these. Selectman Ruth said “Right now the bottom of them is probably water level, in the spring and the fall it’s going to be above.” Selectman Fraser asks, ”Now at one point were they fenced off ? Or has it always been this way?” Selectman Ruth said, “There was a fence around the whole property. But, the fence has been torn down. They are pulling some fence off where the sewer plant is.  That whole fence maybe can be used over there until possible we sell it.  The other thing that should be done is the brush and the debris around the wholes should be cleared. Chairman Tedford proposes boring some holes in it and letting it drain. Selectman Ruth said, “The bottom of it is below the water table. Especially in the spring, winter and the fall. Chairman Tedford said” Take a piece of equipment and knock a wall out and let it run in the ground. All it’s got to be is rainwater. You said there is snapping turtles in there?” Selectman Ruth said,” I think you have to go out there and take a look at it.” Chairman Tedford asked how turtles got in there. Selectman Ruth said “ The brush has grown up around the edge of the tank foundations, the turtles have crawled up and over, fallen in and can’t get out. I’m more concerned about a kid falling in and can’t get out. Selectman Ruth explains the pictures he passed around. Selectman Ruth said” I seriously think we have a serious liability problem there. Selectman Tedford asks, “How long has that been like that? 30 years, 20 years 15 years now all of a sudden it is a hazard?” Chairman Ruth said, ”It’s always been a hazard.” Selectman Tedford asks ”Why haven’t the previous boards addresses these issues then?” Selectman Ruth said “You want to make it a hazard when somebody dies in there?” Selectman Fraser said, “ I’ve never been aware of it. So, what do you think we can do?” Selectman Ruth said, “First of all I’d like to get the turtles out and I think we should clear the brush away from the edge of it and put a fence up around them. There are 3 places like that down there. It would take 300-400 yards of material to fence it in. Selectman Tedford said “Before doing anything make sure that Brownfield and everyone else is thru with that property. There was a big 1000-gallon tank up there that somebody demolished years and took away. These tanks have been there ever since the tannery closed now all of a sudden it is a hazard? Why didn’t they address it years ago?” Selectman Ruth said, “ I think they should have.” Selectman Tedford said ”It seems funny now it’s all hazard today and it wasn’t 10 years ago, 8 years ago, 7 years ago. Selectman Ruth said, “ You can’t have an in ground swimming pool that deep and not put a fence around it. You are required by law to have a fence. Selectman Tedford said, “That property used to be fenced in.  So, we need to do more research on it, instead of talking about it all night.” Selectman Ruth said, “I would like something to happen very soon.” Selectman Tedford said “Maybe you could research it for the Board.” Selectman Ruth said, “I’ve done enough research on it, and it is a hazard.” Selectman Fraser said, “So we need to put the fence back up.” Selectman Ruth said “ I think we should fence around each individual unit, rather than fence the whole property like they have before.” Selectman Tedford said, ” I think they should bulldoze a hole in it and then it won’t be a hazard. Then the water can drain out of it and it won’t be a hazard. Selectman Ruth said, “I think you better go down there and take a look at it.  It won’t be that easy.” Selectman Tedford said, “I will go down there and take a look at it. I think it’s easy. I think if you bulldoze a hole in it and let the water drain out. That’s what I think. I’ll go down and look at it with you.” Selectman Ruth said “ Alright, and the other thing is that I would like to get the turtles out of there. And to do that we need to pump the water out and get 2 people in there to pick up the turtles and move them.” Selectman Fraser asks, “Who can pump it out? The Fire Department?” Selectman Ruth said, ” I think that they have a pump they can use without electricity.” Selectman Tedford said, “If they can pump it out, and once it is pumped out if we knock a hole in it. It won’t be a water hazard anymore, will it?” Selectman Ruth said, “When it rains, it fills up.” Selectman Tedford said, “I don’t agree with the idea.” Selectman Ruth said “ If I get a lot of resistance on this, then I think you are missing the point.” Selectman Tedford said, “I’m not missing the point. Those tanks have been like that for 5 or 6 previous boards, and you have done nothing about it.  And you never did anything about them then.” Selectman Ruth said ”I did bring it up once before and nothing got about it.”  Selectman Tedford said” I’ve been here with you for 4 years now and this is the first time you brought it up to me.” Selectman Ruth said ”Well I guess none of the other Board members are interested.” Selectman Fraser said, “ I would like to look at it, I agree something needs to be done. I would hate to not do anything. This is the first I’ve heard of it, and we need to get it pumped out.” Selectman Ruth said, “ The LGC came down and looked at the park, and they were concerned about a 7 ft. drop off. We are talking about a 12 ft. drop off over here.” Selectman Fraser asked, “Can we look at it this week? And address it next week?” Selectman Tedford said, “You go ahead and look at it. I have already looked at it, I’ve been up there a thousand times.” Selectman Ruth said, “I talked to John Gormalo, he has talked to Barry.  He said Barry is very busy, but there are other people on the Fire Department that can run a pump over and pump it out. One of the volunteers is here tonight. His name is Corwin Karlson he is an expert on turtles. I have another person in town who wants to volunteer to rescue turtles he is a licensed trapper his name is Art Whipple.” Selectman Fraser said” Now what will you do with the turtles?  Just put them back on the outside?” Selectman Ruth said “ We need someone to pump the water out of there, because there are snapping turtles in there. And right now there is duckweed growing and you can’t see below the surface. You don’t want to be reaching in there” Selectman Ruth said “I’d like to make a motion to have Barry or the Fire Department pump out the water so we can remove the animal life that is trapped in there.” Selectman Fraser said” I’ll second it for discussion to be sure it is something they can do.” Selectman Sepe said “I don’t want to lead volunteers onto property until Barry looks at it.” Selectman Tedford said, ”At one point treated water came out of those tanks. So, isn’t there a control valve that drains those tanks? Can’t that just be broken off and let it drain? Because those tanks used to released that water into the river.” Selectman Ruth said, “ They had pumps. The pumps were behind the manhole covers. There are probably lines that go into those wells.  That is where the pump access goes.  They don’t gravity drain. Selectman Tedford said, “ Before you call up Barry to pump it out, you should call up Rick Meleski and Dale.  They have a sludge pump up there.  Rick can tell you how to hook the waste pump onto the existing lines and drain the water that way.” Selectman Ruth said, “They are pretty rusted right now.” Selectman Tedford said, “Dig a hole with the backhoe and break a hole thru the wall, and let it drain.” Selectman Ruth said, ”I didn’t want to make a long project out of this.  I’m just trying to save these turtles.” Selectman Tedford said, “If you break a hole then the water would come out quicker, so the turtles would be exposed so you could take them out. Rick should know where the inlet or the outlet is; either way the water comes in from the bottom and goes thru that circulation drain.  So, you should be able to drain from the inlet or the outlet without getting inside.” Selectman Ruth said, ”A lot of that stuff is pretty old, and I don’t think those valves are going to work any more.” Selectman Tedford said, “They will if you hook a backhoe to them and break them off. You had a motion to have the Fire Department pump out the water, to be seconded after discussion. All those in favor say I.  All opposed? ”  The motion was opposed 4-1. Selectman Ruth said,” Shelly, I would like these minutes verbatim.”      

Who needs a circus to come to town, we already have enough clowns.


Pollster said...

Let's take a poll - how many of the town's tax payers would agree to spending money to save the turtles?

My vote is NO

the Winchester Informer said...

It's not so much about saving the turtles ( though a good cause for Ruth ). It's about securing a dangerous, hazardous building and grounds where eventually according to Newton's law, someone will get seriously hurt and then what, another lawsuit because these members didn't act when notified by one of their own ? Who pays for that voter? How'd you feel if your kid or one of your pets fell into one of these open pits?

Just one more instance of shirking their duties and not securing a dangerous public health hazard.

Anonymous said...

Enough all ready, put a fence around the pits or bulldoze them. I don't know about you but this town cannot afford a lawsuit. As far as the turtles go-let Gus trap them before the bulldozer comes in. I vote for the cheapest solution.

Pollster said...

That maybe so, but don't make it an issue of "saving the turtles" then.

It just smacks of a liberal social agenda, instead of community safety.

If you want to pick on someone for spending a lot of money...start with him. How much has the town spent because of his beaver damn going out twice? He gets a new bridge at our expense.

COMP TIME said...

Keep John Gomarlo the hell out of there, we cant afford anymore comp time. Was it someones responsibility to check on this property from time to time? I say save the turtles before we have to save a kid.

Anonymous said...

Can Leroy serve the town for violation code on this property? I would think that not having this area fenced in and who's responsibility is that would be a serious safety issue. Funny how Leroy will jump on people with junk in their yards; but not the town for negligence and creating a safety hazard.

Gus is right, get off your asses and do something for a change. That's what we pay you to do!

Anonymous said...

Selectman Tedford needs to remove his head from his backside and listen to Selectman Ruth before someone's kid does fall in the pit and either drowns or breaks their neck and the town gets sued for this "alleged" hazard.

Quality Employee ! said...

All the time John Gomarlo spent on the tannery property and he didn't know about this or at least know this could happen?

NO JOKE said...

I think they should have a party for the town employee. It could be a celebration of being able to work 3 and 4 days a week and still make a dam good living. The food could be turtle soup served on $1400. tables from the town beach. Speakers could be Henry Audet who could tell about how to get to work on time, and any other of the employees could elaborate on how you don't have to be on time, or even limit your lunch and breaks. Maybe we could hand out checks for comp time, sick time not taken, and shoe allowances. Maybe a class on face book and looking for treasure on piney woods road. When its all over everyone gets to go home and enjoy the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

Pump the water out, save the Turtles and fill the whole in.

It just goes on and on said...

NO JOKE, Puffer could give a talk on how to spend the day in an office chair and not get a bad back, or Maggie could talk on come and go as you please and being over worked. Don't forget the girls from the third floor, they could talk on how to entertain the road agent for half of the day.

say it ain't so said...

While we are having a party with speeches, Dale could tell about costing the town money when he had a personal problem with one garage so he now takes the town equipment to a more expensive business.

will need a 2 day party said...

Leroy could talk on how to get things covered up when the family members keep screwing up. Gus could talk on beaver dams.

Under the Big Top said...

People we must stay calm here! The tax payers planned for this day. The tax payer have set aside a large sum of in a rainy day fund in the A. C. Lawrence legal fund account for emergency just like this.

Oh! Crap I forgot! John Stetser with the approval of Gus Ruth and Sherman Tedford robbed this money to paving the highway town garage parking lot. Oh! There is money in the other regular A.C. Lawrence account we can use. No! I forgot we paid John Gomarlo this for his Comp Time. We are in a dilemma folks , the selectmen are confused, they do not know who to call, aspca, des, dea, or epa or brownfield or the ninja turtles, Barry, Jerry, Phil or Paul. The turtles are dying in the toxic waste pit and Mr. Beaver Dam Gus Ruth does know who to call. I can sleep well tonight knowning we have these people in control???

You just can not make this $hit-up!

its a shame said...

Riddle Me This, just took a ride through piney woods road. Mattresses and rubbish beside the road. I guess the hwy crew cant pickup stuff beside the road unless it has a value to them or is stolen.

Anonymous said...

To it's a shame:

Why not call the Hwy Dept. and speak with Dale and report what you found?
If it's not cleaned up in a few days comment again and file a grievance with the BOS.

Dale Gray? said...

You've got to be kidding!

tired of the BS said...

This is exactly why people in town wanted the ability to hire a responsible road agent instead of being stuck with the selectman's do nothing patsy. How's your new truck dale, has it been in the shop for repairs yet? You and the boys to good to clean up the roadways and back roads of trash? The only kidding going on here is you being the town's road agent, what a joke!