Friday, May 28, 2010

Tax Bills Are Out .. It's Crying Time Again

New rate of $13.48 should make everyone happy. Keep voting for more and more spending folks, we're getting closer to being the highest taxed town in the state. How many families will not be able to afford this years taxes? When will the voters in town stop falling for the same old lines of bull and vote in responsible people who think of the town's people first? Maybe this will be the straw that broke the camel's back.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many properties have been deeded to the town for back taxes this year?

Anonymous said...

Winchester's Master Plan .. drive out the poor and middle income folks.

Watching said...

Looking at the tax rate from this time last year - it's down a bit ($14.15). But then look at your re's gone up! Just another shuffle game.

Frustrated said...

$13.48 is supposed to be 1/2 that of the December 09 bill..which was $26.94 so this bill is 2 cents more. I guess we can add 'pennied' to the nickel and dimed we get here.

Watch Dog said...

You wouldn't mind paying a little more property taxes if you could have the enjoyment of your property. Every neighborhood in town has at least one racetracks now and growing. We must have a least 7 racetracks in town. Now I was told Margaret Sharra our one person in charge of enforcing land use rules has a racetrack in her back yard and a neighbor told me they can not even enjoy a cookout with their family on weekends without lessening to her Bull$hit racetrack. Is it any wonder why the selectmen wouldn't help Mike Town and his neighbors racetrack put in without a permit.

Are we a town without laws for the certain few?

You can not erect a fence on your property without a permit, but you can put a racetrack in your back yard without a permit?

The people votes these clown in office. What I say, live with if your that stupid.

Watch Dog said...

Tractor Supply Store is going to Hinsdale I was told .Invited in with open arms. We only indorse gravel pits, junk yards, now SUR wants to put a asphalt plant in on the Keene Road. More trucks.

See the selectmen hired at the tax payers expense an egotistical “B“ to run our community development. Who will not indorse clean business. We have allow ourselves to be a magnet for junk development no other town will allow in their zoning ordnances . If it makes dirt, noise, develops junk yards and now an asphalt plant steaming out smell, then the Winchester citizens will have it all covered, Nice work there town development person, Sharra. You have most people fooled.

I see the dirt bike track is still pressure washing oil and grease of their bikes today still in our Aquifer. Nice work their Beaver Dam Gus Ruth your really on top of things…………………….You Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

Just what services do we get for our money? How come they don't send out a Vaseline wipe with our bills? Instead of purchasing everything under the sun, hiring and appointing idiots to work in this town and voting in the biggest bunch of liars, hypocrites and procrastinators the town has ever seen, why don't we get out heads out of our proverbial derrieres and get smart? Sure it's only pennies more on this bill; but wait til December when the real bills come out and the state money doesn't show up.

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Blog,
Food for thought!All of you who are complainging about your taxe; think about this. Had you voted this year for different candidates you would have nothing to complain about they would have made certain that you could have afforded to keep your home. Think about that as you figure out how to pay your taxes.

Thanks for the info blog.
Have a great night.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you keep voting in the big spenders who care nothing for the tax payers and only want to promote themselves. Hey Gus, $300 thousand dollar homes? Who in their right mind would buy an expensive home in this town? No businesses, no jobs, no high school and high taxes, sure sounds attractive doesn't it?

truly fed up said...

Looks like the selectmen don't want any of us to find out just how bad off taxpayers are in town. They have put up a sign that we are not allowed to go up to the Finance office to find out. Isn't the Town hall a PUBLIC building and isn't the Finance Office a PUBLIC office? Just how legal is it to block access to a PUBLIC office? Looks like they are daring the public to take them to court. What the hell are they so afraid of that they have to continue to block information? Time to call the AG's office and file a complaint. This crap has to stop, something stinks to high heaven in this town and with this bunch.

scratching my head said...

Can someone explain to me how a 16 year old mobile home can go up in value to be worth $18k more than it cost new, while at the same time a 6 year old mobile with approximately the same square footage, that cost $20k more is valued at $25k less? Makes no damn sense at all.

Mike Towne said...

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger friend. My home was purchased new 15 years ago for $79,800 (I have the original bill of sale and owner's paperwork) and yet it is now, with no additions or major upgrades; though we keep it well maintained, purchased all new energy efficient appliances, tubs/showers and toilets and went as green as possible, removed nearly all of the wall to wall carpet and installed inexpensive laminate flooring ( less value ) our home increased in value too. Our home is assessed at $97,300, up from last year. Go figure.

I also filed for an abatement based on comparison with 6 other similar homes in town and as of yet have not heard back from the town one way or the other. Makes one wonder how they come up with these figures that vary so much from home to home.

Watch Dog said...

Sue Newell had a freedom of information form to down load on her web site. Maybe it is time the Winchester informer provide a copy to down load. Demand the information under the freedom of information act. They may keep you from the finance office but they can not keep the information from the finance office has.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can file for an abatement like Roberta Fraser and Earl Beaman and get it. Twice!

the Winchester Informer said...

Link to RTK form

Anonymous said...

The link for the RTK doesn't seem to be working. Is there another one?