Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Board of Selectmen Minutes 10-21-15

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Dont get it ! said...

I'm looking for a second job and our selectmen aren't even interested in saving $40 an hour with farmed out snowplowing. What's next, does someone have a friend that sells high priced heating oil we can lock into?

Anonymous said...

The answer is VOTE. Dump Sepe & and her twin brother Chan the man Stephens. Maybe I should use flush them.

I dont get it either said...

Hope everyone had a good day at work today and remember if you have to work Sat. your money is going to a good cause. Thing like overpriced construction jobs, burt hill, or snowplowing at more money that we can get it done for. A couple of our select board need a performance bonus for the great job they are doing spending our money that it takes more than 3 or 4 days a week to earn.

Anonymous said...

$40 a hour savings on plowing and we don't go for it? Talk about a strangle hold on this town. Hope the Sentinel gets informed, it might get the word out to the towns tax payers, who have to work more than 3 and 4 days a week to pay there bills.

friends and family said...

Understand the hourly rate has been increased for the new rental property inspector already. Anyone know anything about this underhanded move?

Anonymous said...

I heard the new Asst. Inspector is Margaret's hubby. Is that legal????? No wonder she is driving a Lexus.