Friday, October 15, 2010

Asphalt and a Low efficiency wood burning Chip Plant

We've received a request to publish and forward the following email to all citizens of Winchester;

Winchester is being hit by two very dirty polluting businesses and our town officials seem to be welcoming them.
See below for a picture of an Asphalt plant which is proposed on route 10 near the Shamrock Realty and Toy Box auto place (just north-west of these), These plants emit toxic fumes which cause the nerves in the nose to be paralyzed, and causes brain cancer in children. The location proposed for this plant is on our Winchester aquifer, where we get our water supply.

In addition, a company called CPD has proposed putting in a low efficiency Wood burning chip plant which will emit toxins and particulate into the air at a rate of 111 pounds a year for a 29 MW plant in a plume of smoke and steam. It will likely drive the cost of cord wood up for wood stove users, and possibly put the local loggers out of business as the big companies with scissor truck tree removal compete against them. The proposed location for this particulate pollution plant is between Winchester and Ashuelot, approximately one to two miles from each, and its plume is in the fallout range of our local school, learning center, and elderly housing.
Massachusetts has banned these plants until they are more efficient, because they cause asthma and breathing problems, especially for the young and elderly.
The jobs offered by these two heavy industries is miniscule compared to the long term misery and health problems they will create.
Please attend Winchester Planning Board meetings and Zoning board meetings to find out how these proposed plants are progressing. Get the word out to your neighbors. The town has not informed the public enough.

These are serious concerns and we need to make sure the planning board and zoning board take them seriously and have independent experts give testimony, not experts paid by the companies themselves.


Anonymous said...

Gotta give a big round of applause and a hearty thanks to Tiegan, Sharra and honest John Gomarlo for all of this crap coming here. Wonder what's in it for all of them?

Anonymous said...

Correction - the Clean Power Plant is not midway between Winchester & Ashuelot. It is just off lower Main Street in Winchester. Across 119 from the sewer plant. (near Porters). It will be only a mile from the Elementary / Middle school.

Not only do people driving through mainstreet Winchester get to be grossed out about the ugliness - they'll get it coming over the town lines...

Oh, and now John Gomarlo wants some Commercial plant next to the grave yard. He is trying to market that property too!

over due said...

John Gomarlo should be working on the tannery property, its been for sale for a long time.

cinda frig'n rella said...

Now with the coming smoke, gasses and air pollution which goes good with the dust, dirt, junk yards and the noise pollution of the race tracks and that which goes along great with the rest of the frig'n town businesses we attract which all conform with frig’n Sharra’s and Gomarlo’s image of what the town should be like.

Oh! The sky is falling, the sky is falling, said Mr. Chicken Little. NEWS FLASH!! Mr. Chicken Little the frig’n sky has already fallen.

light at the end of the tunnel said...

Ahh fear not oh faint of heart, as Bob Dylan once said "the times they are a-changin" Alliances are being formed, people are stepping up and there is fear growing in the eyes of those who have deceived for so long.
There are cracks in the armor and the wagons have been circled; but they can not hold back the tide that is coming.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to all of the funds to clean up the tannery property? Whose pockets do you think those dollars went into? They sure as hell didn't go where they were suppose to, that property is a dangerous eyesore, who in hell would want it?

Anonymous said...

CPD hasn't even bought the land for this project yet, Gabler is gone and they are knocking on doors attempting to intimidate homeowners into giving them permission to bury transmission lines on their properties. Aren't they suppose to have public hearings first to determine if they will even be allowed in town despite the RED Committee's push for them? Looks like the BOS has rubber stamped this already and it will be up to the citizens of town to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Clean Power is in a great hurry as they can see the hand writing on the wall. There is no guarantee that PSNH will buy power from them. They (PSNH) has not committed to the new plant in Berlin. The state has said that there will be no license for Berlin unless PSNH gives them a contract. So people do not sign anything. If we wait long enough they will have to fold their tents.What a waste of money and energy for this town! The question of the day is: "Who gets paid no matter what?" If you can answer that then you will know who is going to benefit. None of the taxpayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!