Friday, November 25, 2011

Budget Committee Meeting October 25, 2011

October 25, 2011

Members Present:  Brian Moser (Chairman), Hubie Crowell (Vice Chairman), Ted Ryll, Harvey Serian, Kevan Whippie (School Board Rep.), Kathy Hebert, Ken Gardner (Selectmen Rep.), Rick Horton, Jack Marsh, Elisha Jackson, Bob Davis, Rikki Bolewski (Secretary)

Others Present:  Joan Morel

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm

Discussion regarding the set up of the tables. Ken doesn’t want Joan to have to sit at a table by herself, so he sits with her. Brian states that the table in front of the board members table was set up for presenters to sit at.
1      Bob makes a motion to have the presenters sit at the table in front of the board members, Brian Seconds
2      Motion defeated 5-6
3      Kathy makes a motion to bring the presenters table closer to the board members table, Elisha seconds
4     Motion carries 11-0

Bob makes a motion to open the Police Department budget up for discussion, Kevan seconds

Ken explains that the Police Dept. Budget was not ready until today and not in the requested 7 days in advance and Chief Phillips was not present for the meeting due to this. Highway was available if the board would like to work on their budget instead. A decision was made not to do this.
2      The motion to discuss the Police Dept. budget was called for a vote. Motion carries 8-2 with 1 abstention.

Bob makes a motion to cut the budget 22% from last years budget, Harvey seconds.

3      Brian wants to know about the new youth officer that was hired through a grant – grant pays for salary in the first 4 years, we start paying in the 5th year. Is it legal to make a commitment for funds for a future budget? Would like to see the RSA that states that this can be done. Ken and Joan will look into this.
4      Questions regarding the Regional Prosecuter – the past budgets have been between $34-36,000, this year is $42,000 – what is the reason for this difference? – Case load is up about 46% - budget is based half on population and half on case load.  The board would like to see the conviction rate.
5      Rick comments that the budget is up only $14,000 since the 2008 budget.
6      Elisha would like information regarding the revenue each department is taking in.
7      Jack makes a friendly amendment to reduce the budget by $55,424, to bring the bottom line budget to $393,991 instead of the flat 22% reduction.  Bob and Brian accept.
8      After some discussion, it is brought to a vote.
9      Motion carries 6-4 with 1 abstention

It is discussed that on Thursday’s meeting (Oct. 27), after the Fire and Ambulance budgets are discussed, we can bring up the Police Budget where Chief Phillips can address the board and answer any questions regarding the budget since he was not at this meeting.
1      Bob inquires whether there is a Budget Book that shows the actual expenditures.
2      Elisha inquires about time frame of receiving the revenue – would the board be able to at least get the information from the Fire, Ambulance and Police departments in time for the next meeting? Joan will e-mail the information to Brian, who will e-mail it to the rest of the board.
3      Jack makes a motion that the Budget Committee receives the same documentation from the School Board as we do from the Town departments regarding monthly reports. Harvey seconds.
  Motion passes 11-0

Kevan makes a motion to adjourn, Rick seconds
Motion carries 11-0
Meeting adjourns at 8:42 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Rikki Bolewski

Next Meeting will be October

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