Monday, August 11, 2008

Do we need a time clock for town employees ?

This topic was submitted by Budget Committee member, Bob Davis

We all know that town employees have gone to a 4 day work week. But are we getting the most for our dollars when a town employee comes to work late every day, goes to lunch early and comes back to work late? Or when they leave early from a job and drive all the way back to the town garage just to have lunch? This has been brought to my attention time and time again by members of our community asking what is happening in our town. There have been reports that Highway Dept Superintendent Dale Gray goes to work late most of the time too. Four day work week was intended to save money not waste it. Is this the best we can expect for our tax dollars? Perhaps it's time we make these employees accountable by implementing a time clock/payroll procedure, it's evident that we need a system in place to ensure that these abuses stop immediately. The trust system is not working in Winchester.


the Winchester Informer said...

If these allegations are true and employees are abusing the honor system implemented here in town, then time clocks should be installed to check that people are putting in a full day of service for the compensation they receive. It's too bad a few rotten apples have to spoil the record of everyone.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday August 14, 2008, the town crew was out,grading the Old Spofford Road. At 11:40am, they stopped working and drove the grader, followed by the town dump truck back down Route #10 past .. Mr. Mikes to the town garage. Then at 1:05pm, they left the garage to go back out and grade Janitti Road way out at the end Old Westport Road. Just how productive is this? The loss of man hours, the wear & tear of driving equipment back and forth to the town shed for lunch, coupled with the fuel they wasted and add to it town equipment being used as a taxi service is outrageous. Why don't they bring their lunches to the job site as other workers do? Why didn't they all just ride in one vehicle? This was all supervised by none other than Dale Gray, who was seen following them in the town's orange truck. It is time to make the town Highway Superintendent position an elected job and make him accountable. Maybe if Dale Gray had to run for election every year he might be more responsible for his crew and his actions, and where is the town assistant to the town assistant; John Gomarlo? Yes, you read it right, John Gomarlo is the assistant to the town's assistant, Amy Lewis. Not at any wage loss either, I might say. Just what are his duties in this new position besides sitting in the Selectman's office?

Anonymous said...

Check out the town hall parking lot at 7am, you wont find a lot of cars there. I think the girls think pay starts when they leave home or you can watch them leave at 4:25; this is daily and its wrong, they're suppose to be there until 5:30.

the Winchester Informer said...

Sounds like Winchester has adopted a sort of Country Club atmosphere, where no one is being held responsible for their actions and the tax payers are being fleeced daily. I think more than just time clocks are needed if we are to stop the abuse. I don't suppose bringing these concerns to the attention of the town Selectman will do any good either.

Anonymous said...

just what does john gomarlo do?

Anonymous said...

Is John Gomarlo a recipient of a position on the town pay roll a thank you for his part in helping to cook the books during the Bucky Jones, Leroy Austin era? John Gomarlo's father did send him to college for accounting to help in the Gomarlo family store. Why do you think John Gomarlo was so valuable to John Stetser? Is it pay back to stay quiet? I am one that thinks so..What does he do? Nothing!!! But screw the town out of wages and our tax dollars. If we are to clean the town out totally of the wasteful spending, then in my opinion, John Gomarlo must go next.

the Winchester Informer said...

The above comments are the opinion of the poster and because of such will be allowed to remain on this board; however this comes very close to being a personal attack and we ask that posters stick to actual facts and refrain from posting anything that could be construed as slanderous.

thank you

Anonymous said...

do we need a full time taxe colector i think not the voters will speak

Anonymous said...

do we meed 2 people in the accounting office its a lot of tak payer money for people who seem to have time to chat a good portion of the day

Anonymous said...

why have an office at the towngarage the road agent spends half the day at the town hall

Anonymous said...

More than ever, they act just like they own the town. If half the town was watching me i would not be goofing off. Work starts at 7am not 7:05 and lunch is job site back to job site, Gary, Dale, try working in the real world.