Monday, March 31, 2008

Town attorney says toss the tapes

It seems our request, under the " Right to Know " law, for copies of all of the taped Planning Board minutes in regards to Mr. Van Dyke's proposed condo project sparked Margaret Sharra into bringing up the subject at the March 17th meeting. She asked the town attorney how long should the tapes be kept and his response was that the board did not need to keep the tapes and to dispose of them. The record, he stated; has been set with the minutes. Now the minutes he speaks of, are a typed up, heavily edited version of what took place on the night of that meeting. It is not a verbatim, word for word, point, counterpoint accurate account of everything that was discussed; but a short and condensed version put together by Margaret Sharra. The trouble with this is, that it's her version of recording the events of that particular meeting on that particular night and many questions and answers and comments are left out of the official record. Though the board voted to keep these recordings for 60 days and then destroy them. ( By the way, the Selectman destroy their tapes after 30 days ) my question to them would be, just how accurate would the information be, if needed for a court appeals hearing? I'm also wondering why, with all of the important topics the Planning Board needs to discuss, the chairperson would bring up the subject of meeting tapes at this time, right after our request for them. Just one of those things that makes you wonder if someone has something to hide.

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