Wednesday, January 27, 2010


 In last night's Keene Sentinel there was a letter to the editor, written by, Ms. Bonnie Leveille,  Secretary of the Winchester Conservation Committee. She wrote about how she felt the Conservation Commission was being singled out and that some people in town were rejecting common sense in order to promote their own personal agendas at the expense of the townspeople, protection of our valuable land and protection of our water supply. Because a Warrant Petition was legally submitted and signed by more than the required number of registered voters to abolish the Conservation Committee, she felt it was a misuse of the system and the result of personality problems and that this article in her opinion would hurt the town. She went on to state that we all should do our homework and research and to stop "blogging" and working behind the scenes and get down to real government.

Well, we have done some research and these are the facts that we have come up with to show that whomever submitted this petition had done their homework and had good reasons .. We found that;

1. Winchester has no need to officially “conserve” any more land and renewable resources, nor to reduce the tax base which has already taken a heavy blow due to de-industrialization and earlier land grabs
A. More than 25% of Winchester’s land is comprised of Pisgah State Park. (Seized by eminent domain.)
B. Hundreds of acres of land are under private or public conservation easements.
C. More hundreds of acres are in current use with public access for recreation.

2. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency and NH Department of Environmental Services already have enough regulations and regulatory power to sufficiently protect the environment and water resources. The Conservation Commission has no enforcement authority, nor any authority to create local regulations.

3. In recent years the Winchester Conservation Commission has been taken over by a small handful of elitists with a narrow, aggressive agenda to gather up money, land and control.
Diversity of thought is not welcome.The presumption is that they alone know what is “best for the town.”
A. Membership is based on nominations from within the commission,
B. The Conservation Commission has (Nov. 30, 2009) $86,177.25 in the Conservation Fund, over which it exercises absolute control. The money has, and can be, used to buy land to take out of the tax base, or for projects which have historically benefited very few people. The existing conservation land is little used for “recreation” or any-thing positive. (Musterfield Park goes virtually unused. Pisgah Park and private land are the first choices for hunting, riding, hiking, etc.

C. Records indicate that this commission has paid members and family to do projects which are usually (and were formerly) considered volunteer-type pursuits.

4. Despite its claims of protecting water resources, the Conservation Commission has allowed the town to operate a gravel pit in a town forest closely abutting a town well (near Plumb Pak), thereby putting our town water supply at unnecessary risk. The site is yet to be managed or reclaimed to DES standards.

There are several auto repair shops, one automobile junk yard, a cement factory, a concrete plant, a used diesel truck repair/ used vehicle site and a couple of race tracks all in our protected aquifier and there's the possibility some are even encroaching on conservation land.

5. The Conservation Commission has a clear agenda to support more land grabs.
A. The commission supports and promotes the expansion of the Conte Wildlife Refuge into Winchester on the east side of town. The plan is to take hundreds, maybe thousands, of acres of land ("by eminent domain “only if necessary”) with no economic benefit to the town. It will become more idle land on which a few people “recreate.”
B. The commission, despite Winchester zoning restrictions, has supported the proposed composting facility under the guise of it being a “green” enterprise. 
a. the Conservation Commission stood to receive a conservation easement for land on the site.
C. It’s planning a Natural Resources Inventory, not just on public property but on private land. The hidden goals are two-fold:
(1) to identify resources and land features that are “too valuable” to be left in the hands of a private landowner and must be “collectively” managed and owned (by eminent domain, if necessary); and
(2) to locate and identify “endangered species,” both plant and animal, through which the government can exercise control and/or seizure of private land.

6. The Conservation Commission tries to act with as much secrecy as possible.
Meetings are not held in the main hall; minutes have not been posted on the bulletin board or on-line (until Dec. 21, 2009—under duress?),nor provided to the town office to be kept on file with those of other boards and committees. Requests for minutes have had to wait until Conservation Commission members got around to surrendering them. When minutes are released they are so sketchy as to be of little use in knowing what the commission is really up to.

7. In its lust for more money, the Conservation Commission sought to put a communication tower in a town forest on Meeting House Hill. It failed to read the deed which contains clear restrictions against such enterprises, before it demanded a costly special town meeting to seek approval from the voters. 
Only after more legal expenditures did the potential lessor discover the deed covenant. The commission planned to ask voter approval to put a large portion of the lease money into the Conservation Fund, thus guaranteeing it a consistent source of more money, since the crash in the real estate market has meant a “loss” to its treasury due to fewer Land Use Change Taxes. Whether there will ever be a tower is in question and apparently unlikely at this time.

8. The Conservation Commission has a documented track record of abuse of power, cutting timber on town land NOT within its authority and taking the proceeds (until it was caught in the act and returned some of the money to the general fund without a clear accounting of how much timber was actually cut on such property). See (and print) all the documents at:


Winchester Voter said...

Bonnie -
You are more than a bit hypocritical when you talk about "concerned people having to sit through Saturday afternoon" at the deliberative session to counter "petitions written by a small minority".
Granted, it only takes 25 signatures on a petition to place a warrant article on the ballot and this is a minute fraction of the total number of registered voters. However, the number of attendees at the deliberative session is still a relatively small fraction of the total voting population.
Using the deliberative session to change the wording of articles from "shall Winchester dissolve..." to "shall Winchester commend..." or some other such drivel is equally sad and disgusting.
Obviously at least 25 people saw enough merit in the article to sign their names to it. If the idea is as ill thought out as you say, no doubt the electorate will see through it as well and make the right choice.

Really riled said...

I read this letter last night and was absolutely shocked. To say that Bonnie is clueless would be useless. The statement that the town was mistaken to fire John Stetser was proof of her warped reality. Ask Hillsboro if they are happy to have him! What a joke!

I guarantee there isn't a person on the budget committee too concerned about your $12 allotted budget. With over $86,000 in your coffers, I believe you can come up with enough to cover your paper/ink costs.

Dually noted - we noticed that you pulled the warrant article off the ballot requesting all of the monies from the AT&T lease on Meeting House Hill be placed into the Conservation Commission funds.

Could that be the reason the committee ignored (overlooked) the property deed / trust that does not allow anything to be built on the hill or it will then no longer belong to the town but revert to "The Society for the Prevention of Forests"?

How much money did our town spend on AT&Ts extra income for your committee? With a special election, advertising? All on a project you tried to sneak by illegally.

We are all dying to know just how you have protected our water supply over the past 20 years! Building a gravel pit next to the town wells? Excellent job!

Let's see, in our Aquifer Protection District - we now have three race tracks (one of which you lease conservation land too), five auto repair shops, one auto salvage yard, a cement factory, three gravel pits, fireworks stand and three auto / truck sales. Excellent job!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is not about personalities. It's called a lack of integrity in a committee that is meant to protect the town. If you feel insulted by that, then so be it!

There should have also been a warrant article that requires that the committee members need to be elected, if it is not dissolved by the voters. The practice of nominating members within does not set well with a great of number of tax payers in this town.

very disturbed by this said...

This is a shocking revelation. I never would have ever thought such things were going on with this committee.No wonder this woman was so quick to defend this group. This is not about conservation and protecting the town, this is about stealing as much resources from Winchester under the guise of preserving and then selling to make a profit and pay themselves for their efforts. Is there anyone in our town we can trust to do the right thing? Taking someone's land under imminent domain to make a profit stinks and has to be illegal. No wonder there's a petition to disband this group of robbers.

Anonymous said...

I never would have thought Gus and his board were so underhanded, this is really terrible news.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for putting the facts out in front of everyone. It is time that these boards started realizing that they are supposed to serve everyone. We seem to have a number of these unbridled empires on the loose within the municipal boards and commissions. Let's put a stop to it now !!! Everyone needs to put a priority on showing up at the Town Hall on Saturday morning to even the playing field and put Winchester back into a good light again.

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean about the minutes posted, where's the rest of them and why are they so jumbled out of sequence? Reading some of them makes no sense to us, just what are they doing at these meetings and where are they held?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice on the town website all of the members and their "expiration" of term? How many committees does this make for Ken Cole? Three?

Did anyone notice in the jumbled minutes - that in order to have enough people for a quorum, Gus's wife was voted in to sit on the board?

Can anyone say CONFLICT?

Anonymous said...

Oh to be a fly on the wall at town hall and Gus' house.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information informer. I have just finished reading the letter to the editor in the sentinel. I have come to the following conclusions: 1. I do not want to be patronized anymore because I am not part of the "in" crowd. 2. I want to know where my money is being spent. 3. There is no such thing as a free lunch so watch out for Maggie's sidewalk grant as the FED's are cutting spending. 4. The citizens of Winchester are not STUPID. 5. I shall be there Saturday just to make certain that I am heard.

Anonymous said...

Well this will bring out the facts for sure. Thank you for presenting what the board needs to provide in way of the truth. In all fairness I will only defend myself since personalities seem to come before principles. First of all I know that several people did not read what they were signing when they signed the petitions.
I can tell you that I do not support a compost dump and did not support one on the board. I am not out to be a land baron nor would I sit on a board that supported land take overs nor would tolerate any deception. I take the notes each month unless I can not attend and they are ALL supplied to the town hall. There is nothing witheld and anyone is welcome to attend the meetings openly announced, which take place where we are told to meet!!! We are not nominated from within but by interest of the person who wishes to join. There are no inside roads to get on the board. As a matter of fact, I came to be on the board through Whip Newell, who along with PAul Gamache helped to find a solution to my pond being drained by the town. They attended a Selectboard meeting with me to help out and fostered my interest in serving on the board. The sad thing is that Whip and Sue , Gus and Irene Ruth joined us the day we put up a beaver deceiver and worked together to find a solution to a town problem. We had a wonderful day and I felt happy to live in Winchester for the first time since moving to the town. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???? Also Irene is an alternate member who is a voting member when there are not enough regular members for a quorum. A rule followed by all boards in the state. I can say that if the words posted about this board were true I would not be sitting on the board taking notes. I am against the compost plant and have been fighting the bio mass plant tooth and nail and recently attended a concerned citizens group to make sure these plants don't happen. And no I WAS NOT THERE AS SPY FOR THE CC!!!!!!
I am an environmentalist not a land baron seeking to grab land for useless reasons. I support the landowners who have come to the CC to put their land in conservation easements by choice to protect their property for the future. And to straightrn out the current use issue regarding print cartridges, , the board can not use the current use money for operating expenses. Also there are lot of hoops to overcome before the board can purchase land. We have public hearings and guess what ??? Usually no one attends.
I only hope that people vote based on facts and not gossip, rumor, distorted words by frustrated people looking for a scapegoat like our board.......or me.

support # 19 said...

Just looked at a map of the land in Winchester that is set aside and off the tax roles. I support article 19, we cant afford to shrink our tax base any more. Lets take a break.

won't fall for it anymore said...

If people were to vote based on fact, your committee would not continue to exist. However, most people in this town do not get involved, make decisions based on friendships and name recognition and don't pay much attention to the facts unless it directly affects them. It's a good thing for you I guess as you have provided no facts to dispute the information posted here. Didn't Gus pay himself for working on the canoe pavilion?

Anonymous said...

No Gus did not pay himself for working on the pavillion. He was reimbursed for materials he paid for. I hope the board does refute the lies on this website. All the crap about emminent domain is ludicrous. And to imply that a Natural Resource Inventory is a disguised way to take over private property by emminent domain was absolutely beyond belief!!!! Wow watch out for critters and rare plants on your property, the land barons are lurking waiting to take your land away......... That should show you how far some people will go to get at Gus. Leave the Conservation Commission alone.

the Winchester Informer said...

Be careful when you call the kettle black and who you call liars. Our info is correct and I'd be glad to post a copy of the hand written invoice signed by both John Hann and Paul Gamache dated 10/26/06 for the sum of $1285.00. $760.00 for concrete and $525.00 for labor and materials, which was charged to the WCC Account for the Winchester River Recreation Area on old Mill Ct, which was payed out of the "Special Fund" per Gus.
Want to explain that?

Oh yeah, check #322 if you need some help.

Would seem you have absolutely no clue about what you speak of and are only blogging here to provide a smoke screen to what's really been going on with the WCC.

How about all the money paid out to Marlee Leveille from the WCC account at $10.00 hour? Would you like us to post that info also ?
Do you need the check numbers and dates also? Did that money come out of the WCC "special fund" too?

Perhaps you'd care to shed some light on this "Special Fund", who has access to it, how much is in that account; or would you like us to dig a little deeper to get at some more of the truth?

We'd also like to know just who is on this board as it seems everyone's term is either up or has been for a long time?

Gus Ruth, Chairman exp. 2008

James Ammann exp. 2008

Paul Gamache,Treasurer exp. 2009

Bonnie Leveille,Secretary exp. 2009

John Hann exp. 2008

Miriam Johnson exp. 2009

Debbie Gode exp. 2010

Beth Mason (Alt) exp. 2010

Thomas Z. Turant (Alt) exp 2009

Arthur Scott (Alt) exp 2010

Irene Ruth (Alt)exp. 2009

Kenneth A. Cole (Alt) 2009

Alternate Members
Irene Ruth
Tom Turant
Kenneth Cole
Art Scott
Ron Torok

We could go on but we have given you enough to provide what we say here is the truth.

Too See said...

Proof that they have all the power....

Anonymous said...

Article 19 was gutted by members of the WCC who blatantly lied at the seesion saturday morning. They are no better than our selectmen and police officers who continue to lie to us too.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Aritcle was gutted however we can change the system. Vote for another selectperson. One that you can trust! Integrity counts in my book.

Just get the vote out.

talk about hypocritical said...

I hope there is enough money to fix the beaver dam before we pay for a new bridge. Wonder how the kids in the neighbourhood like fishing in a brook with no fish.