Saturday, February 6, 2010


Below is a letter written by Brian Moser in response to a letter, written by Bonnie Leveille, that appeared last week in the Keene Sentinel. Bonnie had taken grave offense to a warrant petition that had circulated and garnered 46 signatures, that asked voters if they wanted to do away with our current Conservation Committee. Information had come to light that the commission just wasn't doing what it was intended to do and was just another paper commission with no authority to enforce or enact any regulations. Bonnie even went so far as to hand out fliers she had taken the time to make up, at our Deliberative Session, defending the commission, which she is on and claimed the petition was circulated out of meanness and personal feelings which just was not true. Mr. Moser wanted to make everyone aware of these accusations and the untruthfulness of Bonnie's statements and set the record straight. He makes some very fine points in his response and we felt everyone should have the opportunity to read it and think about what he says. Our SB2 way of doing things has become a complete farce controlled by a few who claim they know what's best for the rest of us. .. read on:

I am writing in response to Bonnie Leveille's letter of Jan. 26. My first thought on reading her letter was of Germany in 1940. If I recall correctly, dissenting opinion and challenges to those in power were not welcome there and then either. I hope the parallel isn't warranted.

As a veteran, I believe that we have the best form of government in the world. I took an oath before I served, similar to the one taken by conservation commission members, to uphold the constitution.

I took my oath seriously, and I know that two of the most important rights we have are free speech and the right to petition our government for redress of grievances.

Accusing people of having "personality" issues when they disagree with you, and attempting to override people's rights to just put questions on the ballot does not seem to conform to the concept of upholding the constitution. 0ur system has worked for a couple of centuries because even people that we don't agree with have a right to speak, and in New Hampshire we can vote on local issues by ballot.

Trying to keep people who have followed all the legal processes to put an article on the warrant from doing so can't be described as anything other than an attack on our form of government.

What do those in power fear in just asking a question of the people? Are they afraid that if given the chance, the majority of people would not agree with them? Put the articles on the ballot and let the people vote!

A11 of us have the right to vote, and encouraging open and honest voting, on any topic is always better than bashing opponents to keep them from having fair and reasonable access to the warrant.

Perhaps some people have forgotten that government even a conservation commission, doesn't have any rights.
The people have rights and government has only authorities granted to it by We The People.



Mike Towne said...

The Sentinel ran a fine editorial Friday on just this type of behavior and I think some of what was printed fits our current situation in Winchester today.

A decade or so ago, the Legislature allowed towns and school districts to replace their traditional annual meetings, during which citizens exercised their constitutional rights to debate budgets and other matters before voting their wishes. A very healthy and open way of making decisions. Now instead voters can cast their ballots without having attended any public meeting at all. This amounts to nothing more than drive-by democracy and allows a few to control how voters will decide important community matters and what they will cost us all without the benefit of hearing both pro and con discussion.

This is exactly what has transpired recently at our Deliberative Sessions, especially Thursday night at the School Meeting. Two people put an end to any discussion and therefore rendered the meeting a total joke; only it's really not funny.

Since Winchester had adopted the SB2 way of doing things, our worst fears have been realized. The surprise here has been the effective way a very few have abused the system through manipulation to gain control and DICTATE what will be voted on..

These people, opponents of some of the warrants, have used the deliberative sessions to strip away the meanings of these resolutions to the point that they are totally different then their sponsors intent and therefore rendered totally useless to be even placed on the ballot. How does one vote on a warrant when all it says is; "Too see." or "To be" The voters will never know the true intent of the person who took the time to write up the resolution, meet with and explain this intent with voters in town and gather their signatures to have the petition certified to be discussed at the session, thus not even allowing the voters their constitutional right to vote either yes or no on the original petition.

This may be legal; but is it right? Are these few people the true voice of the citizens of Winchester, or are they just acting in their own best interest and afraid that they won't get their way if it's left up to the people to choose, as it well should be in a democracy.

Like Brian, I too am a vet and I too took an oath and I strongly believe that we need to allow the majority of Winchester's registered voters to decide what they should vote on and not be dictated to by a few.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Brian and Mike. The intent of petitioners before the town meeting has been stolen. The legislative body is in shambles, thanks to a handful of people that fear the democratic process due to us. SB2 needs to be changed, such that petitioned articles cannot be altered. Until then, people need to be aware of the damage a few people have caused.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will not post this and I will sign my name to it. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. I deeply resent what has been said about me as it is untrue. I did not write the flyer handed out at the deliberative session nor had anything to do with writing it. I was merely asked to help pass them out!!!!!! I have posted counter facts as have many others to this site and they are not posted. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black as you accused me of.. It appears the only freedom of speech you want is the views of this site. And another FACT, I was sworn in to serve another term as were others and you did not post that. You did not post the truth about how Marlee came to work through the school and Antioch either. Freedom of speech and personalities??? Depends on whose freedom of speech I guess. And I am far from an elitist. Both my husband and I are unemployed and struggling to survive so you can cut that BS as well. I have a long fuse but when someone prints lies about me and the board I serve on I take offense.

Bonnie Leveille

the Winchester Informer said...

That someone associated you as the person who wrote up that slanted bulletin/flier because you were the one and maybe only one observed passing them out row by row at the Deliberative Session, though there was a stack on the table provided at the entrance for all literature, was probably an honest mistake because of your actions.

If the information in that literature was as truthful as you claim, then why would you be so upset?

You claim that you and many others have posted counter facts to this blog and that they have not been published, to that I take offense. The ONLY and I say ONLY blogs that have not been posted to this board are those that have contained such filthy language, I wouldn't post them on a bathroom wall. If you are one of the parties that have submitted this type of so-called counter fact, then I trust you have the intelligence to know why it did not see the light of day on this blog.

I read the piece you submitted to the Keene Sentinel and as Mr. Moser stated in his rebuttal, your reasoning and attitude was pretty slanted and missed the point. I can honestly say that I have approached the Conservation Committee on several occasions over wetland violations and other subjects, contacting both Gus and Ms. Johnson and was ignored, in fact my complaints to the head of the Conservation Committee were not even passed onto the DES until I had filed a lawsuit against the town.

You have the right to state your opinions here, as well as your facts; we have yet to see any, just rants and accusations that what has been reported is lies.
Here's your opportunity to post your facts and that goes for anyone else that has something to support your views. Reading what you have posted it is obvious that you have some anger issues, other than what was probably an honest mistake as I have said above, only things that you stated in your letter to the paper have been spoken about. Mr Moser only mentioned your name as the writer of the article he was referring to in his rebuttal. Did you also call the Sentinel and complain to them for also printing his words?

As for your family's personal troubles, I honestly hope you both find gainful employment soon. As to your reappointment to the board for another term,congratulations. To again point a finger at this blog for not recognizing this,how could we? Perhaps if people in town even knew there were openings on these appointed boards, there'd be some interest.

Perhaps while you are in the blogging mood you'd be so kind as to explain how one goes about getting appointed to the Con Comm. or to one of those other appointed boards no one hears about til after it's formed. Where are these openings posted?
My other question to you seeing as how you have been on the board for some time, though I do not know to what capacity; can you shed some light on the Conservations Special Fund, the one Gus received compensation for for concrete, materials and labor? Seems this would be against the by-laws of the committee would it not for a member to be paid with conservation funds?

Ashuelot Town Crier said...

Democracy is DEAD in Winchester.

It died a long time ago....

No one turns out to town meetings because people get fed up with the injustice. It takes only one meeting to know that democracy does not exist.

They are offended by the control and manipulation of the exulted few who feel that the lives and opinions of their neighbors do not matter. Nor do they hold any merit.

Their acendency has them struting around town hall from the sheer power of complecity. They pat each other on the back and congratulate themselves on a job well done - while their neighbor's walk out the door with metaphorical knifes in their backs. Shocked by the audacity of their repugnant celebration at the expense of those few who choose to naively stand up for justice.

Democracy is DEAD in Winchester.

They feel impowered to know what is best for us, and God forbide they give you the opportunity to share your thoughts and dreams with them. They hold no value or merit. If they did, they would allow the rest of the town to VOTE on them.

Democracy is DEAD in Winchester.

Curious to Know said...

Bonnie, question for you.. Since you deny having anything to do with the writing of the flyer being handed out at Deliberative one would surmise you know who did author it and provided copies for distribution. If you know, would you please let us know who compiled it?

more lies don't make truths said...


Was this one of your comments on this blog?

"Well this will bring out the facts for sure. Thank you for presenting what the board needs to provide in way of the truth. In all fairness I will only defend myself since personalities seem to come before principles. First of all I know that several people did not read what they were signing when they signed the petitions."

You state you know for a "FACT" that several people did not read what they were signing when they signed the petitions. What petitions are you talking about and were your there or are you claiming to be clairvoyant or something? Talk about ego and BS.

You also previously stated;
"the board can not use the current use money for operating expenses. Also there are lot of hoops to overcome before the board can purchase land. We have public hearings and guess what ??? Usually no one attends.
I only hope that people vote based on facts and not gossip, rumor, distorted words by frustrated people looking for a scapegoat like our board.......or me."

You seem to be the only one who's frustrated with people who don't see things your way. How many hearings have been posted in the paper for citizens to see as required by law? Did you not distort the truth by saying the committee only has $12 to operate on, what about the over $86,000 that gets dipped into when you purchase land, outside of the state even though voters said NO ? Or when you pay/reimburse Gus for "materials and labor", is not paying for labor, paying Gus for his time?

Stop coming here and spreading the very lies, innuendos, and horse manure you claim are being spread about you. Got a guilty conscience Bonnie?

Explain to us all how your daughter was hand picked to work and get paid for the CC, by the CC and not someone else's child. Isn't this just more nepotism in a town so awash with favoritism and questionable conduct?

If I were you, I'd stop putting my foot in my mouth. I don't see any other members making such a fuss as you, nor writing to the paper, nor coming here and complaining.

Anonymous said...

I would like to commend both Brian and Moser and Mike Town for their blogs. It gives us insight into two of the people running for office this year. They most certainly will have my vote come March, I only wish they both could hold more than one position as they are the exact type of people we need in our town's government working for us.

Anonymous said...

Winchester is facing what we are facing at the state and national levels as well—a decided overabundance of overpaid public employees who earn much more than those in the private sector and have unsustainable benefit packages in terms of health and other insurances and pension plans. Plus, the politicians essentially get to use their jobs to promote more government and more government employees with OUR MONEY. They always NEED more, more, more! If you sue the SOBs you pay twice — for their attorney and your own.

Deliberative sessions are a prime example of the political advantages of the employees and elected officials. They can use government time and money to "educate" (read “campaign") for their agendas and they have the wrongfully perceived element of truthfulness by virtue of their offices. They also operate behind the scenes (simply by the nature of the beast, i.e. government) and citizens would have to have a whole host of full-time monitors just to know what they are doing.

In addition, many citizens cannot go to deliberative because they have real jobs that require working on Saturdays, while the employees have no problem spending one day of their three-day weekends to show up and rant about how under-appreciated and underpaid they are. How then does the populace defend its right to petition questions for the warrant?

Certainly, legislative change is needed. But that is unlikely since the bulk of the legislators cut their teeth on local government and there is always a bias towards government, not towards The People.

Anonymous said...

anyone wanna bet she don't comer back and answer any questions just like the last time she came crying on here.

Anonymous said...

Oh but I am answering questions and believe me I wasn't crying. Most just feel the blog site is not worth getting involved in. I guess I just like having both sides heard. We all have a right to our opinions. And no I did not post anything with filthy language to have the post omitted. Oops I used "BS" in one post but that was there. I have answered questions. Hmmmm don't see them. So guess I won't waste my time or effort in trying to answer any more. I'll leave that to others. I'd rather answer to those many many people who have come to me saying my letter was heartfelt and wonderful and said what so many in town and surrounding towns feel.... that what I said was true. Guess there will always be two sides to everything. Too bad the two sides can't come together and TALK. Old grudges need to be forgotten so the town can move on and heal. Just regret that I am caught in the crossfire trying to suggest working together not against one another.

I know you said...

I don't see you answering any questions Bonnie. I see you patting yourself on the back as you always do and tip toeing around the hard subject of being truthful. You were asked twice now by the Informer about this special fund and if you felt paying members from the conservation funds were ok. You were also asked how your daughter became employed by the committee and why not someone else's child but as we all expected, you skirted the issues again. Kinda tells the whole story now doesn't it. Your saying most don't feel this blog is worth discussing things on is a real joke girl, over 11,000 people disagree with you, and I bet you can count those pats on your back on one hand. You've proven to me and most of those that really know you and the others you claim to support you as nothing more than a gentle breeze blowing up my skirt.

I know you too said...

I agree, just another of the town's so called do gooders that do nothing but talk a good story. Where's Mim, she sure couldn't keep her mouth shut or her butt in her seat when threatened with people knowing the truth about the bunch of you and what it is you're really doing. You really do live in a make believe world. too bad.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping that questions that have been raised about the CC will be answered. I am not holding my breath. Having done business with the female letter writer I know that she will not answer any questions, in fact she will go on the attack. Of course the message that she spreads will once again be distorted. Thank you blog for at least printing the good, the bad and the ugly.
Just remember to get out and vote. That is how we change the system.

the Winchester Informer said...

As expected, when cornered some people will lash out, puff up like Blow Fish and do their dance and attempt to blame the messenger every time.

We wish to thank you for all of your comments about our blog, Bonnie. We'll take them under advisement.

As you leave us remember this;
Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.

The American Way said...

One problem with the Vote, is that some of the people in any town that work 12hrs a day or two jobs, other people invest and get lucky and make a good living, and then there are the people that don't feel the need to go for it so to speak. As is there right, they live in a 50 year old trailer, get food stamps or are subsidized in other ways, pay little or no property taxes, but they have the same vote. I guess its the American way but they don't feel the same impact in there tax bill when we keep putting aside land that stops generating income for the town.

Anonymous said...

It will be up to the voters to see who is the deceiver........

I come from truth even if my truth is not heard or printed.

Bullies come from a place of ego and a need to attack and malign to create a false sense of grandeur, strength and presence. So remain bullies if it makes you feel powerful. Attack like kids on a playground. I have always come from a place of asking for the attackers to come forth in a positive manner and stop their maligning people and seek solutions rather than wage wars. That goes for both sides of the spectrum!!!!!

You have your scapegoat so attack on. But egos are the cornered blow fish. And you the attacker that says you have done business with me come forth and name yourself because I have never done business with any of you. I have reached out to some who I have seen identify themseslves on this page, hoping for a more adult manner of solution. Written letters of appeal to the Newells; talked to Bob Davis and tried to find a common ground with others in town as we met at various events.

And now you try to draw out another victim. Bonnie's done taking our crap who can we pick on next. Time to be adults don't you think? Find meaningful solutions not play silly blog games.

I know you said...

Just as we all expected. The Informer gave you the opportunity to act like an adult and answer questions posed so we could hear both sides of this debate and yet you choose to attack and whine about fairness.Calling people who comment on your falsehoods bullies is a good one, we're just asking you to provide answers; something you have failed to do time and time again, even though you have been given ample opportunities. You started this by writing your one-sided slanted article to the newspaper claiming you and the committee were unduly picked on. You forgot to mention that you were very untruthful and deceitful and continue to be so. None of us are stupid and can see right through you Bonnie. Go away, and stop making this a bigger issue than what it really is. No one is picking on you, people are just fed up with hearing crap come out of your mouth and no facts to back it up. Why don't you spend your time in a more productive manner and go look for some real work.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is what a fool, doesn't know when to keep her pie hole shut.

Anonymous said...

You obviously are aware of the improprieties and instead of being an honest person you instead choose to twist things around to cover up what has been said. Like the old saying goes, those that protest the loudest, usually have the most to conceal.

Anonymous said...

It's called having your cake and eating it too - less transparency and more dishonesty from those making decisions = more power and more control over time.

Less transparency and more dishonesty from those making decisions = more dishonesty and more refusal to explain over time.

No more - thanks to this blog the truth isn't so easy to hide and those that want to hide it will get caught. Time, patience and free speech will expose the ones that do not have sincere motives.

One by one they are getting caught and as usual they don't take kindly to that and as usual they don't take any responsibility for their actions but instead try to shift the blame, the veil is becoming thinner each time.

We need to vote in the truth and decency.

Anonymous said...

What a dingbat, just another town committee board member standing on her soapbox shouting to anyone who'll listen to her lies and slanted version of the truth. You were asked a total of 6 questions by people who have posted here. Six questions you could have provided some insight to. Six questions you ignored time and time again in your rants against this site, why? Why not when given an opportunity to put forth the facts and provide straight answers for people wanting to know would you continue to ignore these questions? Is it simply that you have no truthful answers and that if you did answer these six questions you would be caught in another lie? The writing is on the wall Bonnie, none of you have been very truthful in your portrayal of the conservation committee and what goes on with this board and you continue to try and hide behind false bravado and accusations. Honest people are forthwith, liars dance, guess which one we consider you to be?
Thank you blog for all of the insight you provide us, it' refreshing to know that some people here in town are willing to take a stand and expose to us the truth.

Anonymous said...

She's just another poor little sheep that has lost her way - baaa - baaa - baaa or shoould I say blah - blah - blah

Anonymous said...


It's not about personalities, it's about character — and there is a huge difference. Liars, cheats and those who operate in mud holes are not deserving of respect, or public office.

Those who cannot defend their political positions and shady dealings resort to the one thing that always works for them (at least for awhile) — attacking the people who try to expose the corruption.

You showed your true colors by your inference that the town had somehow lost something when it voted out town manager form of government. That useless, incompetent, lazy former employee set this town back at least ten years, with some of the selectmen as his willing and gleeful accomplices.

Interesting that they all did very well either financially or with moving forward their own personal agendas, none of which were in the best interest of the people they are supposed to represent.

Keep it up and keep telling yourself what a truly wonderful person you are and how you just want everyone to get along. We all know that means everyone should adopt your viewpoint unless they want to be berated wrongfully by you. You never let facts get in your way as long as you have your inflated ego and your comrades to cheer you on.

When you leave this world you will be called upon to explain your behavior to your maker and there will be no one there to blame, and no one who doesn't know the absolute truth. No excuses accepted. You might want to ponder on that.

(From someone who cares about your immortal soul.)

PICKY said...

People have a right to vote unless Henry is in charge. People have a right to register and pay bills 3 days again next week. The poor second class citizens that work 5 and 6 days a week should revolt. And then they can leave early and get to work late unless there time starts from when they leave home and goes until they get home, that's the way it looks with a couple of our town halls finest. Like Sherm said, just being picky.