Wednesday, February 10, 2010


You be the judge as to what really took place, was this a legal, by the book Deliberative Session of the School warrants under the SB2 rule; or something else entirely. Please take special  notice of attorney Matt Uptown's comments to Tom O'Connor that everything will be straightened out in the minutes. ( Will this be another case of minutes written not to reflect what was actually said or what actually transpired; but that will cover the derrieres of those who would otherwise be caught distorting the truth to cover up the facts? You be the judge. )

The Moderator for the School Deliberative, Henry Parkhurst, began the evening by introducing the school board members seated in the front, the staff members and the elected officials (2 Selectmen & 5 Budget Committee Members) present.  He then asked for a show of hands of parents in attendance.  He proceeded to explain the etiquette of the evening, before stating, “Now, this can be a quick meeting.  If you vote yes we can be out of here in three minutes.  If you vote no, we will be here longer discussing it.”  ( Don't know about you; but this sounds like this meeting was orchestrated in advance )

No sooner had he finished reading the first warrant article than School Board member, Colleen Duquette, raised her hand and stated, “I move that we accept this warrant as written.”  Kevan Whippie (or the “young whipper snapper” that Ms. Pat Kassal fondly referred to him as), raised his hand to second her motion. There was no vote or discussion on this motion. Coleen then asked if this was the appropriate time to ad an amendment to the article.  The moderator informed her that it was and Kevan Whippie stood up, walked up to the microphone and started to read his amendment. "Point Of Order" The moderator interrupted him and informed him that Ms. Duquette had the floor.  She then stated, “Oh, that’s OK, he can read it for me.”
( now does this sound like a complete set-up, a conspiracy to create mischief or an attempt to take complete control of the meeting? ) The moderator then acknowledged Mr. Whippie as having the floor.  Already two signs that the entire meeting was being orchestrated by their script.  Fortunately for them, they had a small audience, since only approximately 40 town’s people bothered to show.

Mr. Whippie amended the first warrant’s dollar amount from the Budget Committee’s $9,747,111.00 back to the School’s original amount of $10,006,293.00.  He then gave an passionate speech about all of the long hours spent creating this budget and he wanted to honor the School for a job well done.  He felt it was a slap in the face not to use the school’s budget as originally requested.  He sat down and new resident Ms. Pat Kassal came to the microphone to give a speech about how wrong it was of the Town's Budget Committee to take away any programs or supplies from the teachers. ( This was not the purpose or intent of the reduction by the Town's Budget Committee .. read on )  She held back tears ( crocodile perhaps ) and apologized for her emotional outburst.  Mr. Parkhurst informed her that we should never apologize for our emotions. 
( What a performance, you'd have thought you were attending a school play, not a serious meeting )

Budget Committee member, Richard Horton, stood up to defend the amount of $259,182., that they came up with as only being an estimated figure of “fat” that the School Board padded the budget with each year and “returned” to the town every year.  Technically this amount never comes back, but is deducted from the following year’s budget.  The committee agreed that it was not necessary to continually give them an interest free loan of the tax payers money.  But his comments were lost on Middle School teacher,  Ms. Stephanie Tommilla who stood up next and said that all she needed this year was rulers for her students and to please allow this amount to go through, so she could get her rulers.  ( These are going to be very expensive rulers, I hope the students take very good care of them. )

Selectman Sherman Tedford, asked if the school board had met and  discussed, how they voted on the Budget Committee’s amount.  Colleen stated that they had not and the rest completely skirted the issue and started to provide answers to his question that had nothing to do with the question.  School board member, Brian Moser, held up his hand the entire time to respond and be acknowledged but was completely ignored.  The moderator then had SAU 38 Tom O’Connor respond and then asked Mr. Tedford if his question had been answered adequately, and he mumbled, “No.  They completely skirted the question.”  The moderator finally allowed Mr. Moser to speak,  “We voted 4-1 against the Budget Committees amount, with me in favor of it.”  The Chairman of the Board, Gary O’Neal then grabbed his microphone and corrected him by saying, “We strongly voted it down.”  Hard to give up free money, especially when you already have your greedy hands on it and spent some of it.

Theresa Sepe then inquired about the Special Education funds and how much money was deposited this year into that account - she wanted to know so that she could make an educated vote on Warrant Article No. 4.  Colleen Duquette did not know what the exact amount was, but thought that it was around $100,000.  Mr. O’Connor also did not know what the exact amount was - all the while the Budget Committee members (who appeared to have spent more time studying the numbers) said that it was $150,000. 

Town Clerk, James Tetreault, took the floor to ask if there were any purchases made in June of 2009.  He was informed that fuel was pre-purchased for this year and the 39 computers purchased.  He asked if the budget then showed a surplus for the fuel.  He too received a run around to finally hear that NO there was not a surplus. He then went to explain his reason for the questions and was cut short by the Moderator, “we are not here for your opinion.  Please sit down.”  He respectfully obliged. 

The moderator became incensed with Mr. Horton when he stepped up to the microphone to say that the amounts they had given were a lie and that the amount was $150,000.  Parkhurst informed him that he was not following the etiquette and to avoid using such language.  

Colleen then moved that the public input be closed and proceed to vote on the issues. ( This was illegal, there was already a motion on the floor to amend and seconded; but no vote taken, you can't make another motion until you vote on the one already before you )  There were three votes ( illegal ) and a great deal of confusion on what was being voted on.  In the end, Mr. Whippie/Colleen Duquette’s amendment passed and the meeting was suddenly over with no one ever discussing the remaining seven (7) warrant articles. 

Questions have been raised that the vote was illegal and the other warrants can not be on the ballot because they were not allowed to be discussed.  The attorney, Matt Uptown will have some explaining to do.  According to his conversation with Tom O’Connor, everything will be straightened out in the minutes.
( If no motion was made to accept and none to second, then they are null and void and will not be on the ballot. That is if these conspirators follow the written law )

When asked about the closed call on the last vote, Mr. Parkhurst explained that he never makes that call, he looks to the lawyer.  Several budget committee members spoke with Kevan following the proceedings and learned that he had no idea what the money he added was for (other than Colleen had asked him to present it for him).  He received kudos from the moderator on a job well done. 

So there you have it folk, the whole meeting was pre-orchestrated by Colleen Duquette, Kevan Whippie and Moderator Henry Parkhurst who screwed up right from the beginning when he let the cat out of the bag with his comments that " we'll be out of here in 3 minutes" That this crap was condoned by the board's attorney and a member of SAU 38 makes this smell even worse.

Are you going to stand for this kind of crap when it comes to spending your money? This has nothing to do with the education of your children, this is a fleecing of the taxpayer and a mockery of our rules of democracy.

Voting "NO" on the School Board budget warrant, will only cost us more money in the long run as the default budget that's over 10.6 million will kick in giving them even more of our tax dollars to spend on whatever they deem needed. Democracy is surely dead when tactics like this are used to get what you want .. more money.


Bob Davis said...

Again the school board replaces money at delibertaive session, that was taken out of their budget as agreed to by the town budget committee. Again Colleen Duquette is victorious in reassuring her re-lection to the school board. After all the Cheshire Cat grins, the "that’a girl" and the slaps on the backs from her peers, while putting the screws to the tax payers and showing us a behavior intended to make all of us look silly, ridiculous and stupid, (a total mockery of the system).
Unfortunately, I wasn’t there, being on vacation, I wasn't available to support my fellow Budget Committee members; but I sure wish I was. This has to change. Three people shouldn’t have the power to control the majority.
The town Budget Committee is supposed to be the mediator for the tax payers best interest and it seems we are becoming a totally meaning less group and/or purposely being ignored. Why have a Budget Committee and waste hours of negotiations, if it is to be undone in minutes at the Deliberative Session by a self important greedy group who only thinks of their best interest and to hell with everyone else in town? Serving on the town Budget Committee shouldn’t be a matter of personalities or whether you have dislikes of a particular member, but whether we can have the proper dialog with the School Budget Committee to come to an agreement. Mutual respect. As a budget committee member I have always tried to broaden this dialog. At the budget committee meetings I argued for modest cuts that didn’t gut the school’s budget and to keep money in the our general town budget to lower our tax rate. The school budget committee always asks for more money then they need, EVERY YEAR. The school claims to try to save money by returning the money back to the general budget every year; but this is NOT TRUE. The school superintendent, Mr. C. repeatedly states, we returned the money. After several sessions with him constantly stating this as fact, I asked Mr. C "did you cut a check to the town for this money as you claim to have returned it to the town, but I see no record of it", his answer was, “well no!” I then asked him if he would please use another term.
Last year the school anticipated to receive an additional $529,445.00 from State School Aid, instead of returning the surplus money to the town, the school spent the money on computers and more on special aid (sped) capital reserve. It is hard to have mutual respect, when the School Budget Committee gives the tax payers a dog and pony show at deliberative session. I spoke out last year about making sure we gave the school committee mutual respect. Never again will I be so foolish and allow myself to be so deceived after pulling this crap on the tax payers of Winchester. Shame on you Colleen Duquette for your deceiptful ways and the mockery you have made of a process to ensure the best education we can provide for our town's children. Shame also on those who would support such a person, what a great example you put forth for the children of Winchester !

Mike Towne said...

This is just another reason that we as a town need to give up this experiment of being and SB2 town and go back to voting on everything. Only 25% of New Hampshire's towns have fallen for this "better way". But nearly half of all school boards prefer it. Why not, look what they can do.

That those who have been elected and been entrusted to use their power of office for the good of all of the town's citizens and not just for a specific group, as in this case, the school board and teachers, surely by the examples we have witnessed at this meeting and at the town's deliberative session last Saturday shows, that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

In order to make these changes though, we first need good, honest candidates. People who will not be influenced, nor intimidated by others and that will not only carry out the duties of their office in a lawful compassionate way; but also with the heart and soul of the town's people as their guiding force.

We have several candidates that fit this mold and with the town's support we can hopefully get them elected into office and start turning this town around. Our current town officials have allowed this type of behavior to go on for so long, they can no longer control the monsters they have created.

Please, get involved, ask questions, leave no stone unturned when seeking answers and most of all support the people, who just like you, have had enough and want to do something about it.

When board members and county officials conspire to ignore the plight of the citizens, they need to be held accountable for their transgressions and shown we are wise to their ways and that their reign over this town is about to end.

Anonymous said...

My God, are all the questionable unsavory characters residing in office and working for the town of Winchester? You people definitely have some serious issues to deal with and you'd better start making the smart choices when you go to the polls or you're looking at more of the same, corrupt officials at every level of your town's government and escalating tax burdens placed on all of you. What are you all gluttons for punishment? Get with it people, wake up, you're being flummoxed by crooks.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same Colleen who made the statement at a recent SAU 38 meeting " They can take us to court if they don't like it", I read about in the paper some months back? Seems she thinks she's pretty important and it's obvious how she feels about other people.

Anonymous said...

Until "Mr. Pickle" is replaced with an honest moderator you can expect the same biased and confusing school meetings.

Don't forget, several generations of voters had their beloved "Mr. Parkhurst" as a teacher at Thayer H.S.

He's the town darling and an embarrassment in Concord where there are at least a few reasonably intelligent and responsible people in the legislature. I understand he is pretty much considered a buffoon over there.

Anonymous said...

I have a comment, if you do not like the people and the way the town is run get out of town and do us all a favor, the town runs just fine, its you people who create these issues among yourself, get a life, get a job, put your energy on something else,get a hobby..

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz, blogger at 1:52 I have a job; in fact I have M.Ed. after my name. I think that this blog has provided all of us an opportunity to sift through the issues and make up our minds about how the town is run. It boggles my mind that when people express a difference of opinion(other than what you want to hear) we are all stupid and should be run out of town.

May I suggest that you adopt our policy of reading, listening and researching so that you have the correct information. Perhaps providing us with the answers that others do not share might persuade us to change our minds and follow your vision.

Thank you blog for the opportunity of allowing everyone to share their thoughts. I will leave you all with this quote "Education is what you have left over after you have forgotten everything you have learned."

Have a great night!

GOT it MADE said...

Hell I have 2 jobs so i can support the late to work, extended lunch and break people that are going to work 3 days next week. Thanks to the informer it will turn around, so if you aren't ready to give a days work for a days pay ,you move. Imagine a service industry working 3 and 4 days a week. The Governor is looking to cut again, it will trickle down, that's the way its works. So dig in maybe you will get to keep your job.

Anonymous said...

"The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern". Proverbs 29:7

The Winchester Informer and Justice seem to be walking hand in hand. Thank you for caring.

Anonymous said...

Well there you have it folks, damn why didn't any of of think of that? If you don't like being ignored, that problems in town are escalating daily, that our town fathers only care about themselves and their cronies, that taxes are sky high and climbing with no end in sight to all of the spending and you don't like corrption in our police dept. the answer is simple, just move! What an astute observation, just move, nice. This answer no doubt was supplied to us by one of the several horse's arses working for the town who's afraid their cushy job might come to an end if we elect new people who will make them all town the mark.. absolutely priceless !!

Move, what a great idea. Why don't you all responsible for the mess this town is in take your own advice?

Bob Davis said...

I have a comment... If I had a job like Colleen Duquette, who finds placement for state children, where and I have been told this by several people, a large majority of these children require special education ( sped ) and are placed in our town and who has the gall to be seated on our school board demanding more money from Winchester tax payers, would you get the impression that something was terribly wrong here?
Colleen told a friend of mine that Winchester has such a great sped program and is the main reason she places a very large portion of the sped children in our town. It couldn't be that she also relies on these placements to pad her salary too now would it? We the people have to wake up and not take this anymore. Yes, I do wholly agree, that these children need a good stable home and a safe environment to grow up in; but we taxpayers need some relief from the burden our share of these school taxes that is costing us thousands and thousands of dollars every time she finds a home for one of them here in town.

I feel if she wants to keep her job at the state level, then she should resign from the school board. It gives the impression of impropriety and wrong doing and don't we have enough of that in town already?

Comment from anonymous, "don't like the people and the way the town is run get out of town and do us all a favor, the town runs just fine, its you people who created these issues among yourself, get a life, get a job, put your energy on something else, get a hobby"..

It's people like us that created these issues? What kind of blind mental midget thinking is that? Is it your opinion we should apologize to Stetsor and ask him to come back and have him rip the town off some more? We should let the town highway crew do just what they please, when they please and how they please; continue to buy them the best equipment we tax payers can afford and allow them to misuse it as they please and abuse it as they please? We should let our, not so honest Police Dept. act as they please, commit crimes as they please and get away with it? We should let our Selectmen run the town any way they see fit and lie to us taxpayers any time they please? We should continue to farm work out without taking bids just because they please to do so? And of course, we the taxpayers are just suppose to grin and bear it and take it anyway we please, right?

Well, I do have a job and I've made it into my hobby. It's to run people like this out of office and if you're one of them, this goes for you too. You think the town runs fine the way it is, it's obvious that your way of thinking is a bit skewed if you truly feel that way. You must be taking some large doses of psychotic drugs, either that or you are still wearing a pair of John Lennon's 3D rosy colored glasses.

It's going to take a lot to get this town straightened out, it's not going to be easy; but with the help of the others running for change and you the town's people all working together, we'll get it done and then no one will have to move from here if it doesn't please them.

Anonymous said...

This morning's Manchester Union Leader column "Under the State House Dome", was predicting that under the best possible scenario, that the state of NH will have a huge budget shortfall. This will most likely mean department cuts and layoffs of state employees. This will affect budgets in Winchester at some point. Education aid will most likely be one of them . Officials in town are sticking their heads in the sand, as others are preparing to do something about the problems. When the buck stops here, it is going to really hurt.

videotaping the rude behavior said...

Go to the Sunday Sentinel,Reader Opinion,Pelton from Swanzey, guess we aren't alone.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about any of you but it makes perfect sense to cut any additional extra dollars in both budgets. We know that cuts are coming from the state and the feds and the "grants" (for our sidewalk) will be cut first. I can't afford 2 car payments: I wonder why Dale Gray thinks that the town deserves 2? As for the sewer send it back to the engineers and tell them to get it right! We can't afford it! As for the school tell them to buy books and paper on sale. Oh and tell Colleen that she can support the extra sped costs! Wonder how that will sit? Oh-in case you are wondering about 7 years ago $500,000 was cut from the school budget and you know what everyone survived! Even the teachers.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Can someone say "LAWSUIT" , what a farce.

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with the people of this town especially the rest of you parents that don't take an interest in your childs education and the people responsible? What a great lesson to teach them, lie and deceive and do whatever it takes to get your own way thats brilliant!

Cut the dept, heads said...

Take a look at the BOS work session of 2/10/2010. I would think that anyone reviewing these facts would get the idea that things have to change. They are going to get with the dept. heads to see where to cut.