Sunday, January 31, 2010

Letter from Attorney Generals Office to Gary Phillips, Chris Roberts and Maryan Platz

This letter says it all - the results of an investigation by the AG's office finding Gary Phillips, Chris Roberts and Maryan Platz together manipulated the bylaws of the Winchester Police Association. Together they presented TD Banknorth deceptive documents in a successful attempt to deceive, causing Dan Reppucci's name to be removed illegally, without proper authorization and in violation of the bylaws as they conspired to have Dan Reppucci removed as the Treasurer of the association in an illegal manner. 



Anonymous said...

Don't forget folks. The bylaws only authorized signatures of full time officers who were off probation. No part-time officers are allowed to be part of the association.Phillips submitted a memo to TD Bank with the following names which on its face would look convincing to anyone who did not know the difference. Keep in mind folks, what Chief Phillips, Chris Roberts and Maryann Platz did was on police department time which is a direct conflict of interest and theft of time from the town of Winchester.

The following is the inaccurate list of names that were purposely submitted by Phillips to TD Bank. Of that list only four names were authorized to be submitted.

Gary Phillips--Authorized
Christopher Roberts--Authorised
Nate Jette--Authorized
Maryann Platz--Authorized
Jim Fisher--Not authorized, on probation
Fred Ziegler--Not authorized,on probation
Scott Hurley--Authorized
Richard Pratt--Not authorized,part-time officer
Kenneth Smith--Not authorized,part-time officer
Eric Ammann--Not authorized, part-time officer

The correct is a list of names that should have been submitted to TD Bank:

Gary Phillips
Chris Roberts
Nate Jette
Scott Hurley
Maryann Platz

What a difference!!!

Just a reminder folks. The signatures were obtained through fraud and deception in violation of the bylaws and without the permission from the president of the association Warren Breau.

Phillips and Roberts better hope and pray they are not challenged in court by anyone they arrested, investigated or stopped for traffic violations.Their actions beggs one to wonder how many times they falsified reports, summonses, arrest affidavits and complaints. How can the prosecutor's office believe anything they submitt, say or testify to?

Anonymous said...

Gary Phillips and Roberts orchestrated a bogus list and submitted to TD Bank as true and accurate.

The list of names submitted to the bank by Phillips contained , Gary Phillips, Maryann Platz, Nate Jette, Chris Roberts, James Fisher, Fred Ziegler, Scott Hurley, Ken Smith, Eric Ammann, Richy Pratt, Jim Meacham.

The correct list of names submitted to TD Bank should have been as follows: Gary Phillips, Chris roberts, Scott Hurley, Nate Jette and Maryann Platz. As anyone can see there is quite a descrepancy.

Phillips cannot claim mistakes made as he tried to do in the AG's memo. He has bragged that the bylaws were put together by him and they were the same as the ones he used when he worked in Jaffrey.

The actions of these three individuals are at the very least deceptive,dishonest and fradulent in nature.These three individuals stole from the Town of Winchester by using department time to address Winchester Police Association functions. They called officers in to sign the the petition they at the front window. a petition that was submitted to officers in violation of the bylaws. Their actions were deceptive and unethical.

Phillips and Roberts better hope and pray they are not challenged in court by people they have arrested, investgated, or issued a traffic summons to. How can their testimony and credibility in court be trusted? How can the regional prosecutor trust what Phillips and Roberts submit as honest, true, credible or accurate?

The liability these three individuals now pose is now owned by the Town of Winchester.

the Winchester Informer said...

How can the Selectmen not do anything? Here is absolute written proof that these 3 individuals have committed fraud and yet they continue to remain officers of the law and employed in Winchester. This is absurd, a flagrant misuse of their positions and a disgrace to all the honest law enforcement officers throughout the state.

You know that old saying " birds of a feather ", well it's an absolute given here in Winchester, the inaction of our select board says it all.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what their counter parts think of them knowing the AG's office has determined that they wrongfully took the back door in an attempt to coverup a deception and got caught.

Anonymous said...

This is just another example of the infamous god old boy network and why the public has lost so much confidence in our police and elected officials. They all seem to think because they wear a badge or have been appointed by the public that they are above the laws of the commonwealth. They are wrong and the public should not stand for it. Demand that our elected officials remove these 3 as they would any other criminals.

Anonymous said...

See the 10/11/09 Blog - Did Gary Phillips and Chris Roberts Misuse their Power to gain control of the bank account belonging to the WPA ??? for documents related to this investigation. Quite amazing. After much speculation they were caught.

NO INTEGRITY plain and simple and you can't dispute it. The AG's office caught them lying.

Anonymous said...

Most of the information is true and for those just learning of this for the first time, those catching up or those who want a refresher to the many articles with information that have been posted on the Winchester Informer please see the following blogs that are specifically related to information about the Winchester Police Department and it’s members.

The Winchester Police Department is run by Chief Gary A. Phillips formerly of the Jaffrey Police Department and his second in command is Lieutenant Christopher K Roberts formerly of the Hinsdale Police Department.

The other articles contain documents, letters, correspondence and comments. Feel free to browse and comment.

July Blog

"What's going on with our Police Dept. ?"

September blogs

Keene Sentinel Article Off The Mark ..

As the late Paul Harvey would have said .. " and now for the rest of the story"

Association by-laws

October blogs


Are Police Officers Allowed To Have Property From A Property Room???

More Policies Not Being Followed
Did Gary Phillips and Chris Roberts Misuse their Power to gain control of the bank account belonging to the WPA ???

More Sobering Information about the WPD "And The Band Played On" as the Titanic Continued To Sink.....

AG's Office State Probe in Keene Sentinel Article Misleading -
Letter from the Police Associaton President and Treasurer to TD Bank
More Deception from the WPD ???????????

How much more do you want??? We can keep it coming....

Anonymous said...

Great –aren’t these the same people who arrest people and make reports about their guilt? How can their word be trusted? What if they don’t like you? What if they don’t like someone in your family or your friends? This shows they don’t have a problem with telling lies. Can you be assured they won’t change a report or put false information in it? Who’s going to checking what they do?

Anonymous said...

We are sure you can produce more - unfortunately, the powers at be appear to be bamboozled into believing a known liar (who stands behind a badge). If people didn't believe cops could be crooked...they have only to look at our commander and chief.

Anonymous said...

Screwing around with donations from the people? What is wrong with all of you? What a Sham on the people of this town who think donating what little we have may do some good for someone. I for one will not donate to any organization in this town that I know has one of these crooks involved with it.

Only being told to step down was a big break for these guys or is there another investigation down the pike?

Anonymous said...

Wait til this gets around the county, won't Winchester look like a bunch of corrupt idiots are running it?

No law abiding person would allow this to happen under their watch. If there were law abiding people running this town they wouldn't have covered this up, they would have exposed it.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing the Winchester Informer ran this before the Keene Sentinel because they would have chopped it up and slanted to make it look like Gary Phillips, Chris Roberts and Maryan Platz saved the day instead of behaved like common criminals and then got caught like the common criminals they are.
I hope the board has enough backbone to fire this group whose salaries and benefits we are now paying.

Its a felony folks said...

Lets not forget the apparent cover up with the hwy dept on pinney woods road.

Anonymous said...

What I can't comprehend, is that a safe from a Post Office is considered a Federal Crime. Why isn't the FBI involved in that case?

Has no one pointed a finger at the highway crew that stole the stolen items?

What did the Selectman do about it? Can anyone tell us? I guarantee it's a "sealed minutes" ordeal, right? In which they all decided to sit on their collective thumbs.

Anonymous said...

One of the Allegations as written by AG’s office –

“Acting Treasurer, Gary A Phillips, removed the Treasurer’s name for the Association’s bank account and substituted Gary A Phillips and Christopher Roberts as the signers on said account without proper authorization and in violation of the Association’s bylaws”

Findings by AG’s office –

“Based upon a review of the allegations the Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Unit has concluded Gary A Phillips, Christopher Roberts and Maryan Platz did not follow the bylaws of the Winchester Police Association in electing new officers and in changing the authorized names on the Association’s bank account”

If they didn’t follow the bylaws – which are legal binding laws for the organization they fall under - and they caused a bank to change authorized signatures on a bank account – what does that make the Chief and Lieutenant of Winchester?

That makes them criminals doesn't it? They broke the law, didin't they?

Presenting false information to a bank or misleading them into believing that you have the right to change an authorized signature would make you a criminal and in violation of banking laws………Ummmmm………… I wonder what happens next.

Surely, they aren’t going to get away with no criminals charges when they have so blatantly disobeyed the law and then lied and tried to cover it up, are they?

totally disgusted said...

The way I see it besides firing the chief, Roberts and Platz immediately for the association mess, the chief and Roberts should also be fired for the coverup of this safe thing along with all of our selectmen who are doing nothing and allowing this crime to go unpunished. As for the highway dept. guys involved they should also immediately be fired for their dishonesty, theft of evidence and screwing up a crime scene. Is their anyone on our town's payroll that isn't involved in some underhanded behavior or is this all just par for the course with these people? No wonder Winchester is rotten to the core and the joke of the county.


Is this why Reppucci got fired, for blowing the whistle on the association mess and not for the reasons the chief gave to the selectmen? Can someone who really knows the truth about this pinney woods road incident fill us all in? Is there a report somewhere on this mess mentioning the highway employees that I can get my hands on?

Anonymous said...

You who - they can't fire anyone...SHERMAN made sure of that. He voted to have a HIRING FREEZE at last week's BOS meeting. He knows how to manipulate the system. Try and figure that one out!

And the rest of the board went right along with it.

another cover up ? said...

In and older post,fact fact fact, it was detailed how the hwy guys on CO. time with Co. equipment took a safe or strong box and tools and a chain from pinney woods road, and after being questioned by the local police, on Co. time with Co. equip. took the safe or strong box back and threw it in the water. Maybe the informer can dig it up and reprint it. The post also told where to get the proof.

not from Winchester said...

To inquiring minds. There has been alot of information posted on this blog over the past several months. Although the info posted is entertaining,there has been very detailed info posted regarding the safe incident. Yes there is a report and a US Postal Service Investivator has a copy. Yes there were Winchester Highway Dept.workers who tampered with evidence. Gary Phillips did interview the workers who initially denied taking the strong box then returning it to the scene by driving a town truck on town time and throwing the strongbox out the window. This was after they were asked if they knew where the box was. A set of bolt cutters was removed frome the scene by a hoghway department employee and later taken from that town highway department employee an put into evidence. This info is in the report and on the blog. Has anyone called Warren Breau who injured his back recovering evidence from brook at Piney Woods that Roberts knew about several days before but refused to recover from the brook because he did not want to risk injury? Of course, Roberts said that there was no evidentary value to the safe because is was in the water where the current washed away and evidence. The funny part about this folks is that after Warren Breau and Paul McCombs spent several hours recovering the safe, the safe door and nearly 200 US Postal Money Orders there was an address on the safe door that Breau researched and discovered that there was a burglary to a Post Office over the border in Massachusetts the Saturday before the safe was recovered and the safe was recovered the following Thursday. Roberts got a call regarding the safe in the water on the Sunday after the burglary. Yes folks, Roberts knew about the safe in the water the morning after it was stolen and he failed to do his job and in recover it from the brook. Phillips knew this and was upset but he did not do anything such as suspending or firing Roberts for failing to do his job.

The safe incident happened last February around Valentines Day. Review the blogs folks and you will see infoemation pertaining to this incident and other wrong doings by Phillips, Roberts and don't forget, Officer Nate Jette who admitted to taking a bicycle from the police impound because his son did not have one.

Remember also that Jette admitted to taking windshield washer fluid and other items from the department during his polygraph phase of the hiring process with New Ipswich PD and Lt. Carpenter told Jette they did not want him because of integrity issues. New Ipswich PD did not even allow Jette to take the polygraph because he was not forthcoming the week prior when he was asked if he took anything. This came directly from Jette's mouth.

It has been posted time and again folks throughout the blogs that the BOS have enough information to open an investigation against Phillips, Roberts and Jette for their actions ranging from tampering with evidence, destroying evidence and not reporting it (Jette did this), soliciting unauthorized donations, saying rude and insulting remarks to a manager of a reputable local business manager, Roberts driving the Police Dept Expedition with an expired safety rejection sticker. All this has been posted before folks. It is accurate and solid information. Yet no one will do anything about it. What a shame!!!

Anonymous said...

Part 1

This open letter is specifically addressed to the Town Hall of Winchester, NH, the BOS and the Town Administrator Bob Gray:

First it is a known fact that you all read and monitor this blog, as is evidenced by the numerous posts made by the Town Hall in general and the BOS in particular, so in an attempt to bring transparency please deal with this issue regarding the Chief of Police, Lieutenant and WPD Secretary.

It has been shown here on this blog and is now with proof of illegal activity having been orchestrated against the WPA and that you all were given certain information regarding the activities of some of the police officers and the Chief of Police who are also appointed members of the Winchester Police Department, appointed by the BOS. You were asked to look into the matter of wrongdoing with that Association and this was done at various times, in various ways, by various people during the course of the last 7 or 8 months.

The AG’s office has now found that the 2 highest ranking officers in the police department, Chief Gary A Phillips and Lieutenant Christopher Roberts, to reiterate both appointed by the BOS and because of their actions involving the WPA have been found to have committed illegal acts on the Association and on TD Banknorth.

In addition the highest ranking civilian employee of the WPD, Maryan Platz was found to be a co-conspirator.

At the minimum the BOS need to find Chief Phillips and LT Roberts and Maryan Platz in violation of Town and WPD Policies specifically related to conduct while on duty as town employees.

Gary A Phillips and Lt Roberts were representing that they were in official capacity to conduct business in that they were both observed wearing their uniforms when they presented this fraudulent documentation to the bank in their quest to deceive.

Pun intended said...

Gives you the warm fuzzies!

Anonymous said...

Part 2

According to documents posted on this website – see blog dated 10/22/09 – What more do you want? ….. See document under heading More Policy Violations?

At minimum the following polices of the WPD and Town’s Polices were violated by these members of the WPD Chief Gary A Phillips, Lt. Christopher Roberts and Maryan Platz:

G. Prohibited Conduct

1. CRIMINAL CONDUCT – Violation of any law of the United States or of any state or any local jurisdiction in which an officer is present. A conviction of the violation of any law shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.

2. CONDUCT UNBECOMING an OFFICER – Conduct which brings the department into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the officer as a member of the department, or that which impairs the operation of the efficiency of the department or officer.

3. NEGLECT of DUTY – Being absent from assigned duty without leave or failing to take suitable and appropriate police action when any crime, public disorder or other incident requires police attention.
(A conspiracy to deceive would mean that in order to participate in the conspiracy one would have to neglect the duty of a police officer.)

8. IMPROPER ASSOCIATIONS – Voluntarily maintaining or establishing relationships with persons engaged in unlawful activity, except in the discharge of official duty with prior knowledge of the chief or in the case of the chief himself, the town manager.
(A conspiracy to deceive would mean that in order to participate in the conspiracy one would have to have improper associations of a police officer.)

9. UNDUE INFLUENCE – Seeking the influence or intervention of any person outside the department for purposes of personal preferment, advantage, transfer or advancement.
(Going into the bank to request action from the bank that ultimately caused an employee at the bank account to remove a signer from a bank account while presenting fraudulent paperwork and wearing a full police officer uniform would certainly be construed as undue influence. Who would dare question the Chief and the LT of a police department? They know the laws and they don’t break them.)

11. Personal Business – Conducting personal business while on duty.

This at minimum are official polices violated by these employees.

When is the hearing related to this matter going to be held and will it be open or closed to the public? Please let us know. We have a right to know how the BOS will handle and deal with the corruption, coercion, unethical and illegal activity being allowed to continue in this town.

AMASING said...

On the piney woods incidence, what about Dale Gray, John Gomarlo, and the selectmen that authorized the cover up?

Anonymous said...

To Inquiring minds –

It looks like the reason that the BOS won't do anything is because of the Reppucci lawsuit.

If they admonish or discipline their golden child Phillips then Reppucci’s allegations of illegal and unethical activity are acknowledged, so they can’t or won’t do that.

On the other hand at our expense, because we will have to pay for all the lawyers in our tax bills, what they fail to recognize is that by protecting Phillips they are hurting us more because now they will have to defend Phillips actions and the BOS’s actions and all the other actions or inactions that have occurred, and the town is going to lose. There is no way that any judge or jury is going to say the town was right to fire someone because they tried to expose corruption.

The people with the know and the people who want to know need to go to the FBI with their information and their complaints.

If you read what is on this blog you can clearly see what is going on and how the corruption is being hidden.

The BOS are in a conspiracy to cover-up the facts from the public about the corruption and the illegal practices going on in this towns police department are showin very clearly that they are willing participants to this conspiracy because the Attorney General’s Office of NH has put them on notice to it.

The BOS can not skirt around the issue and say this isn’t police business the participants to this crime were acting as Winchester Town Police officers and town employees when the crimes were committed, since they were in their uniforms at the time, no civilian would ever know that, nor would they challenge that.

Coercion and corruption.

We must keep searching to get to the bottom, we are certainly at least at the surface and what was said earlier in these blogs has been truthful.

the Winchester Informer said...

I would think that under the Federal Whistle-blowers Law, that Reppucci and any other town employee that comes forward to expose known corruption and/or any wrong doing is protected from losing his or her job and that they would be compensated for doing the right thing. Without those on the inside willing to come forward and bring to light the problems they see daily, they'll be no justice for the public and issues that effect us all, will remain covered up and swept under the rug by those in power. This is why the law was enacted and employees received protection from the Federal Government.

Anonymous said...

To W. I. - that would be correct - there is protection available.

Anonymous said...

After wading through much of this, it can be said the BOS are pretty consistent in that they don’t do anything to make our town a better place to live and they are pretty consistent showing us that they are as corrupt as the police department and they are pretty consistent in covering up for the police department and they are pretty consistent in covering up the wrongdoing of some of the towns employees and they are pretty consistent in telling the world they are no better than the common criminals they protect, who by the way are supposed to protect us and I’m confident that that consistency will see the whole damn bunch fall and topple like a row of dominoes. Keep up the good work – it will be used against you, it will be your demise and it will be a pleasure to watch.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to see why we don't go anywhere in this town, the management has a collective brain that acts like a teenager trying to be a grown up and a know it all who knows nothing and acts like they know even less. Guess that's what you get in Winchester, kinda the backwoods, backwards way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

For the selectmen not to do somehting about this shows that all 5 of them approve of the Chief, Lt and Secretaray participating in illegal activity and breaking the law.

The Attorney General's office said they broke the law.

What they did was illegal and breaking the law -

It doesn't matter when, it's still breaking the law

It doesn't matter why, it's still breaking the law

It doesn't even matter that they don't go to jail

Illegal activity is illegal activity and breaking the law is breaking the law

Don't we have a town policy that says misconduct by town employees gets them ousted?

How can you trust what they say when the AG's office has determined they have misused their authority and lied?

The Chief even admits to the AG's office that he and his co-conspirators did do something illegal by not following the law and that he was wrong.

He's a cop and a chief, he should have known better and if he can't follow the law how can he be entrusted to protect it?

So the selectmen have a very easy job of it if they want it just get rid of the bad trees in the police department - In a report from the AG's office the Chief admits to providing frauduent paperwork to the bank and yet the selectment continue to let him and the Lt decide important matters about what goes on and this is done behind closed doors? Fire them or have the next layer of authority come in - the FBI - and get to the bottom of the corruption that is going on.

Maybe the slectmen think that the AG's office is just picking on the Chief, Lt and secretary?

That's what happens when you have closed doors.

But since the selectmen know and since the selectmen don't care they themselves have participated in breaking the law by doing nothing to stop it.

We really have to get out the vote and get honest people in office.

????????? said...

Another fallen former Winchester policeman, and another no show from our dept., i don't get it.

Inquiring minds want to know said...

What happened at Superior Court with the Board of Selectman this week? Which lied the best under oath?