Sunday, September 12, 2010

Proof Positive We're Overtaxed .. More Wasteful Spending

MINUTES of the
September 1, 2010
2nd Order of Business: Other Business
Bob Gray informed the Board that the digital mapping services that Avitar provides for $3500 would have cost the Town $31,000 and $70,000 in past years.  Chad Roberge from Avitar made a presentation for the Board on the new digital maps available for the Town to purchase. If the Town were to purchase these digital maps and software, the tax maps could be made available on the Town website for residents and realtors to utilize. The digital map software has the capability to show many different layer options for zoning, wetlands, conservation land, water and sewer availability etc.  Margaret Sharra of the Planning Board came before the Board to inform them that these maps would be a very useful tool for the Planning and Zoning Boards. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to sign the contract with Avitar for their map services.  Selectman Ruth seconds the motion. After a brief discussion Selectman Fraser amends the motion to be; to sign the $3500 contract with Avitar for their map services $1800 to be funded from the Property Records budget and the remainder of the funds will come from the Re-Valuation overage. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

Gary Puffer came before the Board to discuss an estimate in the amount of  $45,000 to replace 1000 feet of water main and 2 fire hydrants on Old Scotland Road.  This amount is not including 15% for engineering fees or contingencies. Any residents on that main would have to hook into the main at their own cost. Selectman Sepe feels strongly that the Town should replace the water main. The Chairman asked the public if they had any comment. Mr. Melillo and other residents of Old Scotland Road would like to see this water main replaced as there has been a lot of water lost and frequent spaghetti line repairs already.  Ted Whippie a resident was concerned as to where the funds would be coming from to cover this replacement.  Selectman Sepe clarified that funds would be used from the Capital Reserve account, as its purpose is to fund maintaining and upgrading items like this. Billie Jo Knoll a resident came before the Board, she stated that she does not have Town Water or Sewer and she feels the Town should replace this water main even though she would receive no benefit from this.  After some discussion Selectman Sepe would like to send this project out for bids. Gary Puffer informed the Board that it would have to go to an engineer first to be designed so that companies would have the drawings to base their bids on. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to hire Hoyle & Tanner to do the engineering work for this water main replacement project.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

Previously, water and sewer abatement had submitted for the Ashuelot Fire Station. This abatement was tabled for the next meeting, as the Board needed more information from Gary Puffer. The Board asked Gary Puffer why there was a bill for the Ashuelot Fire Station when the water there is shut off.  Garry explained that there were problems with the meter reading equipment.  The water department had to read over 900 meters in 2 weeks, so occasionally there is an error made. After a brief discussion Selectman Tedford makes a motion to abate the water and sewer bills for the Ashuelot Fire Station.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

A purchase requisition in the amount of  $3000 to have Renaud Brothers, Inc. clean the 2 covered bridges was submitted for authorization. This was the only bid submitted as the only other two specialized companies in that field; Barns and Bridges would not respond, and 3 G Construction refused to submit a bid. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to have Renaud Brothers, Inc. Clean the covered bridges.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries  4-1.
A concerned citizen informed the Town that the State had cleared a culvert, and dug a large rectangular hole that is now filled with water at the edge of the Russell property located on Rt. 119. And the railing that runs along the head of the culvert it is rotted which may pose a safety hazard to children walking by. Also discussed was whether or not the highway Department should clear the drainage ditch to allow the standing water to drain.  The ditch is on private property and the equipment would tear up the yard.  Selectman Sepe will speak to the landowner and report back to the Board on it next week.  After some discussion Selectman Tedford  makes a motion to have the Highway department repair the railing.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries  5-0.  Why isn't the State doing this?

Bob Gray presents the Board with a quote to upgrade the Town Hall Server.  The current server is 7 years old with only 1 GB of RAM memory and it is slowing down. Bob Gray received a quote in the amount of  $5,656 .  This quote includes a firewall update, a new server with a 3-year service warranty, and new software for the server, and a battery backup upgrade.  The funds for this upgrade would come from the Capital Reserve Fund established under Article 7 in 2009 for future upgrades to the Town’s computer and networking system. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to upgrade the server in an amount of up to $6000.00.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries  4-1.

In regards to the Avitar software; this is the same software they admit has problems and is responsible for the errors and wide variations in taxation across the town.

Why can't our Highway Department work with our Water Dept. to dig up and replace the broken leaking piping and replace it with new without spending thousands of dollars on unneeded engineers and other unwarranted costs. Are they that incompetent that they can't replace piping and install a couple of hydrants and if so shouldn't we demand they be replaced with people who know what to do and how to do it without costing us thousands in taxpayer's dollars every time there is an issue? Course with our Water Dept. Head billing a place where the water has been shut off for years kinda gives us an answer to our question now doesn't it? Wonder how many times this has been done in the past?

Shouldn't the engineering work also go out to bid? Why was it that Selectman Fraser was so quick to recommend Hoyle and Tanner for this job?

Is there something going on behind the scenes that two different businesses wouldn't even put in a bid to do work in our town when the economy is so bad?  Did they have a bad experience in a previous dealing with the town? 

And wouldn't it be much cheaper to add more RAM ( Random Access Memory ) to our current server and put files worth saving to disc and free up space without spending thousands on something new?  Adding another firewall to the one provided by the internet service provider is unnecessary and could cause connectivity issues. This could all be done for less than $500 ( high end ) yet here we go again, blowing money to keep up with the Jones. Why don't we have someone with enough computer savy working for the town to manage the system proficiently without constantly spending money every year to update by buying new toys for people who obviously don't have a clue how to do what's necessary to keep things running without spending thousands of dollars year after year having someone else do it.

Just more wasted tax payer dollars ..


Anonymous said...

Just more of the same from the big spenders. Not one has a lick of common sense in their heads to see that Puffer is useless and a total waste of money. He couldn't fix a dripping faucet never mind a leaking water system, why he has a job in this town is beyond me. You're right informer, why can't we simply do this job in house without all the hoopla and spending? I thought the Capital Reserve Fund was for "emergency" spending only, not to fund whatever the town needed to do, isn't that why we have budgets for each department and give them way too much money to blow?

We're catching on said...

The Selectman's action prove that even they don't have confidence in the Water or Highway Department to do the job.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't say much for the ones that hired them to begin with. Time to rethink what we've been doing and start getting people into these jobs that are qualified and capable of doing what they were hired to do or let them all go. I also think it time we got some new people into office and start saving some money before we all go broke.

Anonymous said...

There are some of us that have been trying to get new people into office. The problem is these people are vocal and have great ideas just not the ideas that the status quo have. The people with these ideas get shot down at the deliberative as all the relatives come out of the woodwork to protect those that we know are incompetent. If you run in this town there are some that will treat you like your are stupid never mind that you are educated. If it's not on an agenda to pad a select few pockets it is not a happening thing. Haven't we heard through the rumor mill that the owner of the property for the biomass has had a change of heart much to the dismay of some of the relatives. Having been involved with contracts rest assured that anything can be broken. So people it is time to stop whining and step up to the plate and vote for change.

Anonymous said...

So what is up with the owners of the property that CPD development wants???? Are they saying YES or NO to Clean Power??? But then CPD has foreign backers with a lot of money. And it appears this town's run by buying deals not the will of the town. CPD's boys have been buying their way in behind the scenes for two years. It will take a lot of work by Winchester, Northfield and others to keep them out. Make facts known to the state and anyone who will listen who won't be bought!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When the selectmen decide to spend money on a project out of the water trust fund, you can bet they are out to help someone that is maybe a part of the circle of friends at the town hall. The spaghetti lines have been plaguing home owners all over town and the selectmen have refused help anyone using this fund's money to upgrade the system. As a matter of fact they have charge home owners for repairs to these lines. So look who is getting served by the upgrade on this short street.
Is Mr. Beaman building a house out their or is Maggie Sharra helping a friend?

Anonymous said...

We need people who work hard to pay bills make decisions so our money isn't wasted.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Beaman and margaret are up to something............again. Old Scotland Road is another issue to take up with the Attorney General!!!! And yes others have payed dearly and if people are forced to pay to be hooked up when the line is replaced that whould be illegal too. Us poor saps will just be paying for another Margaret, Beaman, Gomarlo project. And Clean Power is being shoved down our throat as well. Check out the Planning Board agenda for Monday............. pushing the envelope without the Planning Board studying a site review for CPD. IT HAS TO STOP !!!!

heard it through the grapevine said...

Word out of town hall has it that Sharra is behind the movement to change the site plan regulations to make things easier for CPD to get approvals and come here. Word also has it that the other members of the board have not even discussed or seen the changes she proposes to make and she is trying to ram them through without a discussion. Does anyone have any information they come forward with? This is wrong, very wrong.

Anonymous said...

Time to blow the whistle on Margaret and her buddies. This is totally out of hand that she thinks she can just run over all of us, along with the Beamans and John Gomarlo.......... Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!! If enough calls are made to the Attorney General's office and to DES Permiting Office maybe the state will hear that we are not stupid in this town. If the Selectmen will not step up to the plate and stop her, we need to do it through the state.

same old----same old said...

Lowest voter turnout in the county, and we wonder why we have all these problems in Winchester.

Anonymous said...

"The Winchester Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing to review the updates to the Site Plan Review Regulations on 9-20-10 at 7:30pm. The regulation is available for review at the Town Hall during regular business hours. The hearing will stay on the agenda until final approval."

Inquiring minds want to know...."until final approval" does this mean that it is a forgone conclusion that these "updates" to the Site Paln Regulation will be APPROVED? If not ever APPROVED, will they continue to remain on the agenda indefinately?

Also, what is the difference between "UPDATES" and "CHANGES"?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read the article in the Union Leader this morning? The UL filed in court against the NH retirement system to make them release pension information. They are claiming that the pension system fall under the right to know law. The state won't comply and release information. A judge ruled in favor of the UL and said that they will have to release it. The state is still refusing. This is the same system that Winchester's employees are in. Makes one wonder why they won't release information. This whole government employment cushion system stinks. Work 20 years and collect for life. Join the real world and retire at 67. We're going broke.

FEDUP said...

Take a look a the Sentinel today 9/20. Title, Public sector jobs can pay for hefty pensions. The detail work this chief has been doing for years is braking the system, and its all with the support of the selectmen, good going people. Maybe the Informer could print the key issues with this practice.

????????? said...

No selectmen meeting minutes this week. Are we overworked, or was there no meeting?

HOPE said...

More on pensions in today's sentinel,Sat., I hope our selectmen are reading these articles.

why bother? said...

The 4x4 cruiser, you know the one, the chief said he only uses in bad weather or emergency, was on the job doing detail work in Keene today. The state pension fund is broke and our chief of police and our selectmen don't give a s---. Not to mention when they ware out the big bucks 4x4, the taxpayers get to buy a new one. Looks like most of our dept. heads went to the same school of economics.

Frustrated said...

Agree with "Why Bother"....I saw it too. The cruiser, that is. Just don't understand it.

Anonymous said...

I believe the tax variation wasn't the software but the people using it. Can't remember the previous company but Avitar is the one doing the revaluation for this year. Looking at the data and it seems more reasonable.

Got the world by the A- - ! said...

All you nice people commuting to work, 5,6,and 7 days a week, have fun because your public servants in Winchester get another 3 day work week. Notice that Monday wasn't the day they took off when this was setup. How many of you people have every had 10 hrs. holiday pay?