Monday, January 17, 2011


Let us know if you plan to declare your candidacy and for what position! 

Beginning on Wednesday, January 19th the Town Clerk's Office will be accepting nominations for the following Positions that are up for election:
Board of Selectman:
One position (Roberta Fraser)

Budget Committee:
Three positions (Richard Horton, Jacqueline Beaman, Jack Marsh Jr.)

Planning Board:
Two positions (Jack Marsh Jr., Larry Hill)

Trustee of the Trust Funds:
One position (Kenneth Cole)

Conant Library Trustees:
Three positions (Richard Durkee, Arthur Libby, Marcia Racine)

Thayer Library Trustees:
Four positions open (Julia Ferrari, Irene Clark, Annmarie Pasquarelli & Andrew Gordon)

One position (Ruth Tatro)

Cemetery / Musterfield
One position (Clifford Struthers)


Zoning Board of Adjustments:
Three positions (Christie Baker, Allen Humes, John Hann)

Conservation Commission
Two positions (James Ammann, John Hann)

Historic District
One position (Penny Chagnon)

Town Beach Committee
Two positions (Tracy Pelky, Linda Gibson)

We believe the last day is on the 28th.  Can someone confirm this for us.  There is nothing on the Town's Website to indicate what the actual dates are.


The buzz around town said...

I heard Jack Marsh & Larry Hill are running again for Planning Board.

I vote do you? said...

The problem in this town is no one wants to get involved so we end up with the same old people, same old results and same old lawsuits. Last year we had a chance as many new faces came forward to promote change for the good and what happened? Same old story, same old people got voted in cause the same old people who supported them went to the poles. Until people in this town get it, nothing will change the end results will be the same and it is not because these people are the best candidates either. This is evident by the direction this town has taken since they either got elected or appointed into office. It is up to all those registered voters who sit home on election day if things in this town will ever get better.

still hoping for change said...

They both need to go for the good of the town. Don't get me wrong, I like both guys, just not on the planning board. Larry Hill is an opinionated bully who is nothing more than another Margaret. He votes which ever way Margaret wants him to. He never goes against her. Jack Marsh, though he means well and will argue will always go along with whatever the majority wants, he seldom goes against them. Neither has kept Winchester from becoming the mess it is now, neither votes in favor of them people in town. Neither should be rte-elected. Neither will get my vote. I only hope someone new runs against them and not someone handpicked by Margaret or the selectmen.

I liked Bob said...

What ever happened to Bob Davis, has he moved away? I can remember Bob attending many meetings and keeping the Planning Board and Select Board on it's toes and I also attended many budget committee meeting where he always fought for cuts. I haven't seen him post on this blog for a long time, does anyone know what happened to him?

OUCH ! said...

Maybe BOB got sick of beating his head against the wall for a bunch of people that apparently don't care if they can pay there taxes or not.

sick of the mess were in said...

Yes, perhaps your right about Bob Davis and his sidekick, what was his name? Like drunks and druggies, until folks in this town realize they have a problem no one can force them to do things diferently, like voting in new people and getting rid of those behind all of the problems Winchester has. We can only hope Bob and other good people will come forward again next election.

Anonymous said...

Harvey mentioned at the Budget Hearing that he submitted a warrant article to paint the interior of the Conant Library. He said that the Trustees refuse to touch the 3/4 of a million dollars. What's wrong with that picture?

He also said that they are doing NOTHING to secure the investment of valuables in the attic (antiques & paintings). Items that could bring in a lot of money at auction.

who's in charge? said...

That's what that money is for, the upkeep of the library why should we citizens pay to have it painted? If there are valuables being stored in the attic unprofessionally, then someone from the state should be notified of their neglect and why aren't they being made available for public viewing? Too many unanswered questions here, what's the real story?

BIG fan! said...

We need Rich Kelton to run for all of the above!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Rich Kelton would make an excellent Selectman. He has a good head about business and how it should be run efficiently.

Depressed said...

There is NO HOPE!

Anonymous said...

So who is going to run????? We have lots of people saying what is wrong but who is willing to stand up and run and fix it??? Every time someone new tries to do that they are run out of office, or town, or the powers that be make their life so difficult they quit.

still hoping 2 said...

Its a real tough situation, if you are not in the click you will have a hard time winning and if you do, most of the time your opinion doesn't count. Then if you are lucky enough to make some headway you will blown out of the water at deliberative, where most of the crowd are employees, friends and relatives. In defence of the selectmen, the word is that they are starting to GET IT, guess we will see. If anyone is thinking of running, there is a lot of us out there that want change, GO FOR IT.

Rooting for JUDY! said...

We need some business owners willing to become a selectman.

Or an Economic teacher to join the fray!

So far said...

Board of Selectman:
John Pasquerelli
Herb "Channey" Stephens

School Board:
Valerie Cole
Wendy Hildreth

Planning Board:
Jennifer Bellan
Larry Hill
Jack Marsh
John Pasquerelli
Dean Beaman

Jill Beaman
Jack Marsh
Brian Moser

Peg Tatro

Trustee of the Trust Funds:
Kenneth Cole

Conant Library:
Harvey Sieran

Thayer Library:
Julia Ferrari
Kim Gordon
Irene Clark
Diane Pride
Hubert Crowell


hoping for change said...

Today is the last day to sign up; from 3-5 according to State law. No other business will be conducted. We can only hope a few really good candidates come forward at the last minute or we'll be doomed to spend another year of same old same old.

Anonymous said...

I predict this year no one will come out to vote. It will be a matter of picking the lesser of two evils.

It's a grand day in Winchester!

Anonymous said...

Got a call from someone who saw Mr. Towne and Brian Moser down at town hall today, looks like there is some hope after all.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone gotten the finally tally of who is running? Just curious! I was informed that the entire Beaman clan was planning on taking there any truth to that?

The list above is pretty scary!