Thursday, January 6, 2011

According To The DES; Asphalt Plants Emit Toxins

The following was taken from the Planning Board minutes of 12-20-2010. There have been statements made here on the blog that we have posted erroneous information when we stated asphalt plants are smelly, noisy and present numerous health hazards to the surrounding population;

Third order of business: 6:30pm. The board continues the public hearing on the application of Mitchell Sand & Gravel, LLC for an asphalt plant.
M. Sharra reminds everyone of the protocol for a public hearing. The board will begin tonight with a short presentation by Barbara Dorfschmidt of the Air Resource Division at DES. She is a Senior State Permitting Engineer. The board requested Ms. Dorfschmidt come to the meeting to explain about the state permitting process. The board thought it would be helpful for the public and the board to understand the process. Liz Nixon of DES is here also.
Ms. Dorfschmidt states she does not have an application at this time for this asphalt plant. She explains the process to obtain a permit from the state. Once DES receives a complete application a copy is sent to the Town Clerk for the public to review. DES looks at two classes of pollutants in their review. The first is criteria pollutants; emitted from boilers, cars, woodstoves, and asphalt plants. These are sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter as regulated by the EPA. She speaks of federal requirements for plants built after 6-11-73. These requirements address emission standards for particulate matter. The state also promulgated EPA standards a few years ago in NH regardless of the age of the plant. All plants must meet these standards.
Next the state reviews the toxic air pollutants. There are 800 pollutants on the list and the ambient levels must be met. Asphalt fumes are a regulated toxic air pollutant.

 We hope this clears up any confusion that asphalt plants pollute the air with numerous toxins and are clearly a danger to human health and the residents of Winchester and Swanzey. Remember testimony was given by an expert hired by the town who stated that theses toxic fumes will travel a distance of up to 5 miles or more from the plant on prevailing winds,  downtown Winchester is roughly 6 miles from the plant. There is a pre-school and elementary school within the fallout range of these toxic fumes. Perhaps residents should buy their children respirators now just to be on the safe side as active young children are more susceptible to being harmed by pollutants than any other group of the population. Why our ZBA and Planning Boards voted to okay this plant, knowing full well of the health risks is anyone's guess. Like other towns here in New Hampshire and across the country, they should have voted to protect us all and turned them away as his hometown in Massachusetts did.


Anonymous said...

You would think that the effort of so many to provide facts to these boards would mean something. But when we find facts about Clean Power or facts about asphalt plants, they say the facts are not scientific or relevant or current, etc. They use bogus inane reports to counter all the serious research done by so many and continue to say both plants are not hazardous. We could provide volumes ( and have) and now the state DES facts have been presented and still the only green these boards understand is the almighty dollar. They sure know how to spend it so I guess whatever under the table spifs they are getting from Mitchell and the Clean Power folks will help offset that. I am ashamed of the boards actions in recent months and I never thought I would say that. Many clean businesses have been turned away so there is no honesty in this town anymore. Dirty politics, dirty businesses ( including shops that sell drug paraphanalia but they are allowed) and folks wonder why Winchester is the laughing stock of the area.

no doubt now said...

Reading this I'd say the zoning board really screwed up when they over turned Leroy's decision to deny this plant in town. I mean it's pretty conclusive if the state says this stuff is toxic wouldn't you think? Looks like John and the rest of the board and all of the planning board members who voted okay have egg on their face. No wonder they got sued.

Anonymous said...

Quoting a line from a well known movie fits this situation to a T and describes the mentality of our town boards

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced these people are stupid. Rather the opposite. Conniving and self-orientated in their interests. Either case is a disservice to the public.

Anonymous said...

Gee at the rate the new SAU people are raising the budget for their benefit so that our taxes will raise about $5.00 on a thousand which would raise my taxes beyond where I could even consider staying in town..........maybe we need toxic plants all over town like Clean Power and the asphalt plant to lower ALL of our property values so we can still live here.......... maybe not breathe or have clean water or a good quality of life but our SAU folks could make the big bucks supported by us poor suffering tax payers!!!! Makes about as much sense as anything else they are doing at town hall.

do it right this time said...

Question for John Hann, Lou Fox and Christie Baker;

Why didn't you pay heed to Leroy Austin, a certified and schooled professional, albeit lazy at times and the DES, seems they are on the ball and you are not. Think your actions have gone unnoticed and that you can twist the facts to justify your actions? When Mr. Towne comes back before you to have his hearings, let us hope reason and common sense rule. It's not often you'll get a second chance to make the right decision.