Sunday, July 25, 2010

Riddle Me This Part Two

Name another town in the State of New Hampshire or the country for that matter that would allow someone with a violent temper requiring him to attend a Mental Health Program and be placed on probation for Criminal Threatening continue to be involved in Community Services and around young children. 

We received an email containing the following and checked the information ourselves to verify it's truthfulness.

" Reporting Good News "

Ironically, an individual trying to cover up his negative side started the “Positive News” Winchester blog site.  The Keene Sentinel reported this week that Edward A. Lake, 42, of 3 Main Street, Ashuelot plead guilty to one of several Criminal Threatening charges.  We have heard the recording of the threat and agree there was no way he could plead innocent.  Ironically, despite the fact that he was threatening to blow his victims head off, he refused to sign the court’s no firearms waiver.  A charge of  Simple Assault was dismissed for lack of evidence as was two more charges of Criminal Threatening in a plea agreement.

With that in mind, we recommend that the ELMCC seriously consider asking him to step down as Vice Chairman of their board and not allowing this individual to continue volunteering as a coach, or chaperone.

He was sentenced to 120 days in jail (deferred) with two years probation and mandated to attend nine months of councilling with a Cheshire County Mental Health program. It's obvious that this is one disturbed individual with a multitude of issues.

Whatever good news he has tried to spread about himself over the past few months, the cat-is-now-out-of-the-bag.  We write this as a warning to parents whose children attend ELMCC programs and events and think you should be made aware of the facts.


Concerned parent said...

It seems as though there must be a flaw in the criminal background checks being conducted for volunteers at the ELMMCC Center.

I may be naive, but are volunteers being checked for criminal convictions, felonies and/or misdemeanors? Seems to me that any conviction (be it minor or major) would be a red flag.

I, as a parent whose children take part in many ELMMCC programs, am disgusted with the volunteers AND employess that have contact with and are guiding my children.

Just this summer I have had issues with Summer Camp Counselors, and serious events not being reported to me. As a parent I would like to know wether my child had an interaction with a stranger on a field trip.

Or answer me this...I have to show an ID to pick up my own child; that's fine. But someone who says they are her grandfather can sign permission for a trip, without showing ID, and that's acceptable behavior?

I am a follower of this blog spot, and so far I have managed to keep my mouth shut....i think it's about time maybe more of us (myself included) become more verbal and participatory in how our town is run, and who it's run by.

Think About It said...

Hate to beat a guy when he's down, but I don't want any guy or girl that's mooching off the town on any boards that are taxpayer supported.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Mr.Lake has a "connection" with some of the higher ups that he is involved with. My point is this; you would not allow anyone who has made the top "40" in the paper to have anything to do with your children in an educational setting. It is time for people to stand up and get their heads out of dark spaces and tell this person that his services are no longer needed. If you do not do this you may be dealing with a child in distress. We are the adults in this town; it is now time for us to act like adults. After all the judge saw through the "bs" so it's time for him to pay the piper and stay away from the kids.
Thanks blog for the information. I shall keep any child that I know away from the ELMM center until he's gone.

Anonymous said...

Board of Trustees

Frank Linnenbringer, President, Recreation Committee

Nichole Hammond, Fund raising Committee

Val Cole, Secretary, Policy & Procedure Committee

Joyce Beaman, Treasurer, Fund raising Committee

Sharon Roy, Policy & Procedure Committee

Nancy Clough, Policy and Procedure Committee

Carolyn Warren, Recreation Committee

Jill Rokes, Fund raising Committee

Ed Lake, Recreation Committee

Jean Ford, Fundraising Committee

Mike Haman, Policy & Procedure Committee

Anonymous said...

This tuesday, July 27th at 6:00 pm, there is a joint meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Incorporators of the ELMMCC at the ELM Community Center. Why not come to the meeting and bring your concerns about the matter being discussed in this blog, and or any other issues you might have?

Watching and waiting said...

Guaranteed that no one did a back ground check on him - ever. Easy enough to check with Marianne at the police station. This is a case of friends watching out for one another. When "dysfunctional" is the "norm" for the leaders, they tend to overlook the ramifications of their actions.

very upset said...

Awful hard for many of us concerned parents to attend a 6:00 meeting with getting home from work and cooking dinner and such. Why are these meetings so early in the evening and not like other meetings in town that begin at 7:00pm ?

I'm concerned said...

6:00pm, might as well be 4:00 in the afternoon! Some of us don't get home til after 6 what are we supposed to do when we have concerns?

Anonymous said...

This is a fine example of why Winchester has the reputation it does. Shame on you Winchester!

Anonymous said...

You know people the reason that the time for the meeting is 6 is so that they won't have to deal with any of you. Now, you have the list of names on the board all you have to do is mount a telephone campaign. The powers that be should get the message. Although I am not certain if the person that runs the ELMM center will. Take charge!

Anonymous said...

To "Very Upset" and "I'm Concerned" and others: To clarify the tuesday meeting time of the ELM board 7/27...The Board of Incorporators meets at 6:00 pm (mostly financial stuff), and the Board of Trustees (for everything else) joins them at 7:00 pm for the 'joint' meeting. Please feel free to come whenever you can.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he a Cub Scout leader? And a baseball and basketball coach?

watching said...

Thought I saw him at an AA meeting at the church the other night. Is that court ordered too?

Anonymous said...

Not taking a stand on him; don't know him but whoever posted seeing him at an AA meeting should be ashamed of themselves. AA is an anonymous program where NOONE reveals who they see at a meeting that ends with the words, "What you say here, who you see here, let it stay here" If you are part of AA you need to think about the trust you betrayed to all who were there

Anonymous said...

If your at a AA meeting and state you saw someone there is different then riding by and see someone enter. If you observe someone from the outside of the meeting and your not a member your fair game.

They should send him up the river and let him dry-out.

Not pointing fingers said...

Only someone who has attended AA would have any idea what you are talking about...the rest of us are clueless. No one mentioned who attended, who he was seen with or where or what was said.

So, tell us what your thoughts are about someone being forced by the court to attend AA. Is it going to work for them?

BUSY MOM said...

Can we receive some insight into what happened on Tuesday? For those of us working or busy with getting dinner to our families...

Anonymous said...

The ELMMC doesn't post their minutes any where. Not even their annual report in two years.

watching from the sidelines said...

I'd like to make two points in hopes of waking some of you people up to what is becoming a serious problem here in Winchester.

Point #1 .. Some of you seemed to be more concerned with the perception that rules of an AA meeting were somehow broken when a blogger above mentioned seeing Mr. Lake going into a place where they hold these meetings instead of being outraged that someone who coaches and comes in contact with our kids has been mandated by a court of law to get some help for what is obviously several very serious issues .. WAKE UP FOOLS, these are your kids he's around. Are you waiting for something to happen before you take some responsibility in the protection of your children?

Point #2 .. We as taxpayers deserve to know the finances of an organization we support with $50,000 dollars of taxpayer money. Like other boards and committees in this town, they rely on secrecy, carefully edited minutes of meetings and secret, behind closed door meetings to keep things from the public. It's a pattern that has been going on in Winchester for a long time and is being conducted by a group of swarthy characters who think they are entitled and better than those of us they serve. To combat this, simply fill out and hand in a "Right To Know" request and if you don't get the info you seek, file an injunction in court and get them to provide answers there. If enough people band together to question the conduct of those appointed and elected officials who continue to hide information or act unlawfully, we may see changes taking place for the better of everyone. GET INVOLVED.

Observation said...


Anonymous said...

It is true in both directions that actions speak louder than words. If you have children that participate in ELMM activities and you find this situation disturbing (which you should)then I would suggest finding alternative recreational activities (the fact is that there are many better opportunities out there than the ELMM rec programs) and by all means let Ms. Borges know exactly why your kids are playing sports in Swanzey or Keene. Eventually the tumblweeds MAY get her attention

Curious said...

Do parents let their children go to the Thayer Library by themselves?

Anonymous said...

Dear Curious -

Thats really funny! NO ONE goes to the library.

I suggest you go yourself and see why.

Keep in has something to do with a lack of something.

Anonymous said...

Thayer Library?? according to the majority of the board and the so called librarian,

"We are more of a museum than a library"


"If you want a full service library there is one in Winchester"

If the earth swallowed the "Thayer Library" tomorrow there aren't a dozen people in town who would even notice

Anonymous said...

Lil'Eddie would be devastated!

He has everything to lose. Where else could he go where he did absolutely nothing and got a tax free house? Not to mention his children getting a free education. Perhaps he is doing all of the volunteering out of guilt!

Frank Linnenbringer said...

Hello, my name is Frank Linnenbringer and I am currently the president of the ELM Board of Trustees. I was just made aware of this post and felt that I should respond.

In response to Concerned Parent, the center does run background checks yearly on all of our volunteers. If, at that time, nothing comes up, then we take no action. If you know of someone or something that should be brought to our attention please feel free to contact me. Anonymous postings on a blog without names or facts does not constitute taking action, but an attempt to avoid actually doing anything. We continue to ask at each and every program for volunteers to help and participate. If you are "disgusted with the volunteers AND employees that have contact with ... my children" then I encourage you to volunteer. I find it somewhat disturbing that multiple posters have commented on how little time they have, but don't respect the volunteers who make the time to not only do the same things, but also to put their time and effort into making our programs work for the other children in the community.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at 239-6569. I would appreciate it if you show respect to my family when you do so and I will do my best to respond to and act upon your concerns.

Thank you,

Frank Linnenbringer
ELMMCC Board of Trustees

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Blog,
I would just like to comment on Mr.Linnebringer's post. First, I would like to thank him for taking the time to try and respond to our concerns.It was wonderful to not have to look up his phone number to contact him. However, I do have a major concern. Most of us read about the individual's issue in the court news of the sentinel. Please be advised that this is a public document. Issues like this are enough to raise anyone's concerns when children are involved. My issue right now is the following; it seems as though the person running the center would have had information regarding the issues this individual was having. At that time this information should have been brought to the board for discussion. At that point you board members should have had a plan to protect our children. Yes, I do understand that people have issues and take care of them. It seems to me that the concerns are valid and need to be addressed. Please also be advised that you have a concern for your family and we have concerns for ours. This is why we will continue to post anonymously.
Thanks blog for the opportunity to post. I do believe that this problem and issue can be resolved easily if the person in question steps up to the plate and resigns.

Anonymous said...

Frank -

The request was for an update of your meeting. There is no posting of your minutes.

Frank Linnenbringer said...

Hello again. In an attempt to start a conversation to follow up on obvious comments/statements regarding my earlier post I thought I would respond to the last two posts.

To the first anonymous poster I would like to say I respect your right to post anonymously if you so desire. However, if you would like me to take action on a concern you have then you will have to identify yourself, at least to me. The main reason for this is that if I receive five anonymous complaints, I can't tell if that represents five seperate complaintants or one person with a grudge posting five times. I can however assure you that if you contact me I will do my best to pass along the information with identifying where it came from. I hope that is an acceptable solution.

As for the second poster, if you have specific questions regarding our meeting please call me and I will try and answer them. The ELMMCC Board of Trustees minutes are not posted because we are a private non-profit and the minutes are confidential. Each member of the board is required to maintain that confidentiality. If you wish for more complete minutes, then we are always looking for new board members, and would be glad to submit your name to the nominating committee. I realize that this may not be what you were hoping for, but it is the best I can do.

Again, if you would like to contact me, my number is 239-6569.

Frank Linnebringer
ELMMCC Board of Trustees

Anonymous said...

Food for thought with the last posting from Mr.Linnenbringer. Obviously a public document with pertinent information regarding a person's character carries no weight with the ELMM board. In any other town that person would have been asked to remove himself from any situation that involved children. It's only common sense. I can only conclude that this board does not believe that we have compentent judges sitting on our courts to render such an important decision. I shall remember this when the ELMM center wants money at next year's town meeting. The town needs to be certain that the tax dollars are supporting an interest that will not be closed if there should be a lawsuit for inappropriate behavior. Also, if they are unwilling to publish their minutes for us to view then they obviously do not need our money.

the Winchester Informer said...

To Mr. Linnenbringer

You stated in your previous post as an answer to the citizen who asked about the board's minutes and annual reports;
"The ELMMCC Board of Trustees minutes are not posted because we are a private non-profit and the minutes are confidential. Each member of the board is required to maintain that confidentiality."

The ELMMC receives $50,000. of taxpayer money each year, don't you think you have a responsibility to the taxpayers of Winchester,whose money you take, to report exactly what you do with this money, what it's spent on and why you even need it when a trust has been set up to run the ELMMC for many years to come?
You may not have an obligation to provide information to the public; but if you wish to continue to receive taxpayer dollars; perhaps an attitude of openness and less secrecy would be wise. Why not let people know what goes on at your meetings, seems a small request for receiving the public's support year after year; unless of course you have something to hide.

As for not being aware of the situation that one of your board members has been under an active police investigation and court action for more than a year, is a pretty big pill to swallow. Would you have us all believe that you simply dropped the ball on this and not just ignored the facts? As you can plainly see, many folks are upset with a lack of any response from the ELMMC board in regards to this matter.

Anonymous said...

If the ELMM Center is a private non-profit why does the town need to give them money? If they don't want to share why should the town? We can save $ on our taxes.

Frank Linnenbringer said...

I'm sorry that it appears that my attempts at good faith are being rejected. However, I will continue to try and explain our position. I will also reply to some more anonymous posting.

To the first individual who comments on what information we have/had access to. I do not receive the Keene Sentinel, nor would I read the court reports if I did. Therefore, I did not have this information until I was sent this blog post.

To the Winchester Informer, the ELM does provide the town with a financial statement of all funds spent on youth programming. I can assure you that our expenses exceed the amount that the taxpayers have entrusted to us.

As for the request for the minutes of our board meetings. The reason we do not divulge that information is because we sometimes discuss individual situations and wish to respect the privacy of those individuals. I would hope that you would respect that confidentiality. As I said before if you have specific questions please call me and ask.

As for the last part of the post, I was led to believe that the basis of our judicial system is innocent until proven guilty.

For the third poster, the town contracts with the ELM to provide youth recreation services based on the the support of the voters in Winchester. This allows us to provide summer camp, vacation camps, and multiple sports programs. I hope that you will continue to support these programs.

If you have any questions/comments please call 239-6569.

Frank Linnenbringer
ELMMCC Board of Trustees

Anonymous said...

When someone points out that something stinks in your refrigerator, do you

A)clean it up


B)castigate them for pointing it out?

The ELMM center's choice of "B" would lead us to believe that they have known about the stink and decided that they can live with it. If that is teh case, perhaps it will not be forgotten by voters in March.

Not buying it said...

You arrogant pompous horses arse, " I don't receive the Sentinel, nor would I ever read the court news"
Danielle was well aware of this whole thing months and months ago. I suppose you don't listen to people talk either Frank, what a crock.
Your assurances don't mean anything if they can not be backed up with written proof and seeing as you continue to hide behind secrecy, we only have your word which at this point isn't much at all.
As for financial statements given to the town, why not make them available on line for people to see? This is after all PUBLIC INFORMATION.
Personal information can be edited Frank, no one is asking for the that stuff, just general information that shows exactly what your spending our money on.
And lastly, the person in question has been found GUILTY, placed on probation, has a criminal record and has been ordered by the court to stay away from his wife, get psychiatric help with his problems and attend court sponsored sessions. Why are you not aware of this Frank, too arrogant to live in the real world?

the Winchester Informer said...

Please refrain from the name calling or I will remove your comments. We have no way to edit your postings and as you do make several good points we'll leave this one.

thank you all

Anonymous said...

Having followed the comments by Mr. Linnebringer and other postings I have come to the following conclusions:
1. The ELMM board does not give a damn about the children.
2. Board members believe that they have made sound decisions by allowing criminals to work with children.
Having said that it is up to you as citizens of the town to decide whether or not you want to be responsible someone's inappropriate behavior. You can damn well bet that if this was an educator he/she would be run out of town on a rail. Think about that. It's time to get your head out of the dark spaces.
Oh, you don't need the sentinel all you have to do is ask the police if this person has a criminal record.

You're FIRED! said...

After reading the blogs on this post - its obvious that the ELMC would like to protect themselves and not the children.

People are simply asking the Board to be responsible - In the same manner that a school board would ask a teacher to step down if they were accused of wrong doing and then permenantly remove the individual once "proven" guilty.

It's up to the court to determine guilt - which they have done.

Anonymous said...

Manchester/elmm center is going to find themselves in s world of hot water if the don't get their heads out of the sand.

If it was brought to your attention that a board member now has a criminal background wouldn't you do the research and investigate this board member who works closely with our children? You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

the Winchester Informer said...

According to our sources, Mr Lake has resigned from his position on the board and cleared all of his personal belongings from the ELMMC.

However; according to Mr. Linnebringer he will be allowed to continue to coach either basketball in the fall or baseball again next year. So now my question to Mr. Linnebringer, how is this accepting your responsibility to protect the children who will come in contact with a man who has anger issues and a violent temper?

You still don't seem to get the point despite the evidence presented to you.

Anonymous said...

So the board has removed him from his position to save face and not taint their little world; but will still allow him to come in contact with our children. What hypocrites!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Frank, you look so foolish now. We don't want this guy anywhere near our kids, get rid of him period.

Anonymous said...

WOW, with the people that seem to post comments I wounder if any of you have EVER volunteered at all? Because maybe if you did you would see how hard and dedicated the staff are at the ELMMCC. So, with the issue at hand I can understand why you may be concerned, but, wow, to see how some are attacking his personnel life; well you should be ashamed. You know I bet none of you are perfect. And I KNOW none of you are. You know why because you all seem to think that volunteers and staff don't do a damn thing. Well I got news for you. I am friends with some of the staff members and they put in anywhere between 50-70 hours of work a WEEK, a Week. And they do not get paid overtime. In fact one of my friends gets about 200 a week for putting in over 50 hours a week. They work their BUTTS off. So don't try to tell me that you are "Disgusted with the staff." Because of this and what seems to be the lack of support from the community, my friend may not be coming back. I would really like to see this staff member come back. The staff member works really well with children. Also, you can say that your not pleased then get off you but and volunteer. And come on with he meetings at 6, you fine, have dinner after, duhhh..... Or you know what you could do have your spouse or a grandma or any other family member cook dinner. My goodness grow up and problem solve. I'm sick of hearing stupid complaints. Oh and for those of you who will say you don't have time, then don't complain..... Because other people are stepping it up for you.....

Anonymous said...

everyone has access to print go get it. And if you don't get the paper that is your own fault. DON'T BE LAZY AND GO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like 50 cents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your lazy if you can't get info., here is my suggestion to you, go searching for it.... Or actually try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that the children really do need a good summer camp and that the tax payers money really is needed. The elmmcc made a video and the kids even said without summer camp that they would be getting into trouble and that they enjoy camp. Also, if the kids do not have a summer camp and the children do get into trouble that is more money coming out of your pockets. Also, summer camp is a place to help them gain critical life skills (team work, physically fit, collaboration, respect, honesty, caring, to have and participate in healthy alternatives, basically how to be good citizens.

Anonymous said...

We can all only hope that your friend NEVER comes back to the ELMM center. YOU should be ashamed of yourself for defending him. Does threatening to blow off your spouses head seem insignificant to you? Well if it does than you should not be working anywhere near the ELMM center and our children. This man has been ordered to attend 36 more months to a domestic violence program along with two other programs. This is public information that any one of you can confirm at the court house.

Anonymous said...

To those of you concerned with certain individuals working with our children that may not be the best person to do so I understand your concerns. This person was mentioned in previous posts because I did not feel it was right to attack him personally, but then I started to talk about another individual, one that has no record. Sorry if that was confusing. On a side note, I just want to say that the E.L.M Center has had many wonderful programs for our kids and it should not be criticized because of one individual.

been there and know said...

rah rah rah, the Ed Lake fan club comes here to post what a great job volunteers do etc etc etc. Just what great things did/does Lake do besides yell at kids and parents at ball games and call the kids losers? Yeah that's right, losers, nice huh? That's why my kids no longer participate in scouts or play ball, I don't want them around this LOSER.
Want to make the ELM center a respectable place again, get rid of this guy once and for all and the other losers who support what he's done.

Quality parents required said...

"team work, physically fit, collaboration, respect, honesty, caring, to have and participate in healthy alternatives, basically how to be good citizens" All of these attributes need to be taught by someone who personifies them. Ed Lake does not fit into any of these catagories.

It's about time said...

With Danielle resigning her post, are we going get volunteers that aren't high on drugs or drinking?

Not saying that they all were, but as parents we know which ones I am referring to. And Mr. Lake was not the only one.

Anonymous said...

Someone must be grateful that the power plant is NOW the ISSUE...instead of their CONDUCT at the ELM!