Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sharra and Austin are abusing their positions, powers and authority:

We received copies the following letters and a request to publish them on our blog. These letters were sent to our Board of Selectmen  and Code Enforcement Officer in hopes of reaching a resolution .. so far no answers have been received by Mr. Holmes.

To the Winchester Selectmen:
January 13, 2010

Matter of concern. I strongly urge the select board to investigate Leroy Austin and Margarette Sharra for illegal, unethical and unprofessional conduct of a community servant.
The state of NH Fire Marshal is investigating Mr. Austin and should be doing the same for Mrs. Sharra. Steven Sullivan has been doing electrical, plumbing, gas and boiler work at 136 main street for the past year and a half, all with the towns ( Leroy & Margarette ) knowledge and support. Steven is at the towns halls office every day talking with Leroy and Margarette, he then goes around town bragging how he can get away with anything, that they will not touch him, he also talks of other town issues that he should not have knowledge of. Gentlemen, this is a convicted felon, who is on parole and has done serious time in the federal pen, he plays apartment manager at 136 and harasses the tenants, he tries to evict people illegally. Why, I ask is this person allowed to sit in on private town business. He brags how when he was released from prison, he lived with Margarette for a year. Six months ago, he had an incident involving a thirteen year old girl and her mother, the police were called, he called Margarette and that was that...I am asking the select board to connect the dots here. Mrs. Sharra believes that she can run the town, I have watched her try to manipulate the planning board, Leroy and the appeals board. This town has come a long way, to allow two bad seeds to destroy the whole crop is a shame. I ask again, why are these two individuals allowed to be in collusion with Mr. Sullivan, while they all try to get my establishment shut down. A witness heard Steven and Leroy in conversation a few days ago talking about how they could close me down, this person could clearly hear the conversation from the seat next to the office door. I have invested $100.000 on that business, only to have every underhanded, back stabbing trick in the book thrown at me. I am a fighter, I will not allow anyone to get away with this type of, to be blunt, Bull Shit! You do not have to like me, but you damn sure better show me some respect when it comes to being able to make a living, without being discriminated against. Corruption, collusion, racism, discrimination, enough is enough, get rid of these thugs that continue to tarnish the image of Winchester! I hope that the truth will finally prevail, for way to long, too many underhanded, deceitful, illegal practices have gone on in back rooms. I plan on running for selectmen and the planning board, if elected, I will insist on a zero tolerance policy, regarding illegal and unethical behavior, by anyone serving the town.

I will state for the record, that for too many years there has been too much corruption and abuse in this town, the good ole boy network has made a handful of people very wealthy, while suppressing others, who should have had an equal opportunity in prospering within the town.

Lets hope that some redemption is coming...

Larry Holmes

.. and another

To Leroy Austin and the Board Of Selectmen:
January 19, 2010

Mr. Austin, when we talked before New Years, you told me that I could re-open the cafe, that, I had passed all of the violations that Toby and Steve did, that caused the building and my cafe to close. I asked you at that time for my permit of assembly, you stated that because of the holiday it could not be issued, but that I could open and you would issue it after the holiday. It is now almost four weeks later and I still do not have it in hand. I am requesting that the permit be issued to me immediately so that I may re-open, excuse me for not trusting you on your word, that I could re-open without one, but we have traveled down this road before.
On another note, two days after I was allowed to re-open, the new ( very old ) furnace that was installed, stopped working again! Steven came and worked on it and could not get it going, he then called Toby and told him that he thought it was the motor and that he could take the one off the old furnace and replace it and that it should work, Toby came down and Steve replaced the motor, the furnace will now run, but does not heat the space, it blows luke warm air all night, does not shut off the thermostat and uses up $40-$50 in fuel a night. The hot water heater, that supplies all of the hot water to the whole building is wired to my metered panel and I have been paying for every-ones hot water. I would like a written response to the above matters as soon as possible.


Larry Holmes


Anonymous said...

This is typical of our selectmen, they repeatedly tell you they will take it under advisement and then sit on their hands and do nothing, time and time again. As for Leroy, well we all know who pulls his chain and how useless he has become over the years. What's it going to take before we all realize that someone can get seriously hurt or even die for his failure to do his job properly and him constantly turning his head and looking the other way when it involves someone in the click?

It is past time to make changes in our town for the betterment of all and not just the few who have been getting their way for so long.

the Winchester Informer said...

Is this Sullivan licensed? Does he have his state certificates for plumbing, electrical and hvac? If not this would be clear violations of state law and punishable by fines and if our code enforcement officer and land use secretary are condoning this, then they should be dismissed immediately. This is serious business and could lead to more charges and fines for all involved.

Join the club said...

We can guarantee the only thing Larry is going to hear is,
"We will take it under advisement."

Translation - we don't give a flying - - - -! People continue to complain about how lazy Leroy is and how manipulative Margaret can be and it falls on deaf ears. Their excuse? "We don't have enough hours to complete our work load." "We don't have time to follow up on complaints."

Join the crowd Larry!

Jan 30th said...

Massachusetts sent a message to all of us that you don't have to put up with the dominance and arrogance of your elected officials. Lets all make an effort to get out the vote.

Anonymous said...

Both of these people need to go, they are ruining our town and are a big reason why this town is so divided. We need to send them and their cronies a loud message on election day that we will not continue to allow a very few to run our town into the ground. Do us all a favor Margaret and resign immediately.

Anonymous said...

This shouldn't shock anyone, this stuff has been going on for years ever since Sharra got her position things like this go on every day at town hall.

Anonymous said...

Time to tea-bag Margaret Sharra

Anonymous said...

Has Mr. Holmes received any response from anyone in this town who is in charge?

Or is this too being ignored and the one(s) bringing forward a question, concern or complaint going to have to fight for some decency and respect from our elected's?

The reason for the arrogance from the elected's is simply they all have such shady pasts and shady dealings that they just assume everyone is like them.

We are all finding out that this is very much not true.

Mr. Holmes, please keep us informed of your progress.

power to the people said...

Larry, show up the 30th with every registered voter you can find and watch the big deals crap there pants.

Anonymous said...

When is all of this stuff going to stop? Surely all of these different people aren't doing this just for the fun of it, obviously we have a very big problem many of us have been unaware of. Just what is going on with this Sharra woman that everyone who deals with her has issues?

Anonymous said...

"Tea Bag" and "...big deals crap their pants"!
I believe that tea bagging would be considered sexual assault or at least sexual harassment. For those of you who don't know what "tea bagging" is, ask any foul mouthed teenager!!! And..."crap their pants"!!! This sounds like a bunch of bullies! No wonder the county is laughing--we have thugs blogging on this site.

As I read through some of this "information" I am amazed that folks are stopping to think about the potential risk of being sued for slander.

Who is managing the information posted? I thought this was to educate and inform, not threaten, shame and disgrace people. Didn't your mother ever teach you that you get more flies with honey?

I am a long time Winchester resident who desperately hopes one day our town will be thriving with new business and residents. I have a hard time believing that anyone would move to Winchester if they read this blog site first--simply because they'd be afraid that their names and pasts too would be dragged through the mud and their reputations shattered all because of one sided story telling. Embarrassing, all of it!

Anonymous said...

Sure blame this blog for posting the truth and all of Winchester's problems to boot. You claim to be a long time resident of town, where were you when all of the issues being raised by many people who blog on here came about. What have you done to make this town a place for any business or family to want to come? Easy to sit behind that desk and blame others isn't it?

As far as this blog dragging people through the mud and ruining reputations, you must be pretty one sided yourself if you think that's what has been going on here.
Bet we can guess who you support.

stop with the finger pointing said...

For the person who considers teabagging just a sexual phrase;
There are many urban meanings for this term from removing a tea bag from your cup to the old practice of leaving one on your professor's desk when you disagreed with his views.
Most of this tea bagging crap is related to those conservative tea party people who run amok around the country at the drop of a hat and in this case I believe our blogger above was probably referring to something along the lines of;
The unfortunate but necessary act of exclaiming utter disdain for the grossly unfathomable abuse of power and amount of taxes forced on American citizens. This protest is generally done with the use of signs and teabags significant of the historical Boston Tea Party, and is peaceful as opposed to the riotous, uncontrolled spectacle created by those who approve socialism in the USA.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that anything I posted implied or laid any blame on the blog "for posting the truth" or for "all of Winchester's problems". To the contrary...I believe this site is to blame for allowing people to post their opinion and call them "truths".

I am not one sided, as a matter of fact I am far from it. I believe in weighing the facts and understanding that everyone has their own perception of the "truth".

To the anonymous poster on January 22 at 4:58,
You let me know when you're ready to sit and discuss how to make Winchester a better place to live. I will tell you how I am trying to do to make a difference and can't wait to hear about the wonderful things you're doing.

the Winchester Informer said...

Once again someone comes forward that does not like the subject material being posted by us and blames this blog for allowing the opinions of the people who live in town and are affected by those we post about, for all of the problems facing Winchester today. How juvenile and pompous you are.
Winchester has had a soiled reputation for many years before this blog was started.
You claim you are trying to do wonderful things for Winchester, like what, hiding your head in the sand and ignoring the issues we have provided truthful information about? Everyone is entitled to be heard, post their opinions whether pro or con, good or bad, this is a democracy, we've allowed you to post your displeasure and your opinions, is it the truth?
Why not share all this wonderful information with all of us, please tell us of the great things going on in our town and how you personally have contributed so that we may all commend you. Please. I personally would like to know what you have done to help solve all of these issues at town hall. Or don't you believe there are any issues?
There are many problems in our town, from the police dept. to all phases of town government; someone said it best when they said dysfunctional family. They hit the nail right on the head. This town is run by a small minded group of people who feel they are entitled to whatever they can get off the backs of others. People like yourself who know down deep that what we are saying is truthful continue to try and look the other way and state that it is always someone else's fault or that something else is the root of the problem. I'll tell you what the root of the problem is and why many of us are so upset, it's the apathy of people like yourself, who continue to support those very same people that are the root of our town's problems and speak out against those who are trying to make a change for the better for everyone.

You can not cure cancer by giving the patient an aspirin, you have to cut it out or they'll be no cure. Keep dancing around the issues and Winchester will continue to be a town spiraling towards it's own death .. and we all know it's impossible to raise the dead.

just visiting said...

Hey Informer, kudos on the blog; but from what I have been reading your town is the way it is because no one besides a few of you care enough to speak up. What a mess. I wish you the best of luck trying to convince people that your elected officials are really bad choices and should be removed from office. It would at least be a good start for turning your town around. Keep up the good work, I wish we had someone like you in our town fighting for all of us; but then again, things are no where near like what you all are going through.

sue me said...

Its tough to get people to state there opinions in public, in a town like Winchester you run into people around town and it makes it tough socially. Also if you make recommendations about any depts in Winchester you better not need them for anything in the future. We really need a change.

the Winchester Informer said...

Why should people walk on eggshells so as not to offend those that don't give a rat's butt what you think or how you feel? Why reward arrogance with silence? If you don't speak up and demand these people do the jobs they were elected and/or hired to do, then you are just as much a part of the problem as they are. By condoning their conduct and allowing them to continue in this manner, things will never change for the good and it will just be more of the same.

If you have a leaky roof, you repair it. If your septic fails, you replace it. If a pipe breaks you repair the leak. If your toilet backs up you unclog it.
Why should it be any different when someone is wasting your money and ignoring your concerns?

Anonymous said...

How frustrating to know that this goes on in your town, yet no one does anything about it. For those who have been manipulated by Mrs Sharra, shame on you!!! Now let go of that guilt of doing wrong, and STAND UP FOR WHAT'S RIGHT. You people probably have the most power in getting this Mrs Sharra out of there. As for the Sullivan fellow, for those of you that he has told his truths to about getting away with anything in your town, DON'T LISTEN TO IT ANYMORE! Have the courage to let him know that it's wrong, and that it's the taxpayers money that's paying him to do his job, and do it the right way. SHAME ON YOU SULLIVAN! All of you who have gotten on here to add your comments about your town, make it a point to get together with those who are in agreement with you and do what many of you probably feel is the impossible, and REALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And keep at it until the change that needs to be done is MADE! At the same time say a prayer for the two for a change of heart, and to do right.

Anonymous said...

i dont work for the town or even in this state so how can the taxpayers be paying me get your facts right before replying