Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Disturbing Behavior

There seems to be a small group of people, intent on preventing us from informing the citizens in town, of the status of this proposal to build these condominiums on Franklin Mountain. Over the summer, many of our flyers and notices were removed from "free" bulletin boards around town and now the same thing has begun to happen again. Notices at several store bulletin boards and at the town re-cycling center have been vandalized and removed. I can only wonder why these people involved, are so afraid of us informing the citizens of Winchester about this project and these proceedings and what they expect to gain by their conduct. It's truly disgraceful to know that there is an element in town against freedom of speech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it seems that some people are still waiting for some one else to fight for their rights.this is a shame that there is people, that are so intimadated that they won't give their self a voice in the things that they can help change.
I would hope that some of these people will take their lives in thier hands and do the right things.A word well spoken will go a long way but people need to use their own voice to be heard.