Tuesday, November 9, 2010

To Be or Not To Be - that is the question

Please note that there are no typos in the quotes you are about to read. It’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So please help us God!

A quote from Revitalization/Economic Development Commission board member at last night’s Zoning Board of Adjustment’s public hearing on the Special Exception for the proposed Asphalt Plant-

John Hann said, “We would like to hear from some more people....John, did you want to say something?”

“My name is John Pasquarelli
 and I am just a stupid convenience store owner. All of your information is very good information that you mentioned. I breathe in more crap in my store every single day from what this lady is telling me, from the highway Route 10 and up here.

So, can you shut down the road for me, man? So, that I can breath in….some non clean air?”

Thank you John.

A quote from the Chairman of the Conservation Commission, Board of Selectman, Revitalization/Economic Development Commission Board member & Planning Board member interrupting the testimony from Westport Village residence Mary Ryan -

Gus Ruth, “All of this information is very nice to present for the Planning Board. Now, if you are…first of all and again I am going to tell you that I don’t want to hear it. See, what you gotta decide is what plant on which side or the other, not what’s it going to produce and what it’s going to put out. Flumes or anything else.”

We’ll let you decide which hat he was wearing last night. Perhaps you might agree that it was more like a dunce cap.

Other Conservation Commission board members, Irene Ruth & Paul Gamache came to recommend (yes, you read correctly) the Asphalt plant and that it was their opinion that the plant would be best situated in the Agricultural Zone verses the Highway Commercial Zone. Both of which are over the town’s Aquifer.

And you thought DANCING WITH THE STARS was more entertaining! 


Not what I witnessed said...

Draft of Winchester Conservation Commission Meeting
October 21st 2010
Attending: Gus Ruth, Irene Ruth, Paul Gamache, Tom Turant, John Hann, Bonnie Leveille. Guest: Ted Whippie

The Meeting was called to order at 7:02pm

Irene made a motion to accept the Minutes of the September meeting as read. Tom seconded. Motion was passed.

Gus stated that the final approval and signatures have been accomplished to move forward with the cell tower. The town attorney only needs to have copies on file and the deeds filed at the Registry of Deeds. Construction can now begin. The efforts of Gus, Ted Whippie and Jon Baldvin to make possible and complete this lengthy complicated process were applauded.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to discussing the Conservation Commission’s role in the approval process for the Asphalt Plant and Clean Power Development plant. The focus was on the Asphalt Plant as Clean Power to date has not filed for permits. The primary concern is the aquifer and any water soluble pollution leaching into the aquifer. Discussion was held on the possibility of moving the site back away from route 10 to make it further from residences. There was also discussion about moving it into the agriculture zone. Discussion was held on the vast amount of studies both “pro” and “con” on the environmental effects of an asphalt plant. Bonnie Leveille stated that as a Conservation Commission, she felt that given there are potential negative effects, she would rather see the town err on the side of protecting the aquifer and area rather than have environmental issues develop after it was too late. It was decided to send a letter of concern to the Planning Board and Zoning Board stating that the Conservation Commission was in agreement that the plant be situated as far from the aquifer as allowable given environmental concerns of any contaminants leaching into the town water supply.

Tom made a motion to adjourn. Bonnie seconded. Motion was passed..

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Submitted by
Bonnie Leveille, Secretary

So, what happened to that letter? That's NOT what happened last night!

not fooled said...

Perhaps at the next meeting John Hann should rule that they'll take no testimony from Winchester Village idiots. The only reason John P. was there was to kiss the south end of his other RED committee members, his comments show just what kind of an intelligent human being his is. Gus R. on the other hand is a conniver, a two faced go, with what's best for him and a few others, smile at you miscreant. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He says one thing to one group of people and just the opposite to another. You can bet there's something in this project going through for him personally otherwise why would a conservation commission chairman not have any concerns over the aquifer being contaminated? Is it because it's already contaminated?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone ought to take a sample of water before it is purified. It should put people's minds at ease. If the water is contaminated then we have an even bigger issue. Maybe Gus has the answer. I am so glad that I have a well.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Exxon Valdez?
Super tankers don't leak,

Gulf oil platforms don't blow up
.. and leak millions of gallons of oil into the ocean either.

Army Corps. of Engineers dikes don't fail ..

just ask the people of New Orleans

Liquid asphalt won't harm our aquifer either .. nor will piles of MTBE ..


The only thing that we can really rely on is that our town boards are predictably stupid.

Anonymous said...

I am suporting John Pasquarelli for selectmen. His actions are only an act to catch people off guard, I have seen him at the Keene Library boning-up on his state RSA's laws. John P. will make a good addition to our selecmen.

Anonymous said...

Guess he should "bone up" on Conflict of Interest! We all know what kind of fumes he is breathing in and it's NOT from the road.

embarrassing said...

Kind of obvious what kind on air John is breathing, but its OK as long as he votes with the chosen few.

Anonymous said...

Please John P for selectman, you gotta be kidding. Our boards are already an embarrassment to our town, last thing we need is a druggie and a drunk running the show. Don't we have enough problems now with the people we have siting in judgment and their shameful conduct? It's no wonder Winchester has the reputation it has.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Gus was down at John's before the meeting pounding them back. What a show it must have been for the people of Swanzey attending the meeting worried about their health and water and getting nowhere with the ZBA and having to put up with the antics of these two.

Anonymous said...

The BOS will continue to hold this town back and down. They are wasteful with our hard earned tax dollars. They continue to entertain and defend these awful things going on. They are out of touch and unreasonable. I for one question whether any of these people have an ethical bone in their bodies, inclding the one that was a cop here and is still one in Hinsdale.

Anonymous said...

Well the ZBA led by John Hahn has done it again, they've put the town's wells and everyone elses water supply along the river in jeopardy by giving that proposed asphalt plant in the P&H gravel pit the okay to build. How foolish can you be taking a chance like that? I bet this is going to turn into one hell of a court battle and an expensive one for the town. I heard they have already been sued over another meeting they had earlier.

no way in hell said...

I wasn't aware they had a Law Library in the kiddy section, must be something new.

Anonymous said...

John P at a library? Someone has a very vivid imagination.

Sounded familiar! said...

Did anyone watch CSI last night?

Anonymous said...

Last night's behavior was just as deplorable! Gus really doesn't have a heart...takes after the Chairman of the Planning Board