Friday, August 10, 2012

Board of Selectmen Regular Minutes 8-1-12

Let's blow some more money; after all it isn't ours.


Anonymous said...

I disagree Informer, There is nothing wrong with a fire danger sign most town have them and I think smokey will look great in our downtown.

Is there anything that you would approve of and like???

the Winchester Informer said...

Like we really need a Fire Danger sign to remind people to be careful when using fire. I don't remember seeing one in Keene, or Swanzey, or Richmond, or in fact any towns in this area. I guess their citizen's are smart enough not to have to be reminded and their leaders are frugal with tax dollar, unlike ours. But that's not what we were attempting to draw attention to, but you didn't get it.
How about wasting money on chip sealing more roads? We've all seen the mess this makes, how ineffective it is and we taxpayers have to pay for outsiders to do it as the Highway Dept. can't do it themselves. Instead of putting the unused portion of the $95K budgeted for paving work back into the General Fund and saving for a rainy day, they, the BOS not only gave Dale permission to blow that $26,000 thaat was unused, they went and added another $29,000 more. That's what we were pointing out. That my friend is waste.

Anonymous said...

Not to get off subject, but what the heck would the secretary to water and sewer be doing at the town hall on Sunday at 2:20pm?

Leonard said...

I have to agree with the Informer on this sign business, after all I remember reading somewhere in previous minutes where the board denied the Historical committee permission to buy some signs for a measly $300 to mark the District and yet they are willing to pay 5 times as much for 1 sign. Also spending more money that what was allocated for something is outrageous, don't they realize the economy sucks and people are struggling?
Just how many keys to our Town Hall have been given out and why do secretary's have one?

HELLO ! said...

If you have a key to the town hall and you needed to make long distance calls at no cost to you, where would you go? I'm betting that all the town phone records never get checked.

Give the guy a break said...

If you were going to get a kickback like many of the town vendors give out you would chip seal too. Why would anyone want to pay for there own vacation when the taxpayers can do it for you?

NO FAITH said...

When you see the road agent at the town garage on a weekend, I'm betting he is not watching TV. Its either phone calls or borrowing town tools and equipment. After the pinny woods road fiasco, where nothing was done in the way of a reprimands, you can rest assured that all the town employees have free rain to do as they please.

Anonymous said...

Well, the new chairman of the budget committee was given a key to the town hall before she was voted in as the chairperson. Underhanded is a way of life at 1 Richmond rd.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that's why they had to go and spend more taxpayer dollars needlessly on all those passkey keypads on dept. doors to keep employees from getting into all of the records and financial stuff and keep them from stealing the town blind. Instead of just changing the locks on the front and side doors and issuing keys to only those required, they continue to allow access to anyone and everyone at all hours and days. They are the biggest disappointment to all of us and yet they continue to hold office.
Winchester is a town full of losers!