Thursday, December 30, 2010


MINUTES of the
December 22, 2010

Board Members Present: Sherman Tedford, Chairman; Roberta Fraser; Theresa Sepe; Gustave Ruth; and Kenneth Gardner. Also present; Rick Meleski Water/Sewer Superintendent, Joan Morel Town Administrator; and Shelly A. Walker, Executive Assistant. The meeting convenes at 9:30 AM.  

1st Order of Business: Other Business Open Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the December 15, 2010 regular meeting:  Selectman Fraser makes a motion to accept the minutes.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 4-0 with 1 abstention.  

2nd Order of Business: Other Business
The Water/Wastewater Superintendent came before the Board to discuss the Boards proposal to revamp the Water and Sewer Departments. The Board is in agreement that having both departments under one Superintendent would save a substantial amount of money for the Town. The Chairman passed out a sample of the proposed budget changes to all Board members. The Water Department budget full time labor line would be changed to part time labor changing that line from $10,747 to $7,000. The FICA line would change from $5,513 to $5,000.  The Medicare line would change from $1,289 to $1,200. The Retirement line would change from $8,569 to $7,377.  The Health Insurance line would change from $33,620 to $15,961. The Flex Plan line would change from $458 to $373. The Dental Plan line would change from $2,666 to $1,477.  The Workers Compensation line would change from $2,521 to $2,455.  The Unemployment line would change from $394 to $295. The Total budget would change from $225,600 to $200,938. The Sewer Budget Retirement line will change from $8,496 to $7,304. The Health Insurance line will change from $33,620 to $22,253.  The Flex Plan line will change from $458 to $275.  The Dental Plan line will change from $2,666 to $1,612. The Maintenance and Repairs line will change from $45,000 to $40,000.  The Water line will change from $15,000 to $12,000. The total Sewer budget will change from $313,380 to $308,184. Selectman Fraser and Sepe both feel that the lines for Maintenance and Water should stay as they are until the plant is completed, up and running. Selectman Sepe makes a motion to change the Total Sewer budget to $308,184.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Selectman Sepe withdraws the motion after a brief discussion.  Selectman Sepe makes a motion to combine both Water and Wastewater departments under one Superintendent as of January 1, 2011.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0. Selectman Sepe makes a motion to change the Total Sewer budget to $308,184 including the removal of the full time position and the added part time position as proposed.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-1.  Chairman Tedford makes a motion to change the total Water budget from $225,600 to $200,938. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-1.

Chairman Tedford would like to move the Water/Wastewater secretary to the same office as the Tax Collector and Town Clerk for safety and heating reasons.  Selectman Sepe makes a motion to move the Water/Wastewater secretary to the same office as the Tax Collector and Town Clerk.  Chairman Tedford seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

The Board takes a 5-minute break.

Tata & Howard has sent an update of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade revisions and changes. The Board is very concerned because the Board has not authorized these revisions and changes. Rick Meleski discussed the changes with the Board. The Chairman Tedford makes a motion not to sign the Change Order and to have Tata & Howard meet with the Board at 7:00 PM during their December 29, 2010 regular meeting.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

An amended Warrant for the Abatement of Property Taxes for the Year 2010 in the total amount of $5,748 has been submitted for signatures. This amount includes the $3,838 of rebates previously approved at the Boards’ last meeting plus 6% interest. Selectman Fraser makes a motion to approve the warrant. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion. Motion carries 4-0 with 1 abstention.

The Board was informed that due to the Public Works Coordinator’s retirement and work schedule changes, there are changes to be made to a few more budgets.  The Board would like to address these changes at their next regular meeting on December 29, 2010.

An Abatement of Property Taxes for Map 27 Lot 3-36 in the amount of $219 has been submitted.  Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve this abatement.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-0 with 1 abstention.

The new “Record Information Request” Policy has been submitted for signatures. This policy was previously approved.  Selectman Gardner makes a motion to sign the policy.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

Six “Request for Access to a Governmental Record” forms related to the Record Information Request Policy have been submitted for the Boards approval.  Selectman Fraser makes a motion to approve the forms.  Selectman Ruth seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

3rd Order of Business: Warrant Articles
The following Warrant Articles were considered:

        To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $28,450 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund established under Article 16 at the 2006 Town Meeting for the purpose of performing the assessing update or revaluation of the real estate in the Town of Winchester scheduled for 2014-2015. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to place this article on the warrant.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

        To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 for the Town’s share of the State road grant reconstruction costs for bridges and place it in the non-lapsing Capital Reserve Fund established at the March 2006. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to place this article on the warrant.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

        To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 to support the annual Pickle Festival.  Selectman Fraser makes a motion to place this article on the warrant.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 4-1.

        To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed $18,000 to be deposited in the Evergreen Expendable General Care Trust Fund established by an affirmative vote by the 1998 Town Meeting as Article 11: the source of these funds to be withdrawn from the surplus generated by the perpetual care funds already established for the care and maintenance of lots within the Evergreen cemetery, and not from taxation. Selectmen Ruth makes a motion to place this article on the warrant.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

        To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000) for the purpose of purchasing an exhaust removal system to bring the Fire Station into compliance with OSHA Safety requirements. The Board would like more information on this article before making a decision.

A Petition Warrant Article has been submitted from the Conant Library to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,200 to be used to repair and paint the inside of the Conant Library, plus stripping cleaning and poly coating the exterior doors.  The Board have tabled this Warrant Article until their next meeting to be held December 29, 2010.

Selectman Fraser makes a motion to write a Warrant Article for up to $165,000 to complete Old Westport Road.  Chairman Tedford seconds the motion for discussion.  After a brief discussion, the motion failed 4-1.  Selectman Ruth proposed a Warrant Article of up to $99,000 to complete the paving of Old Westport Road.  Selectman Sepe seconds the motion for discussion. After a brief discussion, Selectman Ruth and Selectman Sepe amend the motion to read: to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate up to $100,000 to continue reconstruction and repaving of Old Westport Road. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.

4thOrder of Business: Office Documents
  • A Pistol Permit Fund Manifest has been submitted for Entenmann-Rouin Co. in the amount of $303.73.  Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the manifest.  Selectman Fraser seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.
  • A Capital Reserve Bridge Reconstruction Funds withdrawal for Hoyle & Tanner in the amount of $2,465 for the Old Westport Road Bridge over Wheelock Brook Project has been submitted for authorization.  Selectman Gardner makes a motion to approve the withdrawal.  Selectman Ruth seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.
  • A Purchase Requisition in the amount of $7,860 for the fourth quarter of Regional Prosecution services.  Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the purchase requisition.  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  Motion carries 5-0.
5th Order of Business: Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3II (a)(b) and(c)
Selectman Fraser makes a motion to enter non-public session under (a) (b)and (c).  Selectman Gardner seconds the motion.  A role call vote is taken: four members vote “yes” one member votes “no”, and the Board convenes in non-public session at 11:13 Am after a 10-minute break.  

6th Order of Business: Reconvene Public Session
The Board reconvenes in public session at 11:55 AM. The non-public minutes under (b) have not been sealed, minutes under (a) and (c) have been sealed.


Entertained said...

Does anyone really believe that Puffer made less than $11,000 per year? Something just doesn't add up. Sorry to hear Danielle is COLD in the Water Dept office....

Why are we STILL supporting the PICKLE FESTIVAL? If there is enough money to purchase fireworks for the night before, I say there is too much money already!

And what is this? "A Purchase Requisition in the amount of $7,860 for the fourth quarter of Regional Prosecution services."

Who didn't want to go into a Non-Public Session? Perhaps someone who has figured out it is illegal how many meetings they have (every week) for discussion time?

Anonymous said...

Guess Danielle must be more valuable that the last water dept employees. Could be they need 3 for cards in the other office.

Anonymous said...

What's the safety issue? And yes, why doesn't it note who didn't want to go into non-public. Did I read somewhere in the RSA's or such that it must note how each person votes or was that just wishful thinking?

Anonymous said...

According to the budget information posted on the Informer's Home Page;

The Water Superintendent gross salary was/is


and his Assistant's gross salary was/is


There's a complete breakdown of benefits posted there too for comparison. Where they came up with these fictitious figures is anyone's guess.


Vague minutes, suspect conduct and new rules to hide public information, does anyone still have doubts about the actions of these public officials? Our town government is suppose to be an open book, not a secretive operation conducted behind closed doors and sealed minutes. Just what are they hiding from us on a weekly basis?

Scratching my head said...

Gee, did they ever consider that they wouldn't have so many Right-To-Know requests if they did have comprehensive minutes?

Anonymous said...

91-A:3 Nonpublic Sessions.
I.(a) Public bodies shall not meet in nonpublic session, except for one of the purposes set out in
paragraph II. No session at which evidence, information, or testimony in any form is received
shall be closed to the public, except as provided in paragraph II. No public body may enter
nonpublic session, except pursuant to a motion properly made and seconded.
(b) Any motion to enter nonpublic session shall state on its face the specific exemption under
paragraph II which is relied upon as foundation for the nonpublic session. The vote on any such
motion shall be by roll call, and shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of members
(c) All discussions held and decisions made during nonpublic session shall be confined to the
matters set out in the motion.

Is this what you are looking for? Roll call vote means by identity.They have the information. Request clarity on who voted which way.

Do we need a new secretary? said...

The ROLL CALL should have also stated who it was that didn't vote to go into the Non Public Session.

Either Ms. Walker needs guidance on taking accurate minutes or the Selectman have given her the wrong advise.

Anonymous said...

please give us the information in paragraph 2

Anonymous said...

to the poster above, what information are you requesting?

would like to know said...

I wonder how much it would cost to have an independent auditor look over the town's books? I wonder what we would find? With over 3000 residents, I'll bet we could raise the money if everyone chipped in 5 bucks.

sick of it said...

What's with Fraser motioning to approve all this spending when she's losing her home to foreclosure and owes years of back taxes? What's she trying to do make sure we all lose our homes too? It's evident by reading past minutes she's all for blowing money despite the costs to taxpayers. She needs to go this year.

Anonymous said...

It states several times members cannot not meet in a nonpublic session except for purposes disclosed in paragragh ll so what does paragragh 11 state?

Anonymous said...

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed $18,000 to be deposited in the Evergreen Expendable General Care Trust Fund established by an affirmative vote by the 1998 Town Meeting as Article 11: the source of these funds to be withdrawn from the surplus generated by the perpetual care funds already established for the care and maintenance of lots within the Evergreen cemetery, and not from taxation. Selectmen Ruth makes a motion to place this article on the warrant. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion. Motion carries 5-0.

Anyone care to guess who handles the "pertetual care" of the lots in the cemetary?