Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Election Is Over

By Kim N. Gordon

I am a firm believer that communication is key to building a solid relationship. Our town has a lot of rumors flying around, and because people do not communicate or confirm whether the information they have heard is factual or not, they tend to believe it. As a result, I see there is a lot of division in this town - created by finger pointing, back stabbing and credibility lost from inaction. Many times, you simply need to consider the source and know that it’s fallacious.

My advice is to ask those who can give you the honest and correct answer. There are a few that would like to believe that The Winchester Informer is not the proper place and I would have to agree. It’s simply a platform to learn the facts and find out what is going on around town, a barometer for what’s happening. You can “blog” rumors all you want, but it’s important that the facts are presented here and then you confirm them for yourself.

The majority of people in this town are too busy to run to town hall, to request copies of minutes or attend meetings, but they can sit down at the computer when they have a spare moment. I believe that it is important that everyone who wishes to keep informed needs to contact the Selectman’s office and request that they put pressure on ALL of the boards and committees.

This summer, I requested that the minutes be posted for all committees, but that request has not come to fruition in the past seven months. Bob Gray informed me that most committees fail to report or update their files, which are kept under the counter. Most of the books are empty. When his office does receive them they are posted online. I suggest that everyone call and request access to ALL of the current & past minutes posted for the School Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, Library Trustees, Historic District, RED, Town Beach and Cemetery.

The BOS & Planning Board deserve Kudos for generally keeping up to date and in a timely fashion. Keep in mind that the minutes can be slanted and are only a synopsis of the meeting. Don’t rely on the grapevine to give you the facts and steer away from the rumors. Again call Town hall and request the minutes be posted online and do your own research.


sick of fake people said...

WOW......Kim needs to practice what she preaches. In our experience she is very guilty of spreading rumours and filling peoples heads full of nonfactual statements. when you first meet her on the town end of things she seems great but after you really get to know her you soon realize she is very two faced and has a history of causing trouble and spreading lies and rumours. She will go to selectman meetings and support them in their decisions and act like she wants to help them make a better community then she will cut them down first chance she gets . when she post on here under anonymous its still very easy to recognize its her by the language. Her new best friend John Keenan is very vocal on where he gets his rumours and slanderous statements that he comes up with. when cornered and pressured he does give up his his "sources" and it always leads back to Kim.
I couldn't help but to notice in another post she made that she states she tries to help our community by volunteering, Not once have we seen her volunteer anywhere and I know for a fact many of our organizations have asked to help out with community events because she has been un-employed for years now and you would think she has the time to help but she always turns them down because she is to busy, maybe she will be to busy to do a good job on the planning board? her new found interest in the planning board is because she didn't want a dump - compost company in her back yard (literally) besides that I don't believe she has any care about our community.

we think this may be another case of backtracking just like Bob did yesterday, he realized how harm full to future campaign attempts his comments were about women voters and women elected officials so he posted that everyone misunderstood his statement. we read it several times, no misunderstanding, we all knew exactly what he was implying

Anonymous said...

Any Board, Committee, Commission that receives public funding and has elected or appointed offices should post their minutes publicly in a timely manner. Failure to do so should result in freezing any of their funding. Period. Thank you Kim for bringing this matter to light.

talk about fake said...

The 12:22 post is probley by a another person who would not admit to even bother with the Informer.

sick of your lies said...

to: sick of fake people,

WOW yourself; you just covered all of the bases that you and your narrowed minded drivel posters have been whining about since this blog began shedding some light on your activities; rumors, innuendo's, falsehoods and slanderous statements in regards to Mrs. Gordon and I guess we should throw in hearsay too.
Gotta say you people aren't discriminatory at all, you pick on everyone that stands up to the injustices of those in power and their significant others who spout nonsense and swear it's truth in support of them. Get a life and stop with the smear campaign, we aren't falling for the lies and bs you continue to post on this blog.

Talk About Fake said...

You can bet your boots the 12:22pm post is a person who would never admit to even looking at the Informer.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Gordon's motivation for getting involved in the local issues,perhaps is based in the Triple T property plans, but at least she has been able to stand up for her beliefs. There are many people in this community that don't care for having the type of business in Ashuelot, that they would create. If that is being "Fake" then why don't we lable some of the other pet political projects that are happening in town, as being "Fake" too. We could say the same of many of the town's committees and social organizations. What are their agendas?

Anonymous said...

Exactly what we have come to expect, attack anyone who they deem doesn't fit into their little clique.

Anonymous said...

"Sick of fake people" Sadly I would have to agree with you. Im one of the few that attends Selectman meetings sometimes, and have heard some of the conversations she has had with MR Keenan.
and I myself have tried several times to get her to donate her time by volunteering for town events and organizations with no luck, so I am curious where she comes up with she volunteers for her community because she didnt serve in the military? I really liked her when I first met her but after time and getting to know her i have a much different view of her now. Its really sad because she could have been a strong force in helping this town grow instead of self destructing

HELP said...

8:14 you have got to be kidding. The good thing is no one stays in power for ever it just takes time.

the Winchester Informer said...

First you attack John Keenan for posting his comments, then Bob Davis for his and then Mike Towne for running for office and being a part of this website and now Kim Gordon for not being a part of your slanted opinionated groups. Your record of personal attacks on these people speaks volumes to just how much is wrong with this town. We have two groups of people living here; the "haves", who'll stop at nothing to retain control and get their own ways and keep people from finding out the real truths, who live off the sweat of others and who walk around town with their noses in the air crowing about how much they do for Winchester and how they are working to better the town for everyone. This group is made up of the self-important hierarchy that includes town employees, their families and friends and outsiders they have made backroom deals with over the years. These people are so threatened by change, they gang up on and smear the reputations of anyone who stands up against them, ( remember the campaigns against Brian Moser and Susan Newell )and use every vicious tactic known to ruin the lives of these people to keep control, resorting to spreading rumors and innuendos and lies to belittle them. Then on the other hand you have the "have nots", people struggling just to get by, some who out of fear of retaliation, keep their mouths shut and hope by remaining quiet and not rocking the boat things will get better for them. They figure "out of sight, out of mind" and that they can't be blamed for anything, so they don't even go to the polls and vote or take an interest in any town politics or complain even to their neighbors for fear of being labeled. The rest of the "have nots" and this is a very low number, try to do something about the injustices, the untruths and the slanted words being fed to everyone outside the circle of influence downtown by voting, running for office and speaking out, exposing the lies and deceitful ways the town is being run into the ground for the profit of a very few and these people are raked over the coals and ostracized for trying to do what's right for the betterment of the town, it's people and our children's future. The truly sad part of all of this is that the people these people are trying to help better their lives are the very same that have fallen for the bullcrap being spread about them and who have turned their backs on them, just what the "haves" wanted and orchestrated to keep the status quo.

Look above, read the nonsense posted and ask yourselves, why would someone go to these lengths to malign someone they obviously don't know; but see as a threat to them? Ask yourselves what the real reasons are for posting these comments if they are so intent on making Winchester a better place for all. It sure doesn't sound like it does it? Their sole purpose is to run someone into the ground, to muddy the waters, to push their own agendas and to belittle someone who will not be silenced or intimidated and who will speak up when something isn't right and who will work hard to see that everyone is treated fairly, equally and justly when they go before the Planning Board. It would seem the comments about Kim not taking an active role in the community is just more smoke coming out of the mouths of her detractors, the Margaret Sharra and Beaman supporters who aren't happy with her being elected to the board. Too bad for them, the voters have spoken, live with it.
Sadly I suspect this type of smear campaign will continue; but if we all consider the source and remember that these people voted for and support a woman who indirectly is responsible for a lawsuit that is costing the town thousands and will cost thousands more in the future, ask yourselves who you'd rather have sitting on that board.

Kim N Gordon said...

To WOW – Sadly, when I wrote this I knew that the ones to respond would be the very ones I was trying to send a message to. Thank you for reiterating my statement about facts. Apparently you too have been listening to rumors and considering them to be facts. Otherwise you would know that I have been attending the Board of Selectman meetings for years, NOT because I am there to support or applaud them, but because I am tired of being bamboozled!

The moment that confirmed me as a regular audience member at the meetings was the notice in the paper stating that the Town of Winchester needed to improve the sewer plant for over $200,000. That’s right, two hundred thousand. When I mentioned it to my husband (who designs them for a living), he said that would be a miracle. We would be lucky to get a new one for under $20 million. Guess what I discovered? The sewer plant was going to cost over $2 million. Big difference, right? I attended the next week to learn that the BOS failed to mention in the public session that there was also a Phase II for another 1.4 million.

Regarding John, my first paragraph completely applies. Some people have a hard time keeping the facts straight.

I would love to know what “town projects” I haven’t volunteered for. There is only one that I can think of in recent memory that I declined and not because I was busy. They were given the true reason and I won’t go into details because that would be touching on a sensitive subject regarding a community member. If you knew me (instead of relying on rumor) you would know that your statement was completely inaccurate. My volunteerism does not involve the kind of service where I would receive public accolades or certificates of appreciation. Instead it comes in the form of thank you notes.

Yes, I have been unemployed. In fact, my unemployment has been a conscience choice for 14 years. I have been a “stay-at-home-mom” and this was by design. Moving to New Hampshire afforded my husband & I the opportunity for me to stay at home with our young boys and to raise them near family and grandparents.

Last but not least, it might appear that the Triple T project was when I became involved in local government. It also might appear that I was a lone soldier in this quest. The truth is that I have been involved for many years (since the last revaluation). Because I have more time to devote, I was the one out of a group of 4 dozen neighbors that volunteered to investigate and stay on top of matters regarding a dump in our back yards.

My concerns for our children’s future and the future of our home and property I have a great deal of passion for our town and it’s purpose. Knowing me and not relying on rumors you would discover that I am fanatic about both. When you find yourself paying $10 a day in property taxes, you tend to get involved!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Kim, for responding in a direct, factually based, professional manner. Thank you Kim for publishing under your name. When you can be contacted via email, I will do so. Until then, know that many of us "have your back" and will be considering the sources regarding any new rumors or innuendos.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 8:14 perhaps the reason Kim does not volunteer for your organization is that she has felt the knife in her back. She has the right to make her own decisions and further more we have no right to question her.

Kudos Kim, we will help in anyway that we can. It's nice to know that family comes first.

Have a great day blog!

Anonymous said...

Kim, Keep the faith. You have obviously become a threat to the opposition party. Being open and honest, are admirable traits.

Anonymous said...


Don't let the mud throwers get to you. They must have a real hard time looking in THEIR mirrors, so they feel they have to make someone else look worse. If you want to see who is really dirty, look at the hands of those who are throwing the stuff.

I can attest to your much appreciated volunteer help and your multi-year political activity.

They hate you because you scare them. You scare them because your moral and competent -- two things this town has seen far too little of.

Anonymous said...

Can we declare a draw and move on. The election is over as Kim said!!! Put up a white flag and stop all of this crap, which is what I think Kim's intent was in the first place. Accept that there are wonderful competent people on both sides of this inane situation; people who care about resolving problems, righting wrongs,etc and that each side has people who are fowl mouthed morons or too full of ego to want a solution. In the middle of the extremes are real people waiting to save a town!!!! We may have different views, different political agendas but we want this all to stop so we all can move on. Call in the state and what will that solve. We just spend more time and money and create more hatred ansd animosity and division. What Winchester needs is for this to stop; a healing and move Kim said THE ELECTION IS OVER. Thanks for trying Kim!!!! I am from the "other side" but I voted for you because I think you represent some new blood and the beginning of a solution.

Anonymous said...

after reading all the post under this blog I am confused. The Winchester Informer and yourself have posted that some of the post about you are rumors and slander, I have read them multiple times and didn't see any of that. Everything that was posted about you is a known fact and can be proven, not a rumor and no slander.

please help us out with some of your statements and Ill even provide the quote from you.

"Apparently you too have been listening to rumors and considering them to be facts"
Its not a rumour that you and John hang out at selectman's meetings and talk about people, as you know he is a little loud and your conversations are heard by many. It is a fact he claims to have come to your house dozens of times and gets his information from you, all of it rumor, hostile, and slanderous so far, against selectman, planning board members and other members of our community or organizations.

"Regarding John, my first paragraph completely applies. Some people have a hard time keeping the facts straight."
are you stating that you haven't told him all the bs he spouts off and sent him out to do your dirty work, or now that he is in hot water and must fess up where he gets his rumors and slanderous statements he is using you as a scape goat and lying about his "sources"
Note to you- if you use this man to do your dirty work and fill his head full of untrue rumors and lies be prepared to accept whatever happens when it comes back to you, he is not going to go down in flames by himself and will roll over on every one that uses him this way. he is already proving this to be true

"I would love to know what “town projects” I haven’t volunteered for. There is only one that I can think of in recent memory that I declined and not because I was busy."
OK, Pickle festival, C.A.S.T. blood drives,Parades, sports and programming at the community center, WGYB, are some of the few that was brought to our attention that you didn't have time for. so maybe you can list the ones you have volunteered for besides planning board and help us set the facts straight

"Yes, I have been unemployed. In fact, my unemployment has been a conscience choice for 14 years. I have been a “stay-at-home-mom” and this was by design."
OK on this one it may be a gray area, some would say when your kids are in school full time you are not a stay at home mother but a stay at home housewife or unemployed, but some may think differently, we will let them decide. but it does bring up the thought of why people would think you might have the time to help out with the community.

On a seperate issue not involving you, we just dont want to add another post. we would like to thank the Informer on new info about John Keenan. we knew he had a restraining order on him from the manager at sunrise for his hostility and threats but we were unaware of a possible second one Ill cut and past for you

the Winchester Informer said...

re: looking for truth

“Are you speaking about the neighbor of his he cordially visited and asked about the improprieties he witnessed during the polling and why she didn't speak up while sitting their watching? Seems some people over react when they don't want to answer hard questions put to them, though they seek the position and demand the respect, they fail to "serve" as they promise to do.

We understand even Ms. Platz said the compliant was foolish; but the police had no choice but to follow through. As for other complaints, I'd put money on it they will be just as frivolous too.”

I do have to add I know for a fact that Ms. Platz would never comment on any ongoing investigation or concluded investigation to anyone that wasn’t part of the investigation. So where would you come up with her saying it was foolish not from her, but John maybe

Anonymous said...

Dear Informer
1 min ago a reposted comments about Kims letter for the 3rd time you keep choosing not to post. there was no mud slinging or rumors no hostility just question about her own letter you posted under her name. we have the right to ask her about her statements.
you constantly insist you do not censor this sight but without a doubt you do. you allow posters to lie and spread rumors about elected officials, Police chief ,policemen, Dale grey and his employees and many other of our towns people. but when someone tries to question some one you support the post doesnt make it on.
I have read the users agreement you signed up under to create this blog at Google and there has been numerous violations, you also have hidden or removed the "Report this blog " button that people can use to make Google aware of improper use of this sight, I dont want to see this sight closed I still believe someday it will work correctly and become usefull to us but right now its nothing but a slander and rumor sight to serve a minority that doesnt like the way the majority votes


the Winchester Informer said...

To the above cry baby who continues to hide behind the anonymous choice when posting her nonsense and attacks, we have not censored anyone's posts unless it has contained vulgar language. We have said this numerous times and yet you continue your attacks on us.
The server has recently been updated and there has been a couple of instances where you and a couple others voiced concerns that their posts were not published, so we checked and found the glitch, we apologize for the delay. Also, we have removed nothing, so go complain away. There is nothing on this site we can not show proof to or facts in writing. Try as you may, we're here to stay.

I'd strongly suggest you stop with your attacks on us or you will find we have a short fuse and we will just refuse to post any more of your nonsense. We do reserve the right to edit.

talk about a fool said...

Boy, talk about someone who wanted their 15 seconds of fame. My message to them would be to get a life. Oh and what you posted is just more rumor and drivel,nothing any of us haven't seen before. So what was so important that got you so upset your post did not show up?

Bob Davis said...

One other thought to the people who are reluctant to post here. Do not be afraid of taking part in the discussions here because of the spelling gurus of slanderous attacks from the very few set on destroying the site and free speech. Here is a quote from Octavia Butler or called Junie, was paralytically shy and a daydreamer, and was later diagnosed as being dyslexic and a writer.
“You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence“!.

Bob Davis said...

Sticks and stone will break our bones, but your sabotage and sniping, will not restrain us; from taking action or speaking out, or discouraging others from taking action or prevent others from speaking out by making people feel afraid or anxious of you people. All the sniping, slanderous attacks, name calling will not deter us from keeping people informed with this site because I am personally going to make sure they have enough funding and legal support to carry on. I am sick and tired of the people we elected to office who took an oath to work in the best interest of the citizens while harboring people like our past town manager. . Now there is another person that took an oath of office and is doing all he can to ensure his friends the incumbents stay in charge of your tax dollars. Stayed tuned…………..

Continuous, unflagging effort, persistence and determination will win. Let not the man be discouraged who has these.
James Whitcomb Riley

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the timing just isn't right and you have to accept the fact that things happen for reasons as yet unknown.....................perhaps that is what has happened here on this blog and during the past election.

Maybe the time isn't yet ripe for Bob and Mike and Kim, to get so closely involved in the politics of the town.

Maybe, just maybe, the real mission they have been assigned is to expose the unjust and wanton ruination of the town of Winchester by those who call themselves leaders and advocates of the people.

Maybe, just maybe, after cleaning up the town of the riff raff and exposing the years, with proof of course, of misconduct by the so called self righteous, self proclaimed leaders of this town, these fine people will then not be exposed to the deep dark pool of sludge that has been accumulating and risk the possibility of getting sucked into it with the others.

Instead, if you believe, they will be untainted and will then be very effective in turning our town around and make it a town who's people are respected and not ridiculed.

If you believe..........................

I believe, do you believe??????????????

Anonymous said...

the Winchester Informer said...
To the above cry baby who continues to hide behind the anonymous choice when posting her nonsense and attacks, we have not censored anyone's posts unless it has contained vulgar language. We have said this numerous times and yet you continue your attacks on us.

Please explain how you feel we are attacking Kim by asking her for more information on her own comments. She chose to post here and use her name and we only asked her to back up her statements and give us more clarity on things she was stating. not a attack

we hope when someone in the future attacks and spreads rumors about town employees and elected officials and other citizens you take this same stand

Sadly I think the time has come to contact google and send them cut and paste of some of the vicious post you allow or make yourself over the years there are hundreds of them and on many of them you have used peoples names. this is Slander, Deflamation of character and probably brings up some privacy issues

the Winchester Informer said...

Your continued effort to malign Kim Gordon and this blog leaves us no choice but to put you on notice for what we see as nothing more than an attempt to be disruptive. Your questions have been answered by both this blog and Mrs. Gordon and yet you continue, despite being warned to push your silly agenda. Our disclaimer contains the following;

" We reserve the right to edit or remove offensive comments."

We thank you for your comments and vague threats.

We think you should spend more time with a dictionary in the future before you comment on blogs or websites, it's obvious you need the help in understanding the words you type. We're not ridiculing you for your grammar or spelling errors, but it is obvious that you have no understanding of the words slander and defamation.

This is exactly why we are forced to moderate comments on this blog

Your privilege to blog here has been revoked.

Anonymous said...

Bye Ed, don't forget to take your meds and attend your sessions.

a supporter said...

What a fool, obviously someone associated with the town or someone kissing up to someone on the town's payroll. It's obvious that they want this blog removed for exposing the BS that goes on downtown and the people involved. Keep up the good work you informers, there are cracks in the walls and the light is beginning to shine through.

Anonymous said...

Funny how this person talks of privacy issues and then expects Kim to post personal information just to satisfy them. Glad you sent them packing. Enough of the nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Don't go away mad, just go away fool.

Anonymous said...

It does seem odd that when people post rumors and hearsay on here it draws a ton of comments and spurs more romors and malicous post. but when someone post questions to a poster who seems to be a Informer supporter,the comments and post dont seem to happen. I wonder if they are happening and the Informer chooses what they post or dont post. or if people really dont wish to know more about the "supporters" posting here?
Seems you talk about truth and clarity with our town how about more truth and clarity here on the Informer and the people who use it to promote themselves one way or another????

Anonymous said...

C'mon Ed, get a life and do something useful, you're one sided baloney is getting really old.

get over it said...

Opinion is just opinion, everyone is entitled.