Monday, August 11, 2008

Town firetruck used to fill pools?

It was reported that our new $250,000.00 town fire truck was driven to Vernon, Vt. to fill a swimming pool a few weeks ago. Who authorized this? What would have happened if we had had a serious fire here in town while this truck was elsewhere? Can we afford the risk of being without the services or the wear and tear to this vehicle to go around filling swimming pools? This matter was brought to the attention of the selectmen and new guide lines are being set up, but still this was foolishness at it's best and misconduct to say the least and something like this should have never happened. Common sense says you don't take a town emergency vehicle out of state, not for any reason, least of all to fill swimming pools.


Anonymous said...

Winchester Informer; Last summer I was told the Fire Chief Barry Kellom covered up the fact damage to our fire truck occurred while responding to an accident at the Winchester Speedpark, when a van back into the fire truck smashing and, recked a fire ladder on our fire truck. Barry Kellom just said don't worry about it we will take care of it. Who is we? The town tax payers? Did Barry take the funds from money we didn't make on filling swimming pools?

What about the fact while responding to an accident recently the jaw of life was required and when rescue went to use the jaws of life it was out of gas. After about 20 minutes to get the gas the person died. Would he have lived? We don't know! I heard the town is being sued. If this is true. why is Kellom still chief.

the Winchester Informer said...

If these allegations are true, then it would seem that more than "new policy" would be needed by our town officials to restore confidence in the way things are being done in Winchester. These are serious matters that need to be fully addressed and questions need to be answered. How many lawsuits must be filed against the town before those we put our trust in wake up?