Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Property Tax Evaluation Unfair -- Fight Back

By now most of you have received a letter from the Selectman's Office explaining how you can appeal your new property tax evaluation. Many owner's, including retirees and the disabled living on fixed incomes, had been counting on some form of financial relief in the form of lower tax bills seeing as how on average home prices have plummeted over 22 percent over the past three years and the situation isn't getting any better. But to everyone's disbelief, our town officials, with the help from Avitar Associates are keeping our property taxes high to make ends meet, rather than cutting back services or hours or laying off high salaried employees or putting a moratorium on spending; it's business as usual in Winchester. Our officials have an obligation to each and everyone of us and must balance the town's budgets responsibly, not on the backs of us homeowners. I'm not opposed to paying my fair share of taxes, but it has to be a fair and accurate valuation. It's time we take a stand and fight back and join the millions of other taxpayers revolting against unfair taxation.

CHECK your tax bill to make sure your land size, house square footage and other information are accurately recorded.
DECIDE if you should hire a consultant, such as a lawyer or real estate appraiser.
Helpful online sites include;
COLLECT documents that show your home's value should be lower, such as recent sales of at least three comparable homes in your neighborhood. The papers are generally publicly available at your tax assessor's office.
TAKE PHOTOS If your home needs major repairs-It won't be worth as much as homes in excellent shape.
CHECK if you qualify for property tax relief. Most towns offer this based on age, disability or military status.

Another good source of information is; www.lincolninst.edu
click on "Resourses & Tools," then "Significant Features of The Property Tax"

Don't just sit back and take this, take a stand, join your neighbors and contest your latest property tax bills and send a message that you will hold your local government accountable and let them know that you want fair and just taxation.


Anonymous said...

My assessment dropped. I have no idea how this happened. It the must have been "magic" as no one came into my house to appraise it. So folks, if this is how it's done then you all need to complain. Yep, the magic fairy is at it again.

I am curious, where do the selectmen stand with their evluations?

They have accomplished their goal to make you believe that the tax rate is "lower" as your evaluation is lower and that is not the case. They should have left well enough alone. This is Winchester-what the hell do you expect-Equity?

PS I thought that drive by evlauations were illegal.

I don't get it said...

Big week in Concord, If Henry and Dan don't have any ideas on how to fund the budget maybe they should stay home. Its to bad we have to turn to gambling but we have ben doing it for years and i think its better then tobacco and booze, plus the fact that Mass. is ready to beat us to the punch. If the people in Concord cant stop spending we don't have much of a choice. As far as our local tax goes, we get what we deserve when we vote in people that think money grows on trees and there only job is to make the town employees happy.In Winchester even the people that cant pay there taxes vote yes on all the big spending.

little inflation said...

Ours went up just a little, but I would expect that. However - NOT in this economy. The house next door to us has been on the market for almost two years with no takers. Gee...do you think they are asking too much? Or people see our tax rate and are wise enough not to fall for it?

Mike Towne said...

Last summer an agent from the assessment company came to my house and explained to me that they were doing a random sampling to set rates for the town. My property value went up $6,000. shortly thereafter, despite the housing market and poor economy. I filed an abatement based on a number of comparisons across the town and just got my notice that I have been turned down. I also just received my "NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT VALUES" and once again the assessment has gone up. This time they stuck me with a $13,000 increase in my land value. Though I am in the commercial zone,I pay more for my property than my neighbor who has more land and is in the more expensive agricultural zone, go figure. The value of my home did come down slightly, but this is still an increase of over $12,000 in less than a year. This is nothing but a shell game to them; housing prices are still in the tank, so we'll increase land values. What a crock. If the town needs more money to pay for all of the raises and increased benefits and the new toys it purchased, let the selectmen come up with the extra money out of their pockets or take some damn responsibility and make some tough cuts. Looks like we'll be headed to tax court to get this straightened out.

Anonymous said...

One of the few ways that can make a diffence in Winchester , is for the citizens to form a TAX PAYERS ASSOCIATION. Unless we organize and get hold on town expenses, we'll get picked off one by one. A group would also be a much better way for timid individuals to fight back at town meeting. It's time to take control and organize.

BOS Mtg said...

I guarantee you were one of the subjects of their "private session" discussions they have EVERY week.

"There is no way in hell we are going to give that " " one a break. The sooner he leaves town the better."

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to note how many houses Earl Beaman has given way over the year. Most notably -- Sherman Tedford got his for free from Earl Beaman in 1985. Margaret got her house for free in 89. Her parent's house in 96 for only 22,500.

No wonder he "owns the town".

wise to them said...

Maybe we should all take them to court just like other towns across the country are doing and have them explain over and over again how they are putting the screws to people they don't like while making sure friends and town employees get all the breaks.

Watch Dog said...

Earl Beaman has not or does not give anything away except his opinion. What a joke, Earl giving home away....

While you were checking the box and voted for all the selectman's money warrant articles in March did you wonder where the money was come form. Maybe some of that Obama's misty money that grows on trees

Now you know, they up-ed up your assessments. Your rate will probably stay the same but your taxes are surely to rise.

Oh! By the way Earl Beaman assessment for his house 465 Burt Hill with 190 acres with 7,519 square foot house, his assessment is only $244,751 as of last year. How does your house compare in size and valuation?

The accurate account said...

Owner Information:

Building Value: $215,900
Features Value: $56,200
Land Value: $154,371 (Current Use)

Card Value:
Parcel Value:

190 Ac. Market Value:

01 - RURAL CUse Credit:


Land Use:
1F RES Taxable Value:

Building Value:

CAPE Bedrooms:
1.75 STORY FRAME Baths:
3428 sqft
AVG+10 AC:
Year Built:
1996 Heating:
GABLE HIP Interior:




RE: BOS Mtg said...

To BOS Mtg -

Tell the "members" of the "private session" if they target "Unconstitutionally" they may end up creating a big problem.

It's all about what's "fair" and "legal" and holding those with the power to a "high level" of "accountability".

Tell the “members” of the “private session” if they don’t like the fire they started it’s time
for them to get out of the frying pan.

The fire is out of control and the only thing that will stop it is the "truth" and "accountability".

Watcher said...

The private session held last Wednesday by the B.O.S. pertained to what action they are taking about Nate Jette and his Facebook comments. Also, there was a meeting at the PD last Wednesday involving the PD's attorney. A NHSP Trooper met with Jette and Roberts after the attorney left. Hey...hey...hey...whats going on...whats going on?

Anonymous said...

Check out the new blogging from Nate Jette on the winchesternhcorruption.blogspot.com

Could it be the unfair taxes? said...

Census Shows Minority Population Growing In NH
Analyst Says Numbers Consistent With National Trend
POSTED: 10:41 am EDT June 11, 2010
Email Print
DURHAM, N.H. -- Minorities make up just 7 percent of New Hampshire's population, but they accounted for nearly 43 percent of the state's population growth in the last decade.

U.S. Census Bureau data released Thursday show New Hampshire's minority population growing by 37,900 people between 2000 and 2009, while the white population grew by 50,800 people. As a result of their faster growth rate, minorities increased from 4.7 percent of the state's population in 2000 to 7.2 percent in 2009.

UNH demographer Ken Johnson said those statistics are consistent with the national trend that could make minorities the new American majority by mid-century.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps our BOS has seen this information and this is now the town's new master plan to keep everyone out of Winchester -- high taxation -- uninspiring academics -- no jobs and an uncaring town government. What an attractive image Winchester projects now.

Anonymous said...

And telling big companies that want to come here things like ....."we have no land for you" or "Your company's salaries are too high for Winchester" but we love companies that pollute, smell or attract undesirable people. We love low income housing and driving good people out of town because they can't afford to stay anymore. Who is letting the state know about all of this??????

Anonymous said...

The people running the show can't afford to have reputable business and smart people around. They are too worried that the smart people will figure out lickity split their game and when that happens the gigs up for them.

What’s so pathetic is that the best that all these people can claim is that they work in the town hall of Winchester while everyone in the rest of the county laughs their asses off at their ignorance.

If there were only a mirror big enough for all of them to look in at the same time!!!!! They would scare themselves to death!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jette is trying to get his cheerleading squad out. If he was worried about the people in this town or his job he should have thought about us and his job before he but the screws to us.

If I ever need to call the police the last person I’ll let on my property is Jette. If my daughters or wife ever need a cop they won’t be talking to a cop that has been caught surfing the web and visiting porn sites while at work, like Jette has.

It’s an absolute disgrace that a cop would be visiting porn sites while on duty and still be working in any town.

Must be Phillips accepted low expectations of performance from the people who work in his department.

More wasteful spending.

eyes wide open said...

I've been researching these town evaluations on-line and I for the life of me can not make heads or tails out of how these evaluations make any sense at all. I can see numerous filings in tax court and appeals being filed. This is really unfair taxation for an awful lot of people while others get enormous breaks for no apparent reasons. I would advise everyone to look closely at these ratings and then ask yourself it you think something very fishy went on here.

In your corner said...

Looks to me like Mr. Towne got singled out big time. How can his one acre of land in the highway commercial zone be worth so much, while others with more acres than he pay less? I don't blame him one bit for taking the town to task on this, it's obvious what's happening to him. We've all seen this before now haven't we?

Anonymous said...

How can you be evaluated twice two years in a row? Wouldn't that be illegal if they did not do it to everyone?

Anonymous said...

Can someone post online a sampling of these town evaluations, of town employees, including the selectmen's, planning board, budget committe, etc?

Can See The Light said...

It’s simple why they are going after Mr. Towne and why his property is getting singled out.

Mr. Towne has hit a nerve with these so called town fathers. He has exposed their corrupt and unlawful ways.

On top of that he is an outsider.

The same tactics that have been used to run people out of this town now were used back then.

Everyone has a right to live in a town or a state peacefully, but some people are just so corrupt and evil they are more afraid of being exposed than in changing – so they don’t – they attack instead, including the innocent. A “pit-bull” is a good example.

They are no different from any other animal that has been locked into a corner and that feels threatened. The probably should feel threatened, their house of cards is swaying in the wind.

What these fathers sadly don’t get is things are different now.

It may take a few minutes but change is on the horizon. That is because there are people around who aren’t going to just up and go away, they are going to stay and fight and win and if they expose corruption and evil along the way then that’s what will happen.

If the people in charge weren’t so time consumed in having to protect their lies and deceit, both past and present then they would realize that the number of people trying to make Winchester a better town for all are far greater than they would imagine and much more committed than they had hoped.

Sometimes, new blood, new ideas, new approaches and new understandings work well together when given an opportunity to be tried out and often produce a welcomed outcome not anticipated.

But then again if you are trying to hoard your piece of the pie and justify your actions of hurting others who stand in your way, you might not see it that way.

here is a few said...

Owner Information:

Building Value: $131,300
Features Value: $24,100
Land Value: $44,467 (Current Use)
11.89 acres
Card Value:

Owner Information:

Building Value: $81,400
Features Value: $14,900
Land Value: $39,000
1.66 acres
Card Value:

Owner Information:

Building Value: $270,600
Features Value: $19,700
Land Value: $55,282 (Current Use)
100.2 acres
1F RES 1 A 100 = $34,200
Card Value:

Owner Information:

Building Value: $186,900
Features Value: $17,100
Land Value: $48,300
10.6 acres

Card Value:

Owner Information:

Building Value: $138,500
Features Value: $5,700
Land Value: $30,140 (Current Use)
Card Value: $174,340
11 acres

Owner Information:

Building Value: $99,900
Features Value: $12,500
Land Value: $38,600
Card Value:
.84 acres
Owner Information:

Building Value: $181,200
Features Value: $0
Land Value: $53,200
4.07 acres
Card Value:


Owner Information:

Building Value: $89,300
Features Value: $6,000
Land Value: $31,902 (Current Use)
6.6 acres
Card Value:

Owner Information:

Building Value: $58,000
Features Value: $5,400
Land Value: $23,900
.19 acres
Card Value:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the above posted information.

Can Mr Towne's information also be posted please?

Mr. Towne's said...

Owner Information:

Building Value: $84,900
Features Value: $6,600
Land Value: $52,400

Card Value:
Building Value:

MH-DOUBLE Bedrooms:
1.00 STORY FRAME Baths:
1509 sqft
AVG+10 AC:
Year Built:
1996 Heating:
GABLE HIP Interior:




Anonymous said...

Thank you again for the information. How many acres does Mr. Towne have? Also what other properties are double wides?
Thank you.

Mike Towne said...

I have 1.36 acres of property and I am in the Hwy Comm. zone, which is suppose to be cheaper than agricultural. My 1 acre is valued at $52,000 ( assessed last June at $39,000 ) and .36 is valued at $400.00 ( wooded, not disturbed )
My neighbors, both of whom have more property and are in the more expensive agricultural zone, properties are valued thousands less than mine. I guess living downhill from a proposed condo development has increased only my property value. Oh, and my neighbor across the street, over 4 acres, same zone, his land valued at $5000.00, go figure. Think this all may have something to do with suing for my rights? I do.

Mike Towne said...

My double-wide is also valued more than new 2010 2-story double-wides being sold in the Green Valley mobile home park that have more square footage, more wall to wall carpet ( just my living room ) and even more features than what my home has. Last June my home was assessed for over $90,600 and the only improvements I have made prior to the assessment was to remove all the wall to wall throughout the house and install cheap laminate flooring in the bedroom and stone floor tiles in my kitchen and dining area.
These assessments are so varied and so out of touch with the economy that they border on the ridiculous.
I'll be asking the town ( which has refused my requested abatement the past two years ) and Avitar Assoc. how they can assess my property two years in a row at two different and higher amounts when I have made no improvements since my last assessment last June.

I'll probably end up taking the town to court if their prior conduct in matters I have brought before them is any indication of how they'll act towards me when I approach them. I'll not be intimidated, nor will I move to satisfy the whims of a few who think Winchester is their golden egg.

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Blog,
I have read Mr. Towne's comments and would like to say to him keep on trucking. I paid my taxes yesterday and the town clerk commented on how quickly I pay them. Wrong thing to say to me! Oops! I informed him that I was quite pleased that the town was stupid enough to do drive by assessments; or were they just targeting specific people? He had no answer for me.

For all of you that read this blog and do nothing I say get off your butt. We are going to have an increase in the tax rate and when you cannot pay the taxes the town fathers will not play "let's make a deal" with you for delinquent taxes; you need to understand that you are not Roberta Frazer. Now, is the time for you to get up and say enough is enough.

Have a great night.
Sorry Mike that the town screwed you!

Dirty secret? said...

NOTE: This is a two-unit rental property (people living in it). So, what's wrong with this picture? Did Avitar screw up? Or is this a kickback? How is it their building is only valued at $2,800?????

Owner Information:

Building Value: $2,800
Features Value: $3,700
Land Value: $37,164 (Current Use)

Card Value:



< slum lords? >

Size: 18.2 Ac. Market Value: $54,300
Zone: 03 - RES-S CUse Credit: $17,136
Neighborhood: AVERAGE-10
Land Use:
2F RES Taxable Value: $37,164
Building Value: $2,800
Model:2 FAMILY Bedrooms: 3
Height: 2.00 STORY FRAME Baths:2
Type: RESIDENTIAL Area: 4078 sqft
Condition: VERY POOR Rate:77
Quality: AVG+10 AC: NO
Year Built: 1710 Heating: OIL
Deprec: 99%

Who's your daddy? said...

Where is the code enforcer on this one. Someone should inform the renters they are entitled to free rent till the building is in code and probably all back rent to boot. By law no landlord can rent property is such disrepair. No wonder Hubie Crowell keeps his mouth shut and does not want to rock the boat. Hubie claims he has a lot of dirt on people running this in town. Maybe one of them he has dirt on is the code enforcer Leroy Austin?

Anonymous said...

Mike keep on trucking like the previous poster said. What they are doing to you, as you already know is just plain wrong and it will backfire in their faces. Keep the Faith and the best regards.

Anonymous said...

The tax system isn’t fair at all – Look at Roberta and Douglas Fraser again getting dinged for not paying taxes. This time for 2009. They just don’t know how to do it right. How can she be expected to run this town right when she can’t get it right under her own roof?

$7,310.66 tax lien filed on April 21, 2010 by the Town of Winchester.

What a bunch of hypocrites running this town.

No Integrity – English

I think most of us agree they are speaking another language over at town hall and maybe it’s time to translate everything into different foreign languages until we find the one they do speak and use.

sin integridad – Spanish - No Integrity

pas l'int̩grit̩ РFrench - No Integiry

WHAT????? said...

A property value of $2,800.00? And a rental at that? How much income a month does that produce? How much if any of that income is reported to the IRS?

Is any of the rent subsidized? If it is, it sounds like maybe some state and federal violations.
Even if it’s not subsidized there sounds like there are serious state, local and federal violations.

Maybe a complaint needs to be made, maybe even anonymously on behalf of the tenants so that they don’t targeted by the landlord.

Watch Dog said...

NOISE-CHESTER..... Why wasn't Phony Beaver Dam Gus Ruth and his make believe conservation ecology friends on top of this one? Did everyone enjoy the noise from the Mudbog put on in our wet lands Sunday.? Did anyone attend a new land use hearing for Monadnock Raceway to start Mudbog racing? No! Did Phony Beaver Dam Gus Ruth, the selectmen and the planning board turn their heads by allowed new uses by Monadnock? Where is Leroy Austin our code enforcement officer? Build a fence without a permit, or a float in the river to canoe from and he will have the DES onto your back in a heart beat. Yes! Is it pay back! Right! Phony Beaver Dam Gus Ruth reporting Bob Davis to the DES for having a float in the river? Van Dyke he can let tons of silt wash from the mountain and Beaver Dam Gus Ruth will do nothing.! Should I drop some money around town to get them to start working for me for a change? It all boils down to character there Old Beaver Dam and you none.

Maybe you should start making payment back to the town for the $60,000 the tax payers spent to repair two road that washed out when you beaver dam you re-enforce with wire broke.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the basis for tax comparison. My was built in 1908, and I have a hair over an acre. My friend up the road has a house built in the mid 90's, and 2 acres of land, and his assesment was "ONLY" a $1,000 more than mine. Like I said, I don't understand the basis of the comparison!!!!!!!!!!!! (And, I am sure this is one of many similar cases)

Dually Noted said...

Careful Watch Dog...

Gussy does hold a grudge and he does seek revenge with a vengence. Be forewarned that he takes no prisoners. He is the BIGGEST back stabber you will ever meet. Smiles to your face while he's doing it too!

Ask all of the citizens who signed a petition that he didn't approve of. "Lawsuit Gustave" Stay off his shit list, or expect a bullseye to be painted on you!

wake up people said...

to anonymous at 10:29pm yesterday;

it's called just and fair. taxation based upon who you are and how connected you are with town government is not only unfair, it's illegal. people posting here and showing us just how unjust and unfair these new evaluations are widely different for certain people town wide are to open your eyes to whats been going on here in town for years. we have a group of town employees, their relatives and friends enjoying lower property taxes than the rest of us. we have a person on the board of selectmen who votes to raise spending every year and yet she DOES NOT PAY her taxes and goes on about living her life way above her means because she is being protected by other board members. this is so wrong and unfair to the rest of us. if you can not see this then perhaps you need to get your head out of the sand and take a good look around. this is exactly what keeps these crooked people in office, ignorance and a who cares attitude.

Worst Eye Sore Yet! said...

Why isn't this being charged for a building?

Owner Information:

Building Value: $0
Features Value: $0
Land Value: $40,900


Card Value:
Parcel Value:


Bob Davis said...

to Daully noted;
I signed the petition against Gustave Ruth and got his damming threatening letter to sue me and my wife. The letter was a threat to our right to petition for change, just like his "Friend of Gus" (F.O.G.) who tore our sign down and corrupted the town election, open ballots and discriminated against a person because she lived in low income housing. If your in the F.O.G. you are as phony as Gus is.

People should have smarted-up at election day. All the boo-hoo-ing about your taxes in the world won't change the fact the town clique screwed the tax payers on election day.

Dually Noted said...

Why is it the Motor Cross (WSP Holdings) don't get charged for either of their tracks as a "feature"? The Monadnock Speedway is valued at $187,500 for their track.

Anonymous said...

The tax payers of Winchester get just what they deserves! The people do not deserve any better because there isn’t enough of you interested in get involved.

Mike Towne said...

This morning I met with a representative from Avitar, who agreed with me that my re-assessment was excessive and that because of software issues they have, unfair.
I was assured that the issues I raised would be corrected and that I would be seeing a new evaluation in several weeks. For those of you who took advantage of Avitar's offer to meet with them and discuss your evaluations, I hope you were successful in making your point and getting your taxes reduced. For those of you who did nothing and took it on the chin, you have no one to blame but yourselves for not standing up for your rights and fairness across the board.
This was the first year this company did the town assessments and the gentleman I spoke with admitted there were flaws in their program and welcomed my input in helping correct some issues; perhaps it will help others as well.
It's a real shame that our selectmen aren't as open and reasonable and continue to pass the buck onto others to do what's right.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you ate some humble-pie topped with a heaping serving of humility,

Mike Towne said...

I think not, Irene. If your husband and the rest of the board were fair and treated us all in the same manner like they do RF,EB,MS and the rest of the in crowd, people wouldn't have to fight so hard to get what everyone is entitled to, just and fair treatment by town officials. Word has it that up until this year ( and who knows it may be still going on ) selectmen directed assessors in what they could put on certain peoples property tax cards and who got breaks and who didn't. This is fact.
That I questioned my assessment and filed for an abatement 3 years in a row and was turned down by the selectmen despite my property being in the wrong zone, despite my home being over assessed, despite errors on my property tax card, shows their indifference to me because of who I was; not anything else. If they had actually taken the time to read over my request and check they would have seen those errors and made the necessary adjustments. Bob Gray did, why not them?
That I decided to stand up for my rights and questioned why my taxes increased so much ( nearly $20,000. in a years time ) instead of just keeping my mouth shut and allowing the town to railroad me simply because I'm not someone who'll stand to be shit on, worked out in my favor and will hopefully help others too.

It's not about what's right or wrong in this town or just and fair, it's all about who you are related to and who you know, period. This is coming to an end, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are many more people who now see exactly what kind of people we have holding office in this town and many more willing to speak up and be counted. I won't stop fighting for fairness for everyone, nor will I move because you and others don't like me or what I stand for, tough. I'm here for the long haul, so you'd better get used to it. It's not I who has to change my ways.

Remember, "he who laughs last, laughs the best".

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Blog,
Thank you Mike for so eloquently stating what a lot of us are thinking. Most of us are beyond the thinking stage and are contemplating what we can do to change things. Yes, we all voted but to no avail. There are some of us who are the recipients of the driveby evaluations. We all know that there are ramifications if you happen to be on the wrong side of an issue. My mother did not raise a stupid woman. Please tell the FOG's and Irene that we are working behind the scenes and will do what is necessary to ensure equity for all. Yep, that's right.

Now, if all of you would pay attention to what is happening in the police department that would be great. I for one am sick and tired of being the laughingstock of Cheshire County. Ok, Teresa how are you going to bail out of this one?

Thank you all for thinking. Have a greaqt 4th of July.

Invested said...

Ditto Mike! Thank you for your comments.

Too many long time residents can't comprehend how someone from "the outside" could possibly love the town as much as they do.

When someone purchases a home in this town they are investing their heart along with it. They have an overwhelming desire to see that their investment remains cherished and appreciated.

It's extremely frustrating to discover that the tranquility that you felt you were investing in, by moving to a rural setting is destroyed by others who are willing to allow (or even promote) something in your back yard that they wouldn't allow in theirs.

We are extremely naive to town politics (not what you know, but who you know), how many of your neighbors are related to each other & that the property taxes are drastically outrageous.

We do love the town and can (believe it or not) LOVE it more than those that were born and raised here. Some of us appreciate seeing the history of this area perserved and cherished.

Anonymous said...

How is it you people allow WSP to degrade your quality of life and property values while having to lessen to the WSP racetrack all weekend long. No one wants to speak out about the ever expanding racing schedule? Making WSP go back to the planning board for changes in their operating permit or just let Sharra's friends race race race?