Friday, July 15, 2011

Why The Censorship ?

Seems the Town has something to hide from us citizens and is continuing to waste money on a website that provides no information as to what has transpired at public meetings for over a month and in some cases over a year. Why all the secrecy and why aren't meeting minutes being posted and kept up to date? Surely there isn't that much going on at Town Hall that all of these people we pay to do their jobs in support of the community can't find the time to keep us all informed to the happenings going on at Town meetings. I guess someone downtown figures we should all drive down there and read what they post when they post it on a bulletin board instead of putting the information up on the website that we pay for, after all they are just so busy that they can't keep up.

Planning Board, last entry June 6th 2011. meets twice a month
Board of Selectmen, last entry June 6th 2011 meets weekly
Zoning Board of Adjustment, last entry April 11, 2011 meets once a month
Historical District Commission, last entry June 14, 2011 meets once a month
Conservation Commission, last entry October 10, 2010 meets once a month

BTW, just what are we paying a Town Administrator and an Executive Secretary to do anyways?


sadly lacking said...

When we talk about a service industry, and that's what our town employees are,you only have to go down to TD Bank to see how its supposed to be done. You don't see private businesses working 3 and 4 day weeks because it doesn't work. Even BOB said, before he left, it didn't save the town any money and it sure as hell doesn't provide service.

Anonymous said...

well geewiz people do as I do get out from in front of your computer go to town hall and read all the minutes you want. Pretty simple in the end. Unless your afraid to show your face in town.

Frustrated said...

Thought I would go in yesterday to check on a few things...but, then realized it was friday. So much for that idea. This 4 day week is certainly an inconvenience for many.

really wants to know said...

Many of us work all day and can not get down to read postings on a bulletin board, unlike the privileged few who don't work and just hang around town hall. We pay these people to do a job and expect them to do it. There is a public town website that should be kept up to date for those of us interested to view what happened or what is happening in our town, after all we pay for this so-called service. Let me remind everyone that when Bob Gray was here, we never had any of these new issues we have now, how come? It seems to me the Informer is right on when he /she says censorship, it really is beginning to look like someone is attempting to control information and that there possibly is a nefarious reason for this.

the Winchester Informer said...

You will now get a response from town hall that they wait until the minutes are approved by the boards in question before they get posted; however this is not necessary as the draft minutes are actually the town's official record and under the law MUST be kept as so. There is absolutely no reason that public meeting minutes taken and written up, can not be put up on the town's website weekly other than laziness or a desire to delay the information getting out to the public. As mentioned above, Bob made sure all public information was posted in a timely manner as required by law.( RSA 91-A ) The people we have running the show now obviously think that they can and will do as they please and we should just grin and bear it and shut up. And for those of you with inquiring minds, if you pay close attention to the dates and order of minutes that do get posted, you will observe instances where meeting minutes get posted, taken down and then re-posted with changes. This is a violation of law again; but as said above, some think they can do whatever they want and defy anyone to challenge their behavior.
These are the people you voted into office or were appointed and hired by our Board of Selectman, birds of a feather as the old saying goes.

Anonymous said...

I sure do miss Bob. He was kind courteous and always there with a smile for you, unlike that person we now have to deal with who won't give you the time of day without a scowl on her face. Who decided she was the best person for the job? Couldn't they have chosen someone with a little bit of a personality and that would treat us with a little bit of common decency instead of contempt? What a witch!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is under the illusion that people will respect her as an authoritarian if she is a "hard ass". It would have been nice if Bob Gray's friendly dispostion had rubbed off on her while she was in training. But from what people in Hinsdale have said, "You can keep her! Good riddens!"

The Board of Selectman are not doing themselves in favors by keeping her.

Speaking of friendly service representatives - has anyone had any dealings with the librarian's assistant at Conant?

only in Winchester said...

Funny someone should mention the librarian's assistant at Conant, talk about a lack of a pleasant personalty. It all goes back to service, if you are a public servant, being congenial is part of the job.

Anonymous said...

So why did they take down all of the meeting minutes that were posted on the website for all departments? What's up with that? Why are they hiding public information? This would never have occurred had Bob not retired he kept everything out in the open and was so helpful unlike how things are now. What a disgrace and disservice these people are now.

Anonymous said...

You can thank our board of selectmen for choosing this person over several more qualified applicants for obvious reasons. She's also a big Margaret Sharra fan and is just as obnoxious and full of herself. It's no wonder she got chosen after Hinsdale dumped her, she fits right in.

ashamed said...

People need to remember how we are treated and our concerns ignored when it comes election time. Nothing in this town will ever change as long as the bullies are in charge. No where else does this stuff continue to happen on a regular basis except here in jokersville the laughing stock of the county.

Anonymous said...

She fits right in with the rest of that bunch and does just as she pleases, a perfect fit.

???????? said...

Coming from the recycle on Saturday saw the road agent at the town garage, one would have to assume that he was returning something that he borrowed or was borrowing something that belongs to the town. Maybe making a long distance call that would cost him money at home? Coming back from Keene early afternoon on Sunday and saw a Winchester cruiser. Why would our town cruiser be in Keene on Sunday if it wasn't something personal?

And the saga Continues said...

Came by the town hall at 5;28, today 8/11, and guess what, 1 car in the parking lot. Must be everyone left early because they were exhausted after there 4 day work week.