Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bicycling Riding Police Officer

MINUTES of the
Wednesday - November 3, 2010

Board Members Present: Sherman Tedford, Chairman; Roberta Fraser; Gustave Ruth; and Kenneth Gardner. Also present, Executive Assistant Shelly A. Walker. Joan Morel and Theresa Sepe are absent. The meeting convenes at 7:00 PM.

2nd Order of Business: Public Hearing

Selectman Ruth makes a motion to enter into the Public Hearing. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion. Motion carries 4-0. In January of this year the Police Department applied for the COPS Hiring Program Grant. The Town of Winchester received an award letter in October. Police Chief Gary Phillips came before the Board to clarify what this grant was, and how it will be helpful to our community. This Grant will fund a Youth Aid Officer’s wages and benefits for 3 years with the stipulation that the Town will fund this position for the fourth year. Gary Phillips stated that this new position would be a great benefit to the community in curbing and lowering Winchester’s juvenile crime rate. The Chairman opened the floor for questions and comments from the public. Mr. Whippie came before the Board to ask if the person being chosen for this position would be bound to stay for 4 years in this job. The Police Chief responded, ”No, but if that should happen the Police Department would train someone to fill this position.” Jim Lewis the Principal at the Winchester School came before the Board. Mr. Lewis expressed to the Board the positive effects this new Officer could have on student behavior in school and out of school. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to close the Public Hearing. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion. Motion carries 4-0. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to accept and expend this grant, and authorize the Chairman to sign the grant. Selectman Fraser seconds the motion. Motion carries 4-0.

The minutes fail to mention that the officer that will be filling this position has to attend the Academy to be trained, so she will not be working in our town until next year. The Selectman did not request that the officer sign a contract to fulfill the four years with our police department.


Anonymous said...

You people in Winchester just empowered your selectmen to add another line item we can not afford. We will be paying this for many years to come. You will never get rid of this position. The town per number of citizens has too many police officers already, now your about to add another. People wake the frig-up. A $450,000 police budget for a town this size, give me a break. What do you people like????? Paying taxes! You voted the fools in, live with it!

sad state said...

I would imagine the new secretary has been instructed to keep the public in the dark as much as possible. As for getting a 4 year guarantee, heck its only money, nothing our selectmen or chief of police would be worried about.

Anonymous said...

1st - "Gary Phillips stated that this new position would be a great benefit to the community in curbing and lowering Winchester’s juvenile crime rate."

Does he have any facts to back that statement up?

Usually these efforts, when successful, involve multiple agencies in a town. Not just some cops that come and go as it seems has already been accepted as an outcome. Nobody else was there with him,

How do you believe anything he has to say when he and the BOS have lied to the Courts about Reppucci?

The Chief says he was fired because he FAILED to cooperate. Bull he's afraid of what Reppucci knows.

See for yourself at the other blog,

and now he's gonna be trusted about anything he says is better for this town?

He can't be trusted as far as he's thrown and he's gonna get another cop to screw around with hard earned tax dollars.

He needs to be watched and monitored.

One could hope said...

The town of Salisbury NH just had the whole police dept resign. If that were to happen in Winchester Cheshire county wouldn't have any traffic flaggers.

knows the score said...

What happens when the snow flies? Do we then buy this new officer that we definitely don't need a snowmobile to get around on or will Gary be asking for another 4x4 just for her?
Just more dollars for him to hide away for his retirement. He should put the effort into running his department in a professional and responsible way and stop wasting our tax dollars looking up ways to qualify for grants. How's the stock market doing this morning chief, you make any money today?

Anonymous said...

P-L-E-A-S-E!!!! If the officers WE HAVE now, and are PAYING NOW were here in town, instead of on every traffic flag duty in the county, we wouldn't need any additional officers, let alone a "bicycle officer"! Our small town of Winchester, needs a bicycle officer as much as it needs a new traffic light! Come on people! Let's get real here. If the officers were covering the town like they are PAID to do, there would be vitually NO juvenile crime! This is just absurd!

Anonymous said...

I think the grant idea is wonderful given the intent and the need for law enforcement's involvement in crime, alcohol and drug prevention in teens. Given the reputation of the Winchester force, I'd just like to see that the grant is followed. There is accountability abd reporting with grant money. There is no free ticket to do with it as Chief pleases so we'll see what happens whether they keep the grant funds or not.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are not up to speed regarding Govt. Grants. Look at tha statistics Phillips & Roberts compiled as part of the grant process. Review their information, break it down and review it again in greater detail what submitted. You may just find that they "fluffed" their required statitistics/information. Since no one questions them, they submit what they please. The moronic BOS members are the reason these grants are accepted. Tedford and Sepe a wait...two words, incompetent idiots who should be put out to pasture with other dumb ass field grazers. Sorry insult intended towards the animals.I am sure if anyone looked at he information submitted for the grants received thus far they would find a few errors. To all of those concerned...quit complaining and take assertive steps towards holding your leaders accounable.