Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Revitalization/Economic Development Committee Minutes 8-16-10

Town of Winchester
Revitalization/Economic Development Committee

Meeting opened: 10am.
Members present: Ted Whippie, Harvey Sieran, John Gomarlo (Chair), Mark Tigan, Gus Ruth, Margaret Sharra, and Jeannette Duhaime. Suzanne Boisvert, Steve Thompson, Ken Harvey & John Pasquarelli absent.
Public: Peg Tatro.

First order of business:  The committee reviews the minutes of 7-19-10 for approval. M. Tigan recommends two word changes to the minutes. M. Tigan moves to approve the minutes with the two changes, M. Sharra seconds, all in favor.

Second order of business: Peg Tatro, Welfare Director, came to discuss with the committee welfare recipients working for the assistance. J. Duhaime re-reviewed her findings from Peterborough. Peterborough credits the workers at $10 per hour for work they do for the town. The workers mow, work at recycling center, pick up trash, filing, paint, etc.
The group asks if all recipients must work or pay back welfare funds. State statutes and our local ordinance requires such. It is impossible to track when someone could pay the money back and then the enforcement of such. The group discusses these problems at length.
Peg Tatro informs the group that Keene used to have a work program but has since discontinued it when they no longer got cooperation from department heads.
M. Tigan asks Peg how many recipients could work. Peg estimates 50%-60%. She also estimates up to 50% claim disability.
Peg would be willing to do the work program again if there was good communication and cooperation with department heads and Selectmen.
Workers could not be picked or chosen, there would need to be job descriptions and standards to be met. A list of jobs would be obtained from various departments.
M. Tigan comments the work for welfare program achieves two goals; reducing the budget and removing the incentive for free money.
The group talks of investigating this program further. H. Sieran asks about workmen’s comp for these workers. M. Sharra suggests the committee solicit input from the Selectmen. If the Selectmen support investigating this program, then the group will go further in the research and recommendations. If the Selectmen are not interested then the committee shouldn’t spend any more time on it. The RED committee is just an advisory group to the Selectmen. J. Duhaime will check with a few more towns and Peg Tatro will obtain information from the LGC and the State Welfare Association on the work program.

Third order of business: John Gomarlo updates the committee on Cleanpower. J. Gomarlo has been informed the financing the company needed is in order. Cleanpower has an agreement with Gestamp to develop, finance and operate biomass energy plants. He explains the size of  Gestamp and their resources. Berlin, NH has approved a biomass facility in their city and Cleanpower is getting ready to build. The plant in Winchester would not be a 30megawatt facility, it would now be proposed as a 20 megawatt plant. The question before the Board of Selectmen is whether the approval process should go through local level or exclusively state control. Gus Ruth and Margaret Sharra recuse themselves from any discussion on this. M. Tigan feels this process may be very good for Winchester and asks the committee to send a letter of support of Cleanpower to the Selectmen. M. Tigan moves the RED committee strongly supports the biomass plant subject to using maximum sustainable forest practices, supports local control for the process and encourage the town to work with the PUC and the applicant for mutual beneficial regulations.
H. Sieran seconded, five yes and two abstain (M. Sharra and G. Ruth).

Fourth order of business: The committee is updating the business list for the town. M. Tigan recommends putting the list on the Town website so residents can send in updates. He also recommends focusing attention on the top 15 employers. M. Sharra will get with the Excutive Assistant to put the brochures on the website.

Fifth order of business: October 12th is decided as the date for the “Business after hours” gathering. J. Duhaime moves for the gathering to be held at the Sheridan House and have Gary O’Neal host the food and beverages, M. Tigan seconds, all in favor.

Sixth order of business: Old business. Park update; the table is in place and there are 12 8x8 bricks still available for purchase. M. Tigan moves to plant 2 more arborvitae to block the dumpster view, J. Duhaime seconds, all in favor. Becky Beaman and M. Sharra will go to Gary Beaman’s Gravel pit and choose a stone to put the plaque on.
The committee talks briefly on the town gravel pit in regards to zoning. Should it be rezoned to commercial or can it be considered qualified for the commercial/industrial special use designation? M. Sharra will ask the PB for comment.
The next meeting will be September 20th at 10am.
H. Siearn moves to adjourn, T. Whippie seconds, all in favor. 11:20am.

Minutes respectfully submitted:
Margaret Sharra, Land Use

Minutes approved by the committee on:

Minutes signed by:

John Gomarlo, Chair

1 comment:

Taking a survey said...

How many of Winchester Business owners were invited to the "Business After Hour" at the Sheridan House this past Monday night?