Thursday, November 11, 2010

Board of Selectman Appointees

What qualifications does the Selectman use to appoint Conservation members?

Conservationists: are defined by what they conserve. Conservationists advocate for the protection of all the species in an ecosystem with a strong focus on the natural environment. Conservation is a part of the wider environmental movement. With this in mind, how does our Conservation Commission benefit our town? In Massachusetts, it is a requirement to attend training and be certified as a member. The towns in MA rely on this committee as a safe guard or first line of defense for future projects. Potential projects have to go before the ConCom before they go to the Planning Board for final approval. Which begs the question, what are the qualifications of our members? What kind of training do they attend?

Another excellent question is about our Zoning Board of Adjustment members. The ZBA is our citizen’s first line of defense before going to Superior Court with any zoning issues. They sit in judgment of our citizen’s and potential developers. What are their qualifications as judge and what kind of training do they attend? How does the Board of Selectman make their selection on appointing these members?

Perhaps we should be considering a warrant article to make these boards elected positions and not appointed. What are your thoughts and suggestions?


Anonymous said...

There are many in NH who wish that Conservation Commissions had more power and support like they do in Mass. NH has a manual for Conservation Commissions available for anyone to read. NH towns do not dictate the manner of running a Conservation Commission, state RSA's do. Haven't seen any new faces on the Conservation Commission in quite awhile. Seems if there are folks interested in doing more environmentally they should join. This town just might be far better off if there were more people willing to get involved rather than just say what is wrong. But do agree that the Select Board and Planning Boards in NH should have definite job qualifications for a candidate to run!!!!!

Perhaps they would allow OutofStaters: said...

About Us -

Soon after the first Conservation Commissions were formed in the late 1950s it became evident that they would benefit greatly from educational materials describing their duties and outlining methods of attaining their goals.

The need to disseminate and expand the information in these materials, to explain state government and to discuss ways of improving the citizen's role in environmental protection, led to the formation of the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions in 1961.

Our Trademarks

MACC conducts two major annual meetings. The MACC Annual Environmental Conference, usually occuring the first weekend in March, is the largest annual gathering of local environmental officials in New England and includes about 40 workshops and nearly 50 exhibits. And in the autumn, our annual Fall Conference covers a relevant topic in depth. Question-and-answer sessions at these and other programs provide specific opportunities to discuss individual projects and cases. Commissioners representing nearly 90 percent of Massachusetts municipalities attend an MACC program each year.

In between annual meetings, MACC offers a variety of specialized education programs. In 1997 MACC introduced the first component of a comprehensive training program for Conservation Commissions and their staff, an eight-unit course: Fundamentals for Conservation Commissioners. Sessions are offered frequently around the state. Advanced courses are also available for those who have completed the initial program.

MACC publishes the Environmental Handbook for Massachusetts Conservation Commissioners and a regular Newsletter, and writes and/or distributes over 100 other government, legal and environmental publications.

the Winchester Informer said...

From all that has happened recently with the Van Dyke proposed condo development and now the Mitchell asphalt plant it is quite obvious to me that neither board has any qualified people on it.
The Conservation Commission is far from a qualified group. It seems their only concern is whatever Gus Ruth and his wife Irene feel is important. How can they back a developer that destroys the landscape, ignores regulations and has no concerns for wetlands? Never once has the committee or it's chairman voiced their concerns with this project despite DES writing to the town and now issuing a cease and desist order. Gus says, " it's a DES matter" They also made it clear at a recent ZBA meeting that they support the building of an asphalt plant over our aquifer despite concerns of pollution to your drinking water and the air we breath here in the Northern part of town, which if they have their way will be filled with carcinogenic particles of dangerous chemical fumes from this plant wafting over our homes and adjacent forests and of course the river. As for the other members of the board, appointed by our selectmen and Gus what do they do? You never see a single one at a meeting and the only time you hear from one of them is when someone says something about the commission. Not very professional and certainly not what we would expect from people dedicated to preserving the environment and the wildlife habitats of New Hampshire.

Our ZBA is so out of touch with it's duties and the people of Winchester that it borders on criminal behavior. At recent meetings, they voted to overturn a decision by our Code Enforcement Officer; someone who has been educated in his field, based on testimony from one of their own, an insurance investigator ( conflict? ) and the opinions of people in the asphalt business. Pretty scientific evidence they had there. Then they screwed up an appeal of that decision by combining two separately filed requests for rehearings filed days apart and wouldn't even allow public comment to correct their errors, thus resulting in a lawsuit that could have easily been avoided; but it was exactly what the board chairman and secretary wanted. Except for two members who were concerned enough to agree a re-hearing was revelvant, chairman John Hann motioned to deny, based on his opinion that it was nothing more than a delay tactic filed by a group of citizens concerned about their health. What a pompous azz.
These people need to be elected as is done in other towns; not appointed. Members on these town boards need to be qualified, open minded and above all familiar with state and town laws and regulations. They need to be diligent and fair to all. Whether you realize it or not their decisions affect the quality of all of our lives in Winchester; not just the few who go before them with their concerns.

Anonymous said...

The issue as I see it is that the board does not want to admit that there are people with more knowledge than they have. It would seem to me that they would want to embrace this knowledge to render informed decisions. Informed responsible decisions would save the town money.

You are correct informer when you say we brought this on ourselves. We had the opportunity to elect trust worthy officials that understood how a fiduciary relationship is supposed to work. Those employees of the town that understand that get outvoted and shot down when they make the correct decision. Obviously they know the law and the codes and know what is best for the town. They are not trying to manipulate things for their own selfish self interest.

Perhaps we need to consider a petition to remove our elected officials. Maybe then they would act in the best interest of the town.

the Winchester Informer said...

Our main problem stems from having the same few people sitting on several boards. Though this may be legal, it surely gives the impression of unethical and improper conduct and makes for a very unhealthy atmosphere. For example; Margaret Sharra, as a town employee and chairperson of the Planning Board, should not be sitting on the RED Committee or even be present at ZBA meetings let alone be the appointed secretary/assistant. John Hann, chairman of the ZBA also sits on the Conservation Commission, Ken Cole, a member of the ZBA, is also a hand picked alternate on the Planning Board. Gus Ruth, Selectman, Selectman's representative on the Planning Board, Conservation Commission Chairman and member of the RED Committee. John Pasquarelli, member of the RED committee and hand picked alternate on the Planning Board. There are several others as well. How can people who interact on several different boards and committees honestly say they can be objective when making decisions? How can they possibly say they are not influenced by discussions, private conversations and information learned at one meeting and apply it when they're making judgments while at another? It simply can't be done, you're going to be influenced by what you heard or how you voted on another board or committee or the opinions of others you come in contact with several times a month, it's human nature. That's why our town is such a mess and it's compounded by these people being chosen by our Selectmen, not voted into office on their merits. The playing field is not level, it's stacked in favor of a few who control the decisions made. Until this situation is resolved, changes in the way boards and committees are filled, the same small group of people will continue to control the direction Winchester takes now and in the future.
We as citizens of Winchester need to be sure it is in the right direction and that our boards make honest, fair and lawful decisions and protect us, our children and the town from projects and businesses that would be detrimental and harmful to the people of Winchester and the environment.

!!!!! - WANTED - !!!! said...

INTELLIGENT residence of WINCHESTER to come out Monday, November 15th at 7:00 PM and attend the Planning Board's public hearing on the Asphalt Plant.

It's important that the Westport people aren't convinced that Gus & John P are the only representatives of our town's intelligence.

How impressed would you be with them as our only representatives?

ashamed of my town said...

After Gus Ruth's horrible conduct at the ZBA meeting Monday night when he grabbed the microphone from the woman giving testimony to the board and declared he did not want to hear what she had to say and John Pasquareli's silly comments about him being stupid and asking the board to shut down the highway is it any wonder why outsiders feel Winchester is run by and inhabited by idiots? Gus's shameful conduct was absolutely deplorable and he should immediately step down as a town selectman and apologize to Mrs. Ryan and the other people from Swanzey that took the time to come and speak before our board. I don't know about the rest of you, whether you have any pride in our town or not; but his actions show he isn't fit to sit on a governing board in any town.

Anonymous said...

Once again I say perhaps it is time for a recall of the powers that be. If they have to resort to rude behavior it says to me that the person,who was speaking, had specific knowledge and it was threateningto Mr. Ruth. Time to get on board the train that says women do have knowledge and are not just decorations.

I am appalled that this behavior was exhibited. You, Mr. Ruth, owe that lady an apology and should step down from the board as we do not need 2 year olds in this position.

Anonymous said...

I had a frighting dream I was flying to Utah and as we took off the pilot came over the intercom...I am Cap. Gus Ruth and I will be your pilot.I awoke all feverish and shaking. What a scarey thought of him flying a plane with people's lives in his hands.