Friday, May 28, 2010

New Blog Exposes State and Town Corruption

We've been notified that a new blog has opened up which will report on corruption within the state and especially our town of Winchester. To visit this new blog, cut and paste this link in your browser. Several people have asked if this is a joke or if it is legit .. Go see for yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Still NOT able to open this new blog by copy and paste or type in through google or yahoo...How come?
What's the trick to it?

Anonymous said...

No trick, paste the link in your browser's address bar.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry folks. The taser probe was successfully removed from the victim's chest. The probe removal procedure was recorded for evidentiary and litigation purposes. Stay tuned for further information.

Now let’s all play a guessing game. Who do you think the officer was who forgot to remove the taser probe?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 8:23

Other people have found it because there are comments added so maybe its your computer settings.

i'd check with that 1st if you're still haveing problems.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Watch Dog said...

Beaver Dam Gus Ruth “the friend of the beaver” that cost the tax payers $60,000 to repair 2 town roads that washed out when the Ruth’s dam broke on his property. Then the Ruth’s and the selectmen tried to hid the truth from the tax payers. Should he be made to pay the town back? Is their a statue of limitation on fraud from the selectmen office who covered it up? Maybe the state's attorney can look into this also, while they investigate the accusations of a fraudulent March 9 election that gave the opposition a disadvantage that could have serious consequences, not only the seriousness of the accusations and the penalties engaging in such actions but their attempts at organized racketeering against the people of Winchester and their rights to have a fair and honest election. The clique running the town will squash any attempt to replace them power

Anonymous said...

When I went there, the lead for the site is https://.

Maybe that will help.

Mike Towne said...

Is it really any wonder why this is such a problem here, especially in rural communities? You have the same bad apples who get fired or demoted in one town, going to another town and being hired, despite a bad record and sometimes working for more than one town and committing the same injustices or bad acts as previously that got them fired in the first place. The problem starts at the top; incompetent leaders are more to blame for hiring them in the first place. Without good leadership, we can expect this trend to continue and to drive out the honest officers who don't wish to be associated with the problems rogue cops bring with them. Our problem is compounded here in Winchester starting with our Select Board.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Towne, I could not have said it better myself. To all those people with honest hearts and minds I say to you, stay the course. Too many times the good and innocent are faced with challenges involving the unethical practices of the police departments and don't know what to do or who to turn to. Stand your ground, challenge and question the questionable acts of any police officer and above all hold the town leaders and department heads accountable. Sure there are officers who make mistakes and there will always be officers in the future who too will make mistakes. The challenge for those officers it to fess up, own up, take your punishment and move on and above all DO NOT LIE or COVER UP your mistakes even if it means losing your job but at least you did not lie for it is surely a career ender. To the citizens of this town, don't fear the police. They are a small contingent of people like you and I who are no more influential than any of us. The only difference between them and us is they are tasked with enforcing the law nothing more, nothing less. They are subject to prosecution like anyone else. They just need to get caught to be held accountable for their actions. It is their job to earn the trust and respect of the citizens of this town not the other way around.

protect and serve? said...

I had a flat tire on rte10 early this afternoon, a Winchester cruiser went by with the officer on a phone and didn't stop at the winchester town line. Probably getting to detail work was more important than helping a stranded senior.

Anonymous said...

When a person becomes a police officer, you pray that their intention is to make their community better. To be above the law and to lead by example.

Unfortunately, we know that there are those that become officers so that they can play with guns legally and could careless about the laws. Thats who we appear to have hired here in this town. The unlawful! It does not bode well or help me sleep at night.

When you call on the police department, you expect respect of privacy and integrity. Instead you get a nosey dispatch secretary and officers that aren't willing to follow through on complaints. It does not give you the warm fussys.

When you have the ability to put people in "leadership" that can't be held accountable to a higher standard or who don't expect it from their employees then you have utter chaos.

I know that everyone has seen this or experienced it in this town. But until we as A PEOPLE are willing to come together and publicly confront our leaders - to hold them accountable nothing will ever get accomplished. They get away with compliancy, because no one speaks out. You sit at home and avoid the truth.

We are raising our children to expect mediocrity and honesty is not always the best policy.

Yes, police officers are human and experience life like everyone else - but they also take an oath to unhold the laws of this land. They should be listening the their conscience and not following the crowd (or for some...the thingy in their pants). If their conscience is telling them to do wrong and to allow their neighbors to do wrong, then we have a bunch of sociopaths running this town.

I for one don't sleep well at night because of it!