Saturday, January 2, 2016

Stop The Pipeline Newsletter .. INTERVENE !

       INTERVENE!----DEADLINE Wed 1/6

Drop-in help: Tuesday1/5



DEADLINE Wed. January 6, 5pm!!  ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE! (info at end)
1) ANYONE IN NH CAN INTERVENE -- the project could impact your electric rates, if nothing else. We encourage everyone to intervene - getting thousands of people to intervene will send a message to FERC, Kinder Morgan's investors, etc.
2) DO NOT WORRY ABOUT "SERVING" your motion to intervene to everyone on the "service list".
FERC staff has sent mixed messages, but their website actually says only subsequent submissions (comments filed after intervening) need to be sent to the service list. Technically, in addition to e-filing your motion, you are supposed to email your motion to intervene on the pipeline company, though many people skip this step (These are the email addresses:;;;
3) Your motion can be just a couple of sentences. For example:
"I live in [town, state], and want to intervene in this proceeding to oppose the NED pipeline. I have an interest which may be directly affected by the outcome of the proceeding because [use any of the reasons below that apply, or others]:
- I am an electric ratepayer.
- I am gas ratepayer
- I am a directly impacted landowner.
- I am a resident expected to be in the "blast radius"/my daily commute crosses over the proposed pipeline route, so I will be at physical risk.
- I am a resident whose watershed is crossed by the proposed route
- I am a member of an impacted community
-no cost
-you will receive all documents from all parties in the case
-you can present at a hearing and file a brief
-you can appeal a FERC decision
-you can remark on the entire FERC process at once
-if you fail to comment during the specified period, you still have a chance to participate in the case.
--Drop-in help: Tuesday, January 5th, Winchester Town Hall. Hours will be announced Monday, most likely late afternoon, early evening.
We’ll have a wi-fi hot spot and a couple of laptops –bring your own if you can.
--Samples and ideas, instruction handout, powerpoint:
--Step by step video with screen shots:.
--Got stuck – need help? Facebook message me: Sue Durling, email, Call me 603-496-1783


Anonymous said...

Just sent an email, rights to intervene in support of the pipeline, thanks for the address,

Mike Towne said...

I also filed to intervene to help those in the path of this pipeline and their neighbors in their fight against Kinder Morgan.
This is really easy to do and takes but a couple of minutes and a few clicks of your mouse.
There are a lot of out of state businesses filing to intervene in support Kinder Morgan so every person who's against this pipeline should file to show their support of our neighbors and legislators who are battling to stop this intrusion into our way of our life..

Acceptance for Filing

The FERC Office of the Secretary has accepted the following electronic submission for filing (Acceptance for filing does not constitute approval of any application or self-certifying notice):

-Accession No.: 201601065237
-Docket(s) No.: CP16-21-000
-Filed By: Michael Towne
-Signed By: Michael Towne
-Filing Type: Motion/Notice of Intervention
-Filing Desc: (doc-less) Motion to Intervene of Michael Towne under CP16-21.
-Submission Date/Time: 1/6/2016 2:08:41 PM
-Filed Date: 1/6/2016 2:08:41 PM

Your submission is now part of the record for the above Docket(s) and available in FERC's eLibrary system at:

Also, people can get help filing with FERC if needed this Saturday. They can contact Sue Durling at