WINCHESTER, NH – Thomas R. Simmons of Watson Road, Winchester, N.H. has announced his candidacy for the Cheshire District 4 State Representative seat. Cheshire District - 04 is comprised of the Towns of Chesterfield, Hinsdale, and Winchester.
Simmons, 50, chairs the Business Department at Greenfield Community College where he teaches Economics. Simmons has also taught Economics and Public Finance at Keene State College.
“I have worked in the field of Economic Development and Education for the last two decades, and believe I can bring that experience and strength to the critical issues we are facing in Concord right now,” said Simmons. “Budget impasses, a regressive taxation system, and partisan bickering have left many Granite Staters frustrated with their legislature. I aim to bring ‘fresh blood’ to the process.”
“If you believe that Government ought to keep its hands out of your wallet and its nose out of your bedroom, then we have something in common” writes Simmons on his website, where he outlines his positions on everything from Civil Liberties and Education to Taxes and Health Care. Simmons, a graduate of Hofstra Law School where he concentrated in Environmental Law, also pointed to significant environmental issues in the district, including the long-term integrity of Pisgah State Park and quality of the waters surrounding Vermont Yankee.
Simmons, a strong supporter of Marriage Equality, medical marijuana, and legal gaming, portrays himself as “fiscally responsible and socially progressive…placing me squarely in the great New Hampshire tradition.” A Democrat, Simmons freely admits to having been a lifelong Republican. “But,” he says, “like many disaffected Yankee Republicans and Independents, I have found that the Republican Party has become shrill and extreme, and can no longer claim to be either fiscally responsible or the party of individual rights. It is the Democratic Party that has established a ‘Big Tent,” admitting a diversity that has resulted in a balance of both compassion and frugality.”
Thom Simmons may be reached at either (603) 239-7507 or
His Campaign website is:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tax Bills Are Out .. It's Crying Time Again
New rate of $13.48 should make everyone happy. Keep voting for more and more spending folks, we're getting closer to being the highest taxed town in the state. How many families will not be able to afford this years taxes? When will the voters in town stop falling for the same old lines of bull and vote in responsible people who think of the town's people first? Maybe this will be the straw that broke the camel's back.
New Blog Exposes State and Town Corruption
We've been notified that a new blog has opened up which will report on corruption within the state and especially our town of Winchester. To visit this new blog, cut and paste this link in your browser. Several people have asked if this is a joke or if it is legit .. Go see for yourselves.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Executive Secretary Resigns
There has been a change up at Town Hall. For those of you that aren't up on current events - Ellen Cole resigned her post as secretary to the Executive Assistant, Robert Gray. She was no longer happy dealing with local politics and ready to go back to the legal field. In the mean time, our illustrious Selectman Roberta Fraser has been hired to fill in until a replacement can be hired. We would like to hear back from you, what you think of this change....
Friday, May 21, 2010
Selectmen Snub ZBA .. Fraser And TBC Not Happy
MINUTES of the
May 12, 2010
Board Members Present: Roberta Fraser-Acting Chairperson; Sherman Tedford; Gustave Ruth; Theresa Sepe; and Kenneth Gardner. Also present Bob Gray, Town Administrator and Ellen Cole, Executive Assistant. The meeting convenes at 7:00PM.
1st Order of Business: Open Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes
Selectman Fraser is filling in as Acting Chairperson this evening, but Chairman Tedford is present and participating in this evening’s discussion.
Minutes of the May 5, 2010 regular minutes: Selectman Ruth makes a motion to accept the minutes. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
2nd Order of Business: Other Business
Recently, Avitar came up with a new format for the tax bills, which was tabled by the Board last week so they could review. Deputy Tax Collector Karey Miner likes this idea because the format is easier to read and will save on paper. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to accept the new tax bill format. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Southwest Region Planning Commission (“SWRPC”) would like the Board to vote and send a letter to support the nomination of the American Tissue Mills of New Hampshire property on Route 119 (Winchester Tax Map 7, Lot 66) for the SWRPC’s Brownsfields Assessment Program. Bob Gray makes the Board aware that the Attorney General has given the Town an easement to go on to the former mill property to determine if it is safe to tax deed, by testing to see if contamination is present. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to send this letter to SWRPC requesting that they proceed. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Lisa Murphy with SWRPC advised Bob that the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan expired. Funding is available to SWRPC through Homeland Security to update the Plan for the Town. The Town of Winchester’s Hazard Mitigation Plan is outdated and needs to be fully updated. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to formally request the assistance and services of the Southwest Region Planning Commission to accomplish this update as soon as possible. Chairman Tedford seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Bob would like the Board’s permission to close the Town Hall on Thursday, June 3, 2010 from 9:00AM-11:00AM for mandatory, DOL compliance training of all employees (except for volunteer ambulance and fire) presented by Bill Cote with the LGC. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to close the Town Hall on June 3 for the hours requested. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Last year, the Budget Committee eliminated the ‘sick time buyback’ line item, but this type of employee compensation still exists in the Personnel Manual as Town policy. Sharon Haley in HR/Finance would like to know if the Board would still like to offer this benefit to employees, and if so, where payment would come from in the new fiscal year budget effective July 2010. Chairman Tedford asks Bob to get a legal opinion from the LGC, that if the Board wishes to maintain the policy do they have the authority to appropriate the money from the operating budget, or does the Budget Committee’s decision supersede policy. Selectman Sepe makes clear that this is Town policy, therefore, when applicable, employees would be due payment unless the Board changed policy. Chairman Tedford reiterates the question to the LGC, asking if benefit is in place, and unless we change policy, are we obligated to pay it, even if the line item has been zeroed out. Selectman Sepe would like employee involvement in this discussion, giving personnel an opportunity to publicly voice their opinion regarding this issue. Bob will make the Town employees aware and it will be posted on the Agenda.
Amy Bond in HR/Finance completed the summer schedule for the lifeguards at the Town Beach. The new fiscal year for 2010-2011 has $9,000.00 allotted for personnel. Amy estimates that the personnel line from July 1, 2010 to September 6, 2010 will be overdrawn by $5,172.00, even when reducing to the minimum amount of lifeguard coverage (and staying within the State’s requirement). Acting Chair Fraser is not in favor of having the beach open and unlocked, when there is no supervision, due to vandalism or having people swim at their own risk. Selectman Ruth suggests closing the beach a couple of days during the week. Acting Chair Fraser is on the Beach Committee, and regrets cutting back beach hours, but suggests residents need to see the repercussions of taking money out of the beach budget. She further explains that at numerous town meetings she voiced concerns that if money for these community activities, which benefit the Town as a whole are not properly funded, services may be cut. Chairman Tedford would rather keep the beach operation hours open for the people to enjoy and not penalize the Town, to which Acting Chairperson Fraser agrees, and does not want to penalize the Town, but something needs to be done. Chairman Tedford suggests changing the beach hours from 11:00AM to 12:00PM, open to 6:00PM instead of 7:00PM to help lower the associated costs of coverage. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to hire the lifeguards starting Memorial Day weekend for the summer with hours from 12-6:00PM. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 4-1. Selectman Ruth voted no, because he thinks the Town will have a hard time finding lifeguards to work the reduced hours.
Chief Phillips requests use of the town gravel pit adjacent to the Evergreen Cemetery for ATV Training/Certification course sponsored by NH Fish and Game Department on May 26, 2010 from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to permit the Chief’s request. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Last week the Board accepted John Grappone Ford’s bid on a 2011 Ford F550 with the Fairfield package, and asked Bob to shop around the financing for a 3-year lease/purchase. Bob learned that Grappone Ford’s price is not associated with the lease. TD Banknorth offers: 3.8%, $21,057.00 payment/year; Citizens/Baystone offers: 4.69$; $21,486 payment/year; and Ford Motor Credit: 5.9% (no payment quoted). Bob adds he ordered the truck today and TD Banknorth would be the Town’s best option for financing. Selectman Sepe makes a motion to go with TD Banknorth’s financing and authorize Bob Gray to sign the associated paperwork. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
3rd Order of Business: Open to the Floor (15 minutes)
Steve Sullivan approached the Board last week about renegotiating the terms of an agreement entered into by the Town and owner of 136 Main Street, Toby Debattiste. Mr. Sullivan provided the Board with a copy of the Power of Attorney, which gives him the authority to speak on Mr. Debattiste’s behalf. Mr. Sullivan explains that he made a $400.00 payment on Monday, which brings the bill down to $793.57. Mr. Sullivan is requesting that the Board approve reducing the water/sewer monthly arrearage payment from $600.00 to $400.00. Chairman Tedford points out the new bills have not gone out yet. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to modify the agreement, allowing 136 Main Street to pay $400.00, due the 10th of each month, with the same terms of the previous agreement still in place. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. Chairman Tedford anticipates two months remaining to pay this arrearage off.
Allen Humes, Zoning Board of Adjustment member, asks how many properties in Town are in some kind of litigation for code violations, to which the Board responds a total of three. Mr. Humes asks what criteria are set to determine which properties will be cited for code violations. Bob Gray responds there is no specific criterion, but if it violates the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, the Code Enforcement Office has the authority to enforce code. Selectman Ruth adds the Board needs to abide by state laws. Chairman Tedford responds the Code Enforcement Officer issues letters to the offenders, and if there is no response or neighbors complain, the Board may be inclined to take it to the next level. Unfortunately, there are many problem properties, and the Board cannot address them all because it is expensive to take legal action. Selectman Gardner adds the Board is more inclined to pursue flagrant violations of the zoning ordinance or if a property is creating a health hazard. Lastly, Mr. Humes was disappointed that not one board member attended last Thursday’s ZBA meeting, to which the Board responds they clearly stated in a letter addressed to the ZBA why they would not participate in that meeting and why. Mr. Humes states the presence of a select person would have made a difference, and feels no attendance shows a lack of cooperation.
Cindy Ryder encourages the Board to attend the next CAST meeting scheduled at the Ford Building on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 9:00AM, and is very excited about a Vision Meeting for 20-20 that she attended at the Cheshire Medical Center, which provides health counseling in the community. Ms. Ryder is optimistic that the new sidewalks and Safe Routes to School will improve healthy habits and raise awareness in this area.
Selectman Sepe asks if Gary Puffer heard back from the two property owners on River Court regarding their water leak. Bob responds that one of the two property owners did sign for the certified letter, and Ellen and Gary made service on the other property owner, who lives in Keene. Bob and Gary agree that if the leak has not been fixed or arrangements have not been made to engage the services of a contractor by Wednesday, May 19, 2010, Gary will shut off the water, which then gives the owners an opportunity to respond to the Board of Selectmen that same evening.
4th Order of Business: Office Documents
1. Second original Water Warrant for 2010 in the amount of $59,353.07, and original Sewer Warrant for 2010 in the amount of $92,621.77. Chairman Tedford makes the motion to approve and sign said warrants. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
2. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 7, Lot 37-Vincent in the amount of $1,028.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
3. Tax Collector’s Warrant, Property Tax Levy in the amount of $3,792,684.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to authorize collection of said warrant. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
4. Highway Purchase Requisition for purchase of lumber at Watson Farm (to build a lean-to at the garage) in the amount of $567.48. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to approve purchase. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
5. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 8, Lot 120-2-Conant in the amount of $422.18. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
6. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 12, Lot 5-2-Beaman in the amount of $306.32. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
7. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 2, Lot 18-McFadden in the amount of $594.24. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Chairman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
8. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 3, Lot 28-Sul in the amount of $276.01. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Chairman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
9. Permit to Display Fireworks at 512 Keene Road on July 3 and September 5, 2010; signed by applicant, Fire Chief Kellom, and Police Chief Phillips. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to give permission for said displays and to sign. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
10. Manifest for SRF Funds to Weston & Sampson-$19,350.00 (TOW Retainage acct-$2,150.00) in the amount of $21,500.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve said payments. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
11. Manifest for Police Outside Activities to Parro’s Gun Shop in the amount of $660.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve said payment. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 4-1. Selectman Sepe states she would like to see other estimates because that is a lot of money for a vest.
12. Assessing and Revaluation Capital Reserve to Avitar in the amount of $23,776.25. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to make said payment. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
5th Order of Business: Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3II (a), (b) and (c)
Selectman Sepe is not clear if the Board intends to discuss the ‘sick time buyback/policy issue’ at next week’s meeting. Chairman Tedford suggests putting this item on the agenda for the first Wednesday in June-that way, Bob will have time to get a response from the LGC and the Board members can brainstorm from there. Selectman Sepe, again, stresses that she’d like the employees to be part of the discussion since it affects them.
Chairman Tedford makes a motion to enter non-public session under (a), (b), and (c). Selectman Gardner seconds the motion. A role call vote is taken and all members vote “yes”, and the Board convenes in non-public session at 8:10PM (after a 10-minute break).
6th Order of Business: Reconvene Public Session
The Board reconvenes in public session at 8:50PM. The non-public minutes under (a) and (c) were sealed; and the minutes under (b) were not sealed.
Chairman Tedford announces that the Board accepted Executive Assistant Ellen Cole’s resignation effective Thursday, May 20, 2010. The Board thanks Ellen for her service to the Town. In the meantime, the Board has agreed to rehire Roberta Fraser on a part-time basis as secretary, not to exceed 32 hours per week to assist Bob while transitioning to another full-time permanent placement hire. Roberta was the Town’s secretary before Amy Lewis was hired, and also filled in on a part-time basis while she was a Selectman before Ellen became employed with the Town.
7th Order of Business: Adjournment
Selectman Fraser makes a motion to adjourn. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. The meeting adjourns at 8:50PM.
Respectfully recorded,
Ellen A. Cole
Executive Assistant
Perhaps if the TBC hadn't wasted $3200 last year on 4 picnic tables and another $2400 on 2 more this year, they would have had plenty of money to fund lifeguards and provide safety for Winchester's citizen. Putting the blame on the Budget Committee, who attempted to make them act more responsibly when spending taxpayer dollars is a joke. Place the blame where it squarely belongs for shorter hours at the beach this year ..
May 12, 2010
Board Members Present: Roberta Fraser-Acting Chairperson; Sherman Tedford; Gustave Ruth; Theresa Sepe; and Kenneth Gardner. Also present Bob Gray, Town Administrator and Ellen Cole, Executive Assistant. The meeting convenes at 7:00PM.
1st Order of Business: Open Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes
Selectman Fraser is filling in as Acting Chairperson this evening, but Chairman Tedford is present and participating in this evening’s discussion.
Minutes of the May 5, 2010 regular minutes: Selectman Ruth makes a motion to accept the minutes. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
2nd Order of Business: Other Business
Recently, Avitar came up with a new format for the tax bills, which was tabled by the Board last week so they could review. Deputy Tax Collector Karey Miner likes this idea because the format is easier to read and will save on paper. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to accept the new tax bill format. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Southwest Region Planning Commission (“SWRPC”) would like the Board to vote and send a letter to support the nomination of the American Tissue Mills of New Hampshire property on Route 119 (Winchester Tax Map 7, Lot 66) for the SWRPC’s Brownsfields Assessment Program. Bob Gray makes the Board aware that the Attorney General has given the Town an easement to go on to the former mill property to determine if it is safe to tax deed, by testing to see if contamination is present. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to send this letter to SWRPC requesting that they proceed. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Lisa Murphy with SWRPC advised Bob that the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan expired. Funding is available to SWRPC through Homeland Security to update the Plan for the Town. The Town of Winchester’s Hazard Mitigation Plan is outdated and needs to be fully updated. Selectman Gardner makes a motion to formally request the assistance and services of the Southwest Region Planning Commission to accomplish this update as soon as possible. Chairman Tedford seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Bob would like the Board’s permission to close the Town Hall on Thursday, June 3, 2010 from 9:00AM-11:00AM for mandatory, DOL compliance training of all employees (except for volunteer ambulance and fire) presented by Bill Cote with the LGC. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to close the Town Hall on June 3 for the hours requested. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Last year, the Budget Committee eliminated the ‘sick time buyback’ line item, but this type of employee compensation still exists in the Personnel Manual as Town policy. Sharon Haley in HR/Finance would like to know if the Board would still like to offer this benefit to employees, and if so, where payment would come from in the new fiscal year budget effective July 2010. Chairman Tedford asks Bob to get a legal opinion from the LGC, that if the Board wishes to maintain the policy do they have the authority to appropriate the money from the operating budget, or does the Budget Committee’s decision supersede policy. Selectman Sepe makes clear that this is Town policy, therefore, when applicable, employees would be due payment unless the Board changed policy. Chairman Tedford reiterates the question to the LGC, asking if benefit is in place, and unless we change policy, are we obligated to pay it, even if the line item has been zeroed out. Selectman Sepe would like employee involvement in this discussion, giving personnel an opportunity to publicly voice their opinion regarding this issue. Bob will make the Town employees aware and it will be posted on the Agenda.
Amy Bond in HR/Finance completed the summer schedule for the lifeguards at the Town Beach. The new fiscal year for 2010-2011 has $9,000.00 allotted for personnel. Amy estimates that the personnel line from July 1, 2010 to September 6, 2010 will be overdrawn by $5,172.00, even when reducing to the minimum amount of lifeguard coverage (and staying within the State’s requirement). Acting Chair Fraser is not in favor of having the beach open and unlocked, when there is no supervision, due to vandalism or having people swim at their own risk. Selectman Ruth suggests closing the beach a couple of days during the week. Acting Chair Fraser is on the Beach Committee, and regrets cutting back beach hours, but suggests residents need to see the repercussions of taking money out of the beach budget. She further explains that at numerous town meetings she voiced concerns that if money for these community activities, which benefit the Town as a whole are not properly funded, services may be cut. Chairman Tedford would rather keep the beach operation hours open for the people to enjoy and not penalize the Town, to which Acting Chairperson Fraser agrees, and does not want to penalize the Town, but something needs to be done. Chairman Tedford suggests changing the beach hours from 11:00AM to 12:00PM, open to 6:00PM instead of 7:00PM to help lower the associated costs of coverage. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to hire the lifeguards starting Memorial Day weekend for the summer with hours from 12-6:00PM. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 4-1. Selectman Ruth voted no, because he thinks the Town will have a hard time finding lifeguards to work the reduced hours.
Chief Phillips requests use of the town gravel pit adjacent to the Evergreen Cemetery for ATV Training/Certification course sponsored by NH Fish and Game Department on May 26, 2010 from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to permit the Chief’s request. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
Last week the Board accepted John Grappone Ford’s bid on a 2011 Ford F550 with the Fairfield package, and asked Bob to shop around the financing for a 3-year lease/purchase. Bob learned that Grappone Ford’s price is not associated with the lease. TD Banknorth offers: 3.8%, $21,057.00 payment/year; Citizens/Baystone offers: 4.69$; $21,486 payment/year; and Ford Motor Credit: 5.9% (no payment quoted). Bob adds he ordered the truck today and TD Banknorth would be the Town’s best option for financing. Selectman Sepe makes a motion to go with TD Banknorth’s financing and authorize Bob Gray to sign the associated paperwork. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
3rd Order of Business: Open to the Floor (15 minutes)
Steve Sullivan approached the Board last week about renegotiating the terms of an agreement entered into by the Town and owner of 136 Main Street, Toby Debattiste. Mr. Sullivan provided the Board with a copy of the Power of Attorney, which gives him the authority to speak on Mr. Debattiste’s behalf. Mr. Sullivan explains that he made a $400.00 payment on Monday, which brings the bill down to $793.57. Mr. Sullivan is requesting that the Board approve reducing the water/sewer monthly arrearage payment from $600.00 to $400.00. Chairman Tedford points out the new bills have not gone out yet. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to modify the agreement, allowing 136 Main Street to pay $400.00, due the 10th of each month, with the same terms of the previous agreement still in place. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. Chairman Tedford anticipates two months remaining to pay this arrearage off.
Allen Humes, Zoning Board of Adjustment member, asks how many properties in Town are in some kind of litigation for code violations, to which the Board responds a total of three. Mr. Humes asks what criteria are set to determine which properties will be cited for code violations. Bob Gray responds there is no specific criterion, but if it violates the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, the Code Enforcement Office has the authority to enforce code. Selectman Ruth adds the Board needs to abide by state laws. Chairman Tedford responds the Code Enforcement Officer issues letters to the offenders, and if there is no response or neighbors complain, the Board may be inclined to take it to the next level. Unfortunately, there are many problem properties, and the Board cannot address them all because it is expensive to take legal action. Selectman Gardner adds the Board is more inclined to pursue flagrant violations of the zoning ordinance or if a property is creating a health hazard. Lastly, Mr. Humes was disappointed that not one board member attended last Thursday’s ZBA meeting, to which the Board responds they clearly stated in a letter addressed to the ZBA why they would not participate in that meeting and why. Mr. Humes states the presence of a select person would have made a difference, and feels no attendance shows a lack of cooperation.
Cindy Ryder encourages the Board to attend the next CAST meeting scheduled at the Ford Building on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 9:00AM, and is very excited about a Vision Meeting for 20-20 that she attended at the Cheshire Medical Center, which provides health counseling in the community. Ms. Ryder is optimistic that the new sidewalks and Safe Routes to School will improve healthy habits and raise awareness in this area.
Selectman Sepe asks if Gary Puffer heard back from the two property owners on River Court regarding their water leak. Bob responds that one of the two property owners did sign for the certified letter, and Ellen and Gary made service on the other property owner, who lives in Keene. Bob and Gary agree that if the leak has not been fixed or arrangements have not been made to engage the services of a contractor by Wednesday, May 19, 2010, Gary will shut off the water, which then gives the owners an opportunity to respond to the Board of Selectmen that same evening.
4th Order of Business: Office Documents
1. Second original Water Warrant for 2010 in the amount of $59,353.07, and original Sewer Warrant for 2010 in the amount of $92,621.77. Chairman Tedford makes the motion to approve and sign said warrants. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
2. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 7, Lot 37-Vincent in the amount of $1,028.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
3. Tax Collector’s Warrant, Property Tax Levy in the amount of $3,792,684.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to authorize collection of said warrant. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
4. Highway Purchase Requisition for purchase of lumber at Watson Farm (to build a lean-to at the garage) in the amount of $567.48. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to approve purchase. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
5. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 8, Lot 120-2-Conant in the amount of $422.18. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
6. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 12, Lot 5-2-Beaman in the amount of $306.32. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
7. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 2, Lot 18-McFadden in the amount of $594.24. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Chairman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
8. Certification and Timber Tax Levy at Map 3, Lot 28-Sul in the amount of $276.01. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve the timber tax. Chairman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
9. Permit to Display Fireworks at 512 Keene Road on July 3 and September 5, 2010; signed by applicant, Fire Chief Kellom, and Police Chief Phillips. Selectman Ruth makes a motion to give permission for said displays and to sign. Selectman Sepe seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
10. Manifest for SRF Funds to Weston & Sampson-$19,350.00 (TOW Retainage acct-$2,150.00) in the amount of $21,500.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve said payments. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
11. Manifest for Police Outside Activities to Parro’s Gun Shop in the amount of $660.00. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve said payment. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 4-1. Selectman Sepe states she would like to see other estimates because that is a lot of money for a vest.
12. Assessing and Revaluation Capital Reserve to Avitar in the amount of $23,776.25. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to make said payment. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.
5th Order of Business: Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3II (a), (b) and (c)
Selectman Sepe is not clear if the Board intends to discuss the ‘sick time buyback/policy issue’ at next week’s meeting. Chairman Tedford suggests putting this item on the agenda for the first Wednesday in June-that way, Bob will have time to get a response from the LGC and the Board members can brainstorm from there. Selectman Sepe, again, stresses that she’d like the employees to be part of the discussion since it affects them.
Chairman Tedford makes a motion to enter non-public session under (a), (b), and (c). Selectman Gardner seconds the motion. A role call vote is taken and all members vote “yes”, and the Board convenes in non-public session at 8:10PM (after a 10-minute break).
6th Order of Business: Reconvene Public Session
The Board reconvenes in public session at 8:50PM. The non-public minutes under (a) and (c) were sealed; and the minutes under (b) were not sealed.
Chairman Tedford announces that the Board accepted Executive Assistant Ellen Cole’s resignation effective Thursday, May 20, 2010. The Board thanks Ellen for her service to the Town. In the meantime, the Board has agreed to rehire Roberta Fraser on a part-time basis as secretary, not to exceed 32 hours per week to assist Bob while transitioning to another full-time permanent placement hire. Roberta was the Town’s secretary before Amy Lewis was hired, and also filled in on a part-time basis while she was a Selectman before Ellen became employed with the Town.
7th Order of Business: Adjournment
Selectman Fraser makes a motion to adjourn. Selectman Ruth seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. The meeting adjourns at 8:50PM.
Respectfully recorded,
Ellen A. Cole
Executive Assistant
Perhaps if the TBC hadn't wasted $3200 last year on 4 picnic tables and another $2400 on 2 more this year, they would have had plenty of money to fund lifeguards and provide safety for Winchester's citizen. Putting the blame on the Budget Committee, who attempted to make them act more responsibly when spending taxpayer dollars is a joke. Place the blame where it squarely belongs for shorter hours at the beach this year ..
Thursday, May 13, 2010
WANTED .. Fiscal responsible people
Wednesday April 7, 2010
4th Order of Business: Any Other Business
The Town Beach Committee asks if the Board intends to remove the four rotting picnic tables from the grove area before the season begins, to which Chairman Tedford responds, yes, if they are rotted and unsafe, they should be removed. The Committee is requesting Board approval to purchase replacement picnic tables. Chairman Tedford checked the money available in the budget-$2,388.00 and checking-$9,580.00 (interest from the trust fund). The Board governs these accounts and has the authority to spend the money, as this committee is only advisory. Selectman Fraser makes the Board aware that the committee would like to use the remaining money for this fiscal year to pay lifeguards from May to June 2010. Chairman Tedford suggests the committee wait to purchase these tables until the new fiscal year begins and prepare a purchase requisition at that time. Selectman Fraser would also like the Board to review the responsibilities of the Beach Committee so each member has a clear guideline and understands their duties as a member. Ellen will put the Bylaws and Lifeguard Rules in the Board’s reading file for discussion at an upcoming work session. Erin Robb gave Ellen some specifications for the retaining wall to put out to bid, but needs some assistance from the Chairman. The committee intends to advertise for the rebid on the wall after July 1, 2010.
Wednesday April 21, 2010
4th Order of Business: Any Other Business
The Town Beach Committee would like to purchase two weather-exposed green square tables and blue umbrellas for the patio area at the lake. The committee is looking for board approval for this expenditure using money from the checking account (roughly $9,000.00 available). Selectman Sepe does not understand why the beach committee does not need to bid this out, and provide quotes for the Board to review. Selectman Gardner is in favor of putting this discussion off for another week to see what the beach needs and how much money is available. Chairman Tedford advises that this money is in trust set up by the Court, and the Board’s only authority is to approve the expenditures and sign the checks. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve expenditure out of Town Beach checking account. Selectman Fraser seconds the motion and it passes 3-2.
Last night, the Selectman heard an impassionate speech from Selectman Roberta Fraser on how horrible the Budget Committee was by cutting $5,000 out of their Beach Committee budget. “They do not appear to understand how their cruel actions hurt our town.” According to Roberta, the Beach Committee will not have enough money in the budget to pay for two life guards all summer. There was a long discussion about cutting the hours per day and swimming-at-their-own-risk. Roberta informed the board that they were going to be $2,000 short even with the cut in hours.
Which of course leaves us scratching our heads. After reading the minutes above, one has to ask – why were they spending $1,200/each on two picnic tables? Is this not the $2,000 shortage? Were the tables really a necessity? Why not purchase two wooden tables for less than $100/each ? Are we running the Beach budget the same way we do our own personal budget? Purchasing what we want and then not having the money to pay our required expenses….
Wednesday April 7, 2010
4th Order of Business: Any Other Business
The Town Beach Committee asks if the Board intends to remove the four rotting picnic tables from the grove area before the season begins, to which Chairman Tedford responds, yes, if they are rotted and unsafe, they should be removed. The Committee is requesting Board approval to purchase replacement picnic tables. Chairman Tedford checked the money available in the budget-$2,388.00 and checking-$9,580.00 (interest from the trust fund). The Board governs these accounts and has the authority to spend the money, as this committee is only advisory. Selectman Fraser makes the Board aware that the committee would like to use the remaining money for this fiscal year to pay lifeguards from May to June 2010. Chairman Tedford suggests the committee wait to purchase these tables until the new fiscal year begins and prepare a purchase requisition at that time. Selectman Fraser would also like the Board to review the responsibilities of the Beach Committee so each member has a clear guideline and understands their duties as a member. Ellen will put the Bylaws and Lifeguard Rules in the Board’s reading file for discussion at an upcoming work session. Erin Robb gave Ellen some specifications for the retaining wall to put out to bid, but needs some assistance from the Chairman. The committee intends to advertise for the rebid on the wall after July 1, 2010.
Wednesday April 21, 2010
4th Order of Business: Any Other Business
The Town Beach Committee would like to purchase two weather-exposed green square tables and blue umbrellas for the patio area at the lake. The committee is looking for board approval for this expenditure using money from the checking account (roughly $9,000.00 available). Selectman Sepe does not understand why the beach committee does not need to bid this out, and provide quotes for the Board to review. Selectman Gardner is in favor of putting this discussion off for another week to see what the beach needs and how much money is available. Chairman Tedford advises that this money is in trust set up by the Court, and the Board’s only authority is to approve the expenditures and sign the checks. Chairman Tedford makes a motion to approve expenditure out of Town Beach checking account. Selectman Fraser seconds the motion and it passes 3-2.
Last night, the Selectman heard an impassionate speech from Selectman Roberta Fraser on how horrible the Budget Committee was by cutting $5,000 out of their Beach Committee budget. “They do not appear to understand how their cruel actions hurt our town.” According to Roberta, the Beach Committee will not have enough money in the budget to pay for two life guards all summer. There was a long discussion about cutting the hours per day and swimming-at-their-own-risk. Roberta informed the board that they were going to be $2,000 short even with the cut in hours.
Which of course leaves us scratching our heads. After reading the minutes above, one has to ask – why were they spending $1,200/each on two picnic tables? Is this not the $2,000 shortage? Were the tables really a necessity? Why not purchase two wooden tables for less than $100/each ? Are we running the Beach budget the same way we do our own personal budget? Purchasing what we want and then not having the money to pay our required expenses….
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Poor behaviour at the ELMMC events?
We have been contacted by several individuals that have made complaints to the “powers that be”, but they are falling on deaf ears. We wanted to give everyone a public forum on which they can have an opportunity to voice their complaints publicly. Perhaps by posting about these issues on a public forum, it will prompt some action from those in charge and hopefully resolve these problems.
Keep in mind, there is no need for name calling. Just explain what the situation is/was that has upset you and let us know how it was or wasn’t resolved.
Keep in mind, there is no need for name calling. Just explain what the situation is/was that has upset you and let us know how it was or wasn’t resolved.
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