Saturday, June 11, 2016

Notice of Public Meeting


Anonymous said...

They're suppose to have had a public discussion BEFORE they voted to okay this application. What a freaking joke to do it a week later after they already voted.
These board members who pulled this crap as well as Sharra need to go before they destroy everything in this town for their own benefit and you can be sure palms were greased and the nod was ordered. Disgusting behavior even for this corrupt town we live in. I hope many people show up and let them know we are not going to stand for this crap any more.

This smells said...

You're right, they already voted to approve,so why the public hearing now? Are they going to rescind their illegal vote or just go through the formality for public show and then say they approved at a later date when no one was paying attention. This whole thing smells.

Anonymous said...

low voter turnout has it's consequences!

just more of the same said...

True, but these people are appointed, "volunteers" and in some cases, lackeys to do the bidding of others. Notice that some of these members hold other positions in town too. A practice that needs to stop immediately. The same group of people hold sway over this town and not for it's betterment; but their own.