Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MINUTES of the
January 13, 2011

Board Members Present:  Sherman Tedford, Chairman; Theresa Sepe; Kenneth Gardner; and Gustave Ruth. Also present Margaret Sharra; Land Use Assistant, Rick Meleski; Water/Wastewater Superintendent, John Gomarlo; Landfill Coordinator, Joan Morel; Town Administrator, and Executive Assistant Shelly A. Walker. Roberta Fraser is absent. The meeting convenes at 1:00 PM.

1st Order of Business: Open Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes
Selectman Gardner makes a motion to accept the regular minutes of January 5, 2010.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries  4-0.  Selectman Gardner makes a motion to accept the work session minutes of January 10, 2010.  Selectman Ruth seconds the motion.  Motion carries  3-0, with 1 abstention.  

2nd Order of Business: Other Business
Selectman Fraser joins the meeting.

A Transportation Enhancement Program Agreement for the Sidewalk Grant has been submitted for the Chairman to sign.  The Land Use Assistant came before the Board to give an update on the project.  The Chairman inquired about the Engineering on this project.  Margaret Sharra noted that Engineering has not been done yet, but a Certified Engineer has done preliminary drawings. The Town Administrator noted that this Agreement needs to be signed and a Project Coordinator needs to be designated, for the project to move forward.  The Board is in agreement to designate a Project Coordinator at a later date. After some discussion, Selectman Sepe makes a motion to sign the Agreement.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-1.

The Agreement to renew Advanced Life Support Intercept Services has been submitted to the Board.  Selectman Fraser makes a motion to approve the agreement.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-0, with 1 abstention.

A Sewer abatement for Map 31, Lot 3 in the amount of $17.50 has been submitted for approval.  The Wastewater Superintendent came before the Board to explain this abatement. The Superintendent had denied this abatement due to the water being used to make coffee, soups etc. for a store.    Selectman Gardner makes a motion to deny the abatement.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

Two Intents to Cut Timber for Map 1, Lot 36-1 and Map 6, Lot 46-2 have been submitted for signatures.  All Board members signed these.

A Timber Tax Levy in the amount of $225.09 for Map 4 Lot 33-1 and 33-2 has been submitted for approval. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to approve the levy.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

Previously, it had been brought to the attention of the Board that Kulick’s Sunoco is discontinuing business accounts and requiring businesses to get Sunoco credit cards in their place. If the Town switched to using credit cards, there would need to be 6-8 issued. And with the credit cards there would be no signature required, therefore it would be difficult to track fuel purchases.  The Town fuel purchasing has primarily been from J & G’s Gas Station, with the exception of the Fire Department.  The Town has an account there, which makes it easy to keep track of the fueling expenses.  At the last meeting, the Board took no action on this matter. Selectman Sepe makes a motion to close the account at Kulick’s Sunoco and to direct all departments to refuel at J & G’s Gas station.

Previously, the Board had received a petition letter from residents of Winchester and surrounding communities concerning the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee and it’s effects on its employees and neighboring towns and cities. The Board was in agreement to not take any action until all Board members had reviewed the letter. The Board had reviewed the letter and was in agreement to compose a letter of their own concerns and support regarding the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee.  A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Jennifer Bellam, the contact person.
It has been brought to the attention of the Selectmen, that the electric bill of a tax-deeded property that had been deeded back to its owner was still being billed to the Town.  The Board directed the Town Administrator to draft a letter to the owner, the mortgage company, and the mortgage company’s attorney. This letter should state that the electricity would be shut off at the end of the month and to contact the electric company to change the account over.

A letter has been submitted to the Board inquiring whether the Board is supportive of an Employee Sick Pool. This issue has been discussed in the past with the Board. The Board is still waiting for a proposal from the Employee Committee on this matter before it can take any action.

The Town Administrator gave the Board a brief update on various things going on in Town Hall:  The Aid Anticipation Note Commitment letter for the Old Westport Road Bridge over Wheelock Brook has been signed, Tata & Howard is working on an estimate for the changes to be made on the Head Works Building, the Town will be receiving an additional $244,907 in ARRA funds due to the Town of Plymouth’s decision not to used these funds, the Town Attorney has reviewed the Warrant Articles, and the Selectmen need to look at the new Zoning maps before they are approved and printed.

It was brought to the attention of the Board that an article for the warrant from the Planning Board regarding rezoning of Map 6 lots 15, 16, 17 & 20 was worded as “submitted by the Board of Selectmen”, as that Board had previously submitted a suggested warrant article with the request for the Planning Board to review. After much discussion, the Chairman asked the Land Use Assistant if a public hearing had been held on this article.  This was confirmed and the wording will remain the same. Selectman Fraser left the meeting.  

Selectman Sepe left the meeting.

John Gomarlo came before the Board to give an update on the Old Westport Road Bridge over Wheelock Brook.

The Water/Wastewater Superintendent came before the Board to request permission to have a part-time employee help clear fire hydrants.  The funds would be used from the Water Superintendent’s line. The Chairman makes a motion for the part-time sidewalk tractor operator to help clear fire hydrants to be paid for from the Water Superintendent’s line.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 3-0.

Selectman Gardner makes a motion to recommend the budget that the Budget Committee recommends.  Selectman Ruth seconds the motion. After a brief discussion Selectman Ruth withdraws his second, and Selectman Gardner withdraws his motion.  This will be addressed next week.

The Board has scheduled a Work Session meeting for 1-26-11 at 10 AM to address the final review of Warrant Articles and any other business.

3rd Order of Business: Adjournment
Selectman Ruth makes a motion to adjourn.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it carries 3-0.  The meeting adjourns at 2:57 PM.

Respectfully recorded,
Shelly A. Walker
Executive Assistant


Anonymous said...

What is an "employee sick pool"?

Anonymous said...

I commend any town or company that has a sick pool where employees that have sick time on the books can share it with fellow employees who have expended their sick time and are in need of more.

Anonymous said...

Is it LEGAL to accept a Grant when the Engineer hasn't even completed the drawings? Shouldn't it be construction "ready"?

this crap needs to stop now said...

Another perk for the country club employees. How many sick pools do you know of in the private sector. I can just hear my boss now when I tell him I'm using Bud's sick days to go take a few days in Florida and get out of the cold. Instead of giving more sick time, we should cut it out altogether.

Anonymous said...

As for construction "ready"? Same went on with the upgrades to the sewer plant, no engineers signed off and not even plans and yet they applied for grants. These people are so deceitful and at every turn they try to do things in the most unorthodox haphazard manner, they truly think they can do anything they want and don't have to answer to anyone. Why do people in town continue to vote them into office?