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More spending as usual and wasn't it Select Board member, Gus Ruth who started the "rumor" about the closing of the Transfer Station, handing out fliers stating just that fact? What short memories some of our elected officials have when it concerns one of their own.
I think making the road agent run for his job is a good idea and having the job on salary at 45 hours a week-40hrs+5hrs OT-, is a good idea because as long as the work is getting done it will end the issues as to where he is or what he is doing. It will give him an incentive to do a good job and he won't have to take a lot of grief from the selectmen because he is elected.
There is a huge problem with electing the road agent. As our voters have proven time and time again they are not the sharpest tools in the shed, so what do we do when they elect some one because they are popular or ran a good campaign but dont actually have a clue about the job and zero experiance as a road agent.
Kinda like the situation we have now isn't it?
The Warrant article submitted is illegal and not inforceable and why state he is to be paid 5 hours overtime every week when he doesn't even work his required hours?? Over time doing what? Poorly written warrant article. And what if in the future, an even worse road agent was elected?? I say interview and have strict qualifications and yes require a clean criminal background check.
The town needs to be run like any other business, especially one that relies on money from taxpayers to support it. ALL positions should be filled with the most qualified, experienced people in an equal opportunity manner; not a welfare system relegated to employing family and friends and any Tom Dick or Harry chosen because of loyalties as we have now. In order to effectively change what has gone on for years, you need to cut the head off of the snake and start at the top. Only then will this town begin to turn itself around and see growth and become a nice place to live and raise your children instead of the being the brunt of jokes and having the poor reputation it has now. A lack of a comprehensive leadership has stagnated Winchester far too long, while those in charge have hidden the truth and lied their way to fortunes on the sweat equity of those they swore to govern fairly. They continue to appoint and control those who'll support their agendas at the expense of the rest of us and this pattern will continue until the voters in town turn out and dispose of them. Dale would have been fired long ago from any reputable business, he and the cronies he has working for him cost this town far more than any of them are worth and not one is qualified to be in the positions they have.
I find it so Ironic, This town has fought every business that comes to town that may will hire people and help with our tax base but we have planning board member Moser who seems to be all in with Johns strip club. Go figure.
Good luck getting anyone decent to run after witnessing how competent people were crucified. I don't know where Brian gets the fortitude to keep going. The school and select boards would have to be thrown out by a judge in a wholesale fashion in order for us to clean house. Otherwise, the best you can hope for is a minority of one or two against four or three. You need to have a majority to make any progress at all - as evidenced by the budget committee.
Thank you Ray, point well taken! This warrant article may not sprout wings and fly, it may be word incorrectly but one way or another Dale must go. Dale Gray is just as vindictive as our land use assistant who share the same sense of entitlement. The general consensus Dale has burnt all his bridges while only having the support of the selectmen. The people that disapprove of him are growing each day as people feel he is so cocky, arrogant and self serving while doing dirt tricks to home owners to prove it.
I may have worded the warrant article incorrectly but we will live by our mistakes and try again next year. The tax payers didn’t loose by much last time. Dale shows how stupid he realy is when it comes to pay-back in his arrogant vindictive ways and by next year he will have screwed over even more voters.
I have been told Dale or his cronies road crew plows try childish ways to get even by plowing all the snow they can cluster behind the town plow then dump it into the end of your driveway or even seen backing up several times to cluster more snow just as a home owner finished shoveling his driveway to get to work or crush the culvert at the end of your driveway or try to screw a home owner looking for a driveway permit.
It will be just a matter of time.
We the tax payers will eliminate
these people who do not have the best interst of the people one at a time. Ask John Stetser!
Just a note to the second response, about the road agent. Perhaps you haven't noticed - but we have had been living with "not the sharpest tool in the shed" for way too long! Dale Gray is an idiot! And vindictive too - he hasn't plowed in front of my house for four winters now. All because I signed a similar petition. If the selectman won't fire him for spending all of his working hours talking with all of the women in town hall during the day (instead of working) and doesn't know how to do his paper work - LET'S DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I say it's time to make it an elected position, so that we only have to deal with true idiots for only three years.
If the warrant article is illegal, it won't be next year, no problem.
There's nothing illegal about the warrant article. If someone is questioning the wording it can be changed at deliberative as long as the original intent is kept.
OH! You can bet the town's attorney will try to pick it apart. Wait a minute we pay his wages too! Who's side is he on. To protect the best interest of who? No us the tax payers. Bart Mayor makes his bucks defending Sharra and the selectmen. Maybe it is time for Mayor to leave before we are bankrupted.
The only way to stop the kick backs, pay backs or bribes is to have an election for a supertintant every three years. Who will always be thinking down the road about getting re-elected again.
Why do you think the salt is dumped on the road so thick one can not see the road or the chip sealing that has us almost broke.
Cater to the taxpayers instead of the selectmen or special interest. The town clerk might want to rethink his hours.
This town is so screwed up. Now that the Highway dept. has been covered. How about the police? What a joke we have going on there. The Police Chief, Lieutenant and the Regional Prosecutors office all have a stake in staying in the program don’t they? Of course they’re going to make it sound like dire straits if we aren’t in the program. The police have to plug for their Sugar Daddy. The police department has less work to do if they stay in the program, the county gets more money if Winchester stays in the program. What do we the taxpayers get out of it? More time for police to do details to pay for or do we just pay them to sit around all day while they give their work to the county to do? It’s time we all wake up.
Several years ago when the Chief brought his budget before the budget committee, he inflate the cost of every officer. When he was asked why he would lie about his budget he turned to Stetser, the town manager,and said," isn't that what you are supposed to do." The next year he wore a shirt with holes he had been saving to show how underfunded his department was.
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