Tuesday, June 8, 2010

AG's Office Investigating Numerous Voting Irregularities

The State Attorney General's office is conducting an investigation of numerous complaints regarding the conduct of Winchester's town officials during the town's annual election. Many of the State's statutes regulating elections were not followed properly; absentee ballots were mishandled by unauthorized town officials, illegal restrictions were put on new candidates, incumbents were allowed to campaign at the entrances and inside the building and other infractions of State law were observed. Rick Velenti of the State Attorney General's Office is conducting the investigation on behalf of Winchester's citizen's.

Many people have wondered how certain people keep getting elected year after year despite the outrage over their conduct while in office and how time after time large expenditures which adds to our tax burden constantly get approved by voters; perhaps this investigation will shed some light and provide some answers to those questions.


Watch Dog said...

Although it is to late to contest the election results, but Gus Ruth several election ago asked for a recount and ended up winning by finding 14 votes in his favor, I was told by a good source. Most of us were not aware of this (if it‘s true). The DeBold election counting machines Winchester and most towns use are inaccurate. We should vote to go back to a straight paper ballot.

If the AG office does a honest and impartial investigation they will find the Winchester citizens have been had by the clique. Legally speaking the judicial system will believe the institutions over the citizens. So the lying S.O.B. at the town hall has a big advantage with all the practice of lying they have had over the years.

Did any dead people vote? said...

are we going to need a "Special Election"?

Not surprised said...

Interesting. Wasn't Sherman Tedford at the table during the election opening ballots and when he was confronted by a few individuals including Mr. Parkhurst Tedford said he was a selectman and he could do what he wanted.And people wonder why the Town of Winchester and its departments are so screwed up and corrupt.

Picture ID said...

why is it our town doesn't require us to show a photo id at the sign in table? Across the country, you have to prove who you are before they will let you vote.

you gotta be kidding said...

My God, no wonder Ellen quit. Imagine what kind of a laughing stock we'll be when word gets out our town officials rigged and election to keep their seats. I hope they jail the bunch of them, no wonder we can't vote them out.

don't doubt it for one minute said...

What a bunch of phony egotistical bastards, nothing they do surprises me any more. There must be some real dark deep secret they don't want to be found out or why else risk fixing an election to stay in power?

Anonymous said...

Why were people on the ballot (or close "relations" on the ballot) allowed to work or run this past election? I can think of six in particular -
Henry Parkhurst
Peggy Cushing (on the ballot twice)
Mr. & Mrs Dick Whippie
Jim Tetreault
Gus Ruth

Anonymous said...

Connect the dots. Here a few possible issues concerning town employees and officials over the years. Keep in mind folks these issues go back possibly 20 years or more.

Possible issues:

Brattleboro Retreat:
DUI arrest while Chief of Police:
Drug consumption:
Sex on the Job:
Theft of pornography:
Destruction of evidence:
Voting fraud:
Tampering with eidence:
False reporting of evidence:
Accident cover up:
Illegal arrest:
Criminal threatening w/firearm:
Failure to arrest:(domestic violence)
Banking fraud:
DUI conviction:
Excessive force:

Short list of potential players:


Anonymous said...

You left out other players going back further, How about these?
Bucky Jones
Harold Secord
Leroy Austin
Ericka Ryll
Bob Sweat
How about the pay offs made to town officials by Mohawk Contraction to cut corners building the sewage system?
How about Police office discharging fire arm on Main street?
How about Pot sold out of police cruiser?
How about being at a party and have the chief of police use the cruiser to drive to lock-up to get a bag of pot?
How about the most beloved school principle smoking pot on Main street in Keene?

Inquiring minds want to know said...

So, what's happening? Who, what, where, when? Does anyone have more details?

Watch Dog said...

How this.....something we are all are paying thousand of dollars even today. Mohawk Construction Co. installed the original sewage system in Winchester

Did someone or somebody get payed-off by Mohawk Construction Co when laying sewage pipe up Richmond Road they hit ledge in front of the post office? To blast the ledge would have cost Mohawk thousands of dollars. Harold Secord and the selectmen who was in charge of supervising the installation of the sewage pipe line allowed Mohawk to raise the pipe 6" to avoid blasting. This put the pipe to high to catch Bi-Low Acres and the town had to spend hundreds of thousand of dollars for a pumping station, paying for electricity to sustain running a pump and thousand for a stand by generator. Not to mention all the shorty workmanship Mohawk was allowed to do. This is costing us thousands of dollars to repair leaks and cracked pipes.

How about the low, low sewage rate the Secord owned Forest Lake Camping ground enjoyed over the years.

Anonymous said...

Please continue to provide any and all information.

Watch Dog said...

Who got paid off when the Winchester Tannery was gutted of it's steel and copper? Wasn't John Gomarlo incharge of the Tannery? Didn't we pay thousands of dollars to Gomarlo for com-time no one kept track of except Gomarlo?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should also investigate the selectmen meeting on the sly everyday at Gardner's house. They'd better be keeping minutes of these meetings as it's against the law to meet outside of a scheduled public meeting. They'll come up with the bs they are all friends ( pac of liars is what the are ) and are just having brunch together. Maybe they switched to the other side.

Anonymous said...

I understand ex-Chief of Police Jim Harrison was bag for a DUI recently!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet reading about the recent shenanigans pulled by the WPD has driven him to drink.

wondering what's going on said...

I heard from a reliable source over in Hinsdale that there were some 150 - 200 absentee ballots turned in and that they couldn't believe it when they heard it. Hinsdale had 13 in their general election, why'd we have so many? Something is real fishy here.

Watch dog said...

It shows the state police do not play the good ole boy system!! The town police have looked the other way for certain people for years.

If we can now get the AG office to do their job we can fix other things that are broken.

Sounds familiar said...

Alleged job offers scrutinized White House denies wrongdoing

By Michael Muskal
McClatchy News Service
Published: Sunday, June 13, 2010
LOS ANGELES — Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday again called for an independent investigation into White House actions in trying to protect incumbent senators facing tough Democratic primaries.

In a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the Republicans argue that recent reports of the White House’s role in primaries in Pennsylvania and Colorado “have created new suspicion and a new set of questions. We do not believe this suspicion or these questions will diminish until a proper investigation clears the air and restores the public’s confidence.”

Good luck to the NH AGs office. How do you get the government to slap the hands of crooked politics, when they too are perpetrating it themselves. Can we trust anyone to be doing anything in the best interest of it's constinuents?

The Selectman opening absentee ballots illegally should at LEAST be asked to step down. But we all know that they believe they and their actions are above the law.

Watchful & Observant said...

So far everything that has been posted on this blog about any deceptive or questionable activities – no matter what the department in this town, no matter who the people involved, has proved to be true. It’s not the blog, it’s the lack of integrity of those in charge.

Concerned said...

We hear you Watchful & Observant and completely agree! How do we rid ourselves of the wrong doing?

past due said...

The AG's may want to look into the piney woods felony and cover up.

Watch Dog! said...

This was a comment to the Keene Sentinel about Bob Davis that was written by Old Fart aka Gus Ruth wrote on Mar 10, 2010 8:48 PM:
My comment, What a frig'n joke!

We shall see in few days, the AG's office will be making a decisson.

" Bob Davis got what he deserved, nothing! With all of the slander, lies and disruptions he has caused over the years I am surprised that no one has found a way to file a complaint against him at the court house. He and those like him keep saying that they represent the majority of the Winchester residents, when will they learn on how to read and count numbers to see that they do not represent the majority...... except for the majority of those whose only purpose is to be a disruption to the general public. "