Saturday, August 6, 2016

Oppose shooting range in tranquil Ashuelot

We wish to urge all residents of Winchester to attend the town meeting on Thursday, Aug. 11, at 7 p.m. in the Winchester Town Hall to discuss the proposed shooting range.
We have lived in Ashuelot (part of Winchester) for 26 years. We strongly oppose opening a shooting range so close to our home. The constant noise and increased traffic would infringe on our peaceful lives. We have a right to continue our lives in the space we have created for ourselves; the shooting range would be a great detriment to that way of life. It would also dramatically change the lives of our neighbors, many of whom have small children and animals. The applicants claim there will be sound barriers, but no such barriers will be able to eliminate the shots with the range so close to our house. We are not opposed to shooting ranges located in appropriate commercial areas. This range, however, is planned for a residential area, where our neighbors and we will be greatly affected.
We are so disturbed by this possibility that we have even thought that we might have to move if the shooting range is approved. However, even this might not be possible, as having a shooting range so close will drastically reduce the property value of our home and that of our neighbors. We urge our neighbors, the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and all other relevant officials to oppose this special exception to the zoning laws.
Please, we beg you, do not allow this shooting range to ruin the tranquility of our lives and those of our neighbors.



Anonymous said...

Your asking us (town's people in other parts of Winchester) to support your lost of tranquillity in your Village of Ashuelot, what about your support when the home owners in other parts of town who have to lessen 3 racetracks when they asked you for your support in the town's warrant articles last year. Oh setting home on your hands now it's your turn you want our help!! Real said we all can not work together on this. Build a wall.

Anonymous said...

I am not in Ashuelot and I also hear the racetrack and have fought it and will fight the shooting range too. This is not Winchester people ag. each other this is WInchester against being invaded by every noisy polluting dangerous corrupt business that seems to think we are an easy target. We don't need a businees that trains people to kill and survivalist type people to roam our woods.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, "Anonymous at 1:22 pm". It is about the quality of life for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Case in point................ my son posted a picture of himself at an indoor shooting range. I HATE guns and he knows it but I jokingly posted. "Ugh guns......... pout". The next post that came flying back from someone on his Facebook page was telling me to get out and leave America because we love red meat, drinking beer, love our guns and we are going to get lots more to defend ourselves and our families against terrorists......... so leave." Boy am I glad he did not see me in person with his AK47 in hand!!!!!! These are the type of people this would attract to town............ DANGEROUS!!!!! An educated responsible hunter who hunts and eats what he shoots is one thing but these radical angry people with assault rifles for no reason other than no good is not good for our town. NO SHOOTING RANGE OR SURVIVALIST TRAINING COURSE PLEASE!!!!!!