Saturday, September 17, 2011

Planning Board Agenda 9-19-11

Town of Winchester
Planning Board
Notice of Meeting

The Winchester Planning Board will be meeting on 9-19-11 at 7pm on the Main Floor of the Town Hall for the following agenda:

1. The board will review an application for a boundaryline adjustment for Cheryl and Dana Laraba and if accepted as complete will move into a public hearing.

2. The board will hold a compliance hearing for Robert Mitchell, Mitchell Sand & Gravel, on the conditions set by the board for the asphalt plant.

3. The board will review the minutes of 8-15-11 for approval.

4. The board will discuss town counsels response to the board’s questions on substandard roads.

5. The board will discuss town counsels review of the Zoning Ordinance.

6. Any other business.

7. The Chairman’s call for adjournment.


Anonymous said...

So this Mitchell has been making and selling asphalt since August 26th and now is going to have a compliance hearing on Monday night, why bother seems he's already doing what he wants, why waste time having a hearing?

Anonymous said...

Wanna bet the PB will put it's rubber stamp on this plant seeing as how the town has already been receiving asphalt for the past couple of weeks? Talk about bribes, this town has become a real joke.Why have rules if they aren't going to follow them and allow some to do whatever they want? I hope people in the immediate area sue all of them cost this town a bundle. It if starts hurting people in their pockets then maybe they will start paying attention and vote differently.

Anonymous said...

We should all chip in with donations to help these people fight this before they start shoving Clean Power and Triple T back down our throats. This decision is going to effect everyone in this town. Pollution has no boundaries, it effects everyone especially our kids. Winchester is going to hell in a hand basket and our town officials are carrying us there with no concerns.Does anyone know who to contact to send in donations to help fight this?

Anonymous said...

Winchester will never change as long as the same people are running the town. They do as they please and it makes no matter as to what the peoples concerns are.

Anonymous said...

The apathy and irresponsibility in the town hall is pathetic..... I am appalled and disgusted at what goes on; what is allowed and what is ignored. What is beyond belief is that the state ignores it as well and lets the town go down the tubes. The powers that be pick and choose who they want to destroy and who they let get away with breaking every rule in the book. I have seen way too many hard working people in this town get hammered by the powers that be while some town employess and their cronies get away with way too many illegal activities. And yet we all scream and rant and rave and vote and nothing changes. Time for a tea party before Clean Power comes back. Now there's a bunch of crooks....but then they are Margaret's buddies so maybe they will put the plant by the dollar store!!!!!! Gee they did show their artist rendition of the plant to be a pastoral barn scene!!!!!