Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Annual Town Election .. and the John Stetser saga ...

Be sure to get out and vote today in the annual town election. There are a number of positions to be filled and warrant articles on the ballot that are important to how our town government is run. Each and every vote counts, so be sure to exercise your right to be heard and get to the polls before they close tonight at 7:00pm.

Where to vote: Town Hall, main floor
When: 8:00am - 7:00pm


the Winchester Informer said...

How sad that 26 percent of the 2699 registered town voters, cared enough about our town to come out and cast ballots yesterday. No wonder things are the way they are in Winchester. Are people that apathetic to having a voice in their own town government and casting a vote on the important issues that affect us all, that they'd leave these decisions to the 720 of us who went to the polls and took part in the Annual Town election?

Anonymous said...

I think the people of the town are more happy to think that some one else will make the differents for them. This is very sad that people can be so small minded to let this happen,they will maybe get to vote for the presadent ,but not having enough time to do what it takes to make their live better in the now and here.

Robin said...

Strangely enough that low voter turnout may have benefitted you. Too often people don't want to rock the boat. This time around it looks like the low turnout went out there and dumped the ark upside down.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to realize that only about 1 in 3 people in this town actually care enough about what has been happening over the past several years to actually try and turn things around by getting out and voting. I read a comment in the newspaper where Selectman Whippie I believe it was, was quoted as saying the reason for the low turnout was because everyone is happy with the way things are being done in town. Is he serious? I think it's because so many have expressed their displeasure and frustration with our selectman and other boards and haven't been able to garner any support, that people have basically just given up. It is good to see that a few are still attempting to right the wrongs being done to so many.

sign me

Anonymous said...

well it seems that the few people that did make it out to vote that our votes are going to be over looked. it seem the selectmen/ women? well we voted the manager out and now it seems the people in the offices that they need to hire him back in some form to help run the town so why did we get him out?because the people didn't belive that the job was being done right?
so for the fun of it the selectmen want tohire this person back with out our aproval?i realy have a problem with this.now this is all from a atical in the paper dated march 20th i think this money that could be use for something better.

Anonymous said...

I can not fine anyone that didn't vote to get rid of Stetser and not just move away from town manager form of government. Stetser and anyone that thinks differently must be on drugs or (booze).

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem to make a difference if you do or don't vote in this town. From what I have read in the Keene paper the past couple of weeks; one minute the town Selectman are saying the town is broke because voters turned down the budget increase they and the town manager were looking for and then I read that they ( Selectmen ) are attempting to override the vote to do away with this town manager and make a position for him as an administrator or something at the same salary, despite the fact that he has been voted out of office by people who weren't happy with the way he was running things. It seems to me that there is a core of people who think they can do whatever they feel they want despite the wishes of the townsfolk. I think this is wrong, an abuse of power and worth looking into legally. My question to those who support this idea is where did the money to pay this salary come from if the town is so broke?

Anonymous said...

just a little note to think on. if the town posted the meeting and voting in the papers like most towns do would the turn out be higher?????? i think that this is important thing to think of if the general puplic does not know that there is a meeting or some vote to be held they know not to do any thing but when the paper and the town continue to post bad dates and times then what is the town people to do.i belive that if the town posted to information in the paper like other towns do we may have a chance to get people more involed with what is happening in this town

the Winchester Informer said...

Perhaps the town should utilize the town signboard, across the street from the Town Hall more often. How hard would it be for our elected department heads to post meeting dates and times for the upcoming week so every citizen who drives or walks by would be aware that such and such a dept was having a public meeting? A truly open town government, though probably not required by law, would in my opinion benefit more by being informative instead of secretive. The Selectman's meetings have been listed, why not the other boards? Is there some reason from keeping this from the public? I've been told this information is readily available inside the building; but would it not benefit everyone to have it posted outside; thus utilizing the signboard paid for with our tax money? Why has it become so hard for out town officials to be communicative with us?

Anonymous said...

John Stetser believes the town’s people support him. John Stetser and his supporters, of which includes Gus Ruth and his wife, Ted Whippie, maybe now Sherman Tedford, the town employees and their families. Quite obvious they do not want to loose their perks! John Stetser sent a notice to all depts. to make sure that everyone attend the warrant deliberation at the town hall, thus stacking the town hall against the tax payers. With dept heads enjoying high wages, other employees enjoying fat raises and bonus every year, clothes, free coffee, cable TV and more, low productivity, gas for some personal vehicles, trips, why shouldn’t they support John Stetser. Gus Ruth on the other hand is allowed to run the conservation commission with not much over-sight from the selectmen. Leasing the wet lands to his friends at the speed park. Though I have nothing but respect for Ted Whippie, I question his quotes to the Keene Sentinel; “It was apathy why people didn’t show up to vote, and people are content with the way things are going in town!” I totally disagree. To say we are content with high taxes, with a town almost broke. It's possible that we will have some town employee lay-offs. What about John Gomarlo? If we need to lay-off people start with $47,000.00 plus there. Some people do not know how they are coming up with the extra money to pay their taxes. People are forced to stay home. To do what? Listening to the awful loud noise coming from the race tracks on a hot weekend. We can’t even enjoy our property, that we pay so high of a price for, with high taxes. Race tracks, that Gus Ruth our wetland man and Margaret Sharra have so strongly supported under the over-sight of the planning board.

There will be another election next year and we will target the people that went against the voters.

the Winchester Informer said...

Well it seems 3 of 5 Selectmen; Ruth, Whippie and Tedford, are dead set in bringing Stetser back in some capacity, despite the town's opposition and the will of the voters. In tonight's Keene paper there was an article detailing last night's Selectman's meeting about this. I don't understand why 5 people can't do the job of one, or why they accepted an elected position if they're not going to follow the will of the people. To say that those that voted were a minority and don't represent what the town actually feels, is a pretty redundant statement. Those that stood up and voted for change were speaking for everyone who has given up and knows, that no matter what they attempt to do, there are always some people in power who simply won't except the facts and abuse those powers when they attempt to exert their will on others. As is the case in this matter which was decided in a free election. I hope Mr.Carpenter is successful in his endeavor to get the state involved if need be, if these selectmen go against the vote of the people. It just doesn't seem right now does it?

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for years in this town.Many of us have complained in the past about the good old boy way of town government in this town.They don't like anyone opposing their ways and have been known to cause problems for those that do.I know firsthand how these people are when someone stands up to them,they will attempt to discredit you and make you out to be a bad person.I applaud this website and your attempt to bring the light to others and hope you succeed in your fight with the planning board and this developer.I will be at the next meeting to offer my support to your group as best I can.

the Winchester Informer said...

In Monday's, March 31st, issue of the Keene Sentinel Letters to the Editors section; Susan Newell points out that John Stetser has been using his personal e-mail to conduct town business and has been since 2005 with the blessing of the town's Selectman. Why? Those emails respective to town business are public documents, town owned and the destruction of them could constitute a crime, as she pointed out under New Hampshire RSA 641:7 III. Why on earth have our selectman gone along with this for so long? What were they thinking; or were they when they voted 3-2 to allow this to continue? I'd like to know who the 3 who voted to continue this unlawful practice were so I could ask them personally why they sided with John Stetser in this matter. Just how do they propose to secure those communications John Stetser has had with attorneys, engineers, contractors, vendors, state agencies and other town officials? Will he be willing to allow them access to his personal account to make copies for the public record? I guess the most obvious question about all of this is why Stetser insisted on the secrecy provided by his personal account and password when using the town e-mail address, recorded password and server would have secured all communications. This is truly a serious and very sticky situation our town selectman have put us into, just how do they propose to rectify this situation and assure that no town documents or information has been lost?

the Winchester Informer said...

In regards to John Stetser, new information has surfaced and been confirmed that he has been using his town charge card for personal purchases ... This is a very serious matter; misuse constitutes fraud. Are others in town doing the same? Just how much has this cost us,the tax payers,over the years? Are the selectmen or the town's attorney investigating this?