Tuesday, February 1, 2011



The Board of Selectman's Meeting
for Wednesday February 2, 2011
has been canceled

Deliberative Session for
the Town Budget & Warrant Articles
will be held on February 5th at 9am
at the Town Hall

The Winchester School Deliberative Session
will be held at the Winchester School Gymnasium
on Thursday February 10th at 7pm


Time Clocks ? said...

Hell, another 3 day work week, do they still get 40 hrs pay? We have so many 3 day work weeks, and a few go home early days every year, that it proves that most of the town hall jobs could be part time. There part time now, with full time pay and benefits.Does anyone monitor the late to work, extended lunch breaks, and come and go as you please employees?

Real world--Not ! said...

Well at least Henry braved the weather and got the job done. You cant blame the rest of the town hall crew, with the long commute they all have. Every other business in town was open, and anyone that didn't go to work didn't get paid.

Had enough yet? said...

Any excuse not to do what they get paid to do, maybe it's time we started replacing some of these slackers with people who will dedicate themselves to providing service to the people who pay their salaries and provide them with the best benefits money can buy and will show up for work every day. We need to start with the Selectmen and fill that board with fiscal responsible people who think town first and who will lead by example. Remember this when you go to the polls next month, a lot of problems can be solved by voting in NEW people, not affiliated with this old crew of shirkers who have pulled the wool over our eyes year after year.

Anonymous said...

To Time Clocks - would the individuals who leave to take their kids to school have to check out? Or to smoke a cigerette?

They would quickly learn that they are doing part-time work too!

short sighted said...

At the 1-13-11 selectmen's meeting, selectmen Sepe made a motion to stop buying fuel from Kulicks and do all there business at J&G's. I think that's a hell of an idea, maybe J&G will give the police free car washes and donate the special vests when the PD needs them again.

Anonymous said...

To Shortsighted -

The odds of gas credit cards being misused are extremely good. The BOS was intelligent enough to recognize this. Since Kulicks no longer wants to float customers not wanting to pay their bills (not the Town), they changed their credit system.

I am sure that George won't profit enough from the Town's use to allow free car washes or donate vests to the police department. That was simply a generous donation.

short sighted said...

Guess time will tell.

Anonymous said...

50 people showed up - NO JOKE! And we were out of there by 10:30 am...

unbelievable said...

The joke is the taxpayers that are hurting but would rather lose there homes than show up and vote for change.

Anonymous said...

Hope that doesn't happen for the school session or we'll all lose our houses for sure

Anonymous said...

Nothing in this town will ever change as long as it's residents continue to show indifference when it comes to important matters like the deliberative meetings and elections. Winchester will always be a cesspool of corruption, the laughing stock of the county and a town with a terrible reputation until people start to demand better.
Unfortunately for those of us who do care about the town, there is not enough support for change; people here just do not care and continue to be sheep led to slaughter.

Anonymous said...

There are many who care and get involved and work to change things and get ripped apart by those who take an opposing view on a cause and finally give up and go away...... or lose their house and have to move or even sadder is the main cause of the financial headaches.... those who leach off the town and the state and do not pay taxes and you are correct don't give a damn as long as they collect their check, let someone else raise their kids with special ed codes and have a convenience store to buy their booze and butts and a drug dealer to supply their drugs. But you can't attract new business and caring voters until all that is changed. And from what I hear from people who have lived here for generations, it never will!!!!

No Shame ? said...

Time Clocks? Drove through the town hall parking lot at 5:29 this afternoon, there weren't many vehicles left. Don't they work until 5:30. With the daily late to work, come and go as you please, and early deparcher, I agree. If I could make a living working 3 and 4 days a week, I think I could at least work the hours that I got payed for.