Saturday, May 29, 2010

Winchester Resident challenges incumbant Statehouse reps


WINCHESTER, NH – Thomas R. Simmons of Watson Road, Winchester, N.H. has announced his candidacy for the Cheshire District 4 State Representative seat. Cheshire District - 04 is comprised of the Towns of Chesterfield, Hinsdale, and Winchester.

Simmons, 50, chairs the Business Department at Greenfield Community College where he teaches Economics. Simmons has also taught Economics and Public Finance at Keene State College.

“I have worked in the field of Economic Development and Education for the last two decades, and believe I can bring that experience and strength to the critical issues we are facing in Concord right now,” said Simmons. “Budget impasses, a regressive taxation system, and partisan bickering have left many Granite Staters frustrated with their legislature. I aim to bring ‘fresh blood’ to the process.”

“If you believe that Government ought to keep its hands out of your wallet and its nose out of your bedroom, then we have something in common” writes Simmons on his website, where he outlines his positions on everything from Civil Liberties and Education to Taxes and Health Care. Simmons, a graduate of Hofstra Law School where he concentrated in Environmental Law, also pointed to significant environmental issues in the district, including the long-term integrity of Pisgah State Park and quality of the waters surrounding Vermont Yankee.

Simmons, a strong supporter of Marriage Equality, medical marijuana, and legal gaming, portrays himself as “fiscally responsible and socially progressive…placing me squarely in the great New Hampshire tradition.” A Democrat, Simmons freely admits to having been a lifelong Republican. “But,” he says, “like many disaffected Yankee Republicans and Independents, I have found that the Republican Party has become shrill and extreme, and can no longer claim to be either fiscally responsible or the party of individual rights. It is the Democratic Party that has established a ‘Big Tent,” admitting a diversity that has resulted in a balance of both compassion and frugality.”

Thom Simmons may be reached at either (603) 239-7507 or

His Campaign website is:


registered voter said...

Question for Thom, would you take the pledge?

????????? said...

Are you in favor of expanded gambling? If you are not, do you have any idea how to balance the budget with out it. Henry and Dan sure as heck don't.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Thom has any idea of what his town hall is really like and how it's really run?

He seems to have such good ideas but his very platform of issues are the very things lacking in Winchester. Environment? Civil Liberties? Jobs?

I doubt he would get any cooperation from the high ups in this town.

Watch Dog said...

Live near Gus Ruth makes me wonder if he is buddies with Beaver Dam Gus Ruth and if he is he has the same ideals.

Anonymous said...

If it walks like Obama and talks like Obama, it's an Obama clone — something that isn't remotely in keeping with the NH traditions that have been corrupted by some of the sleazier border jumpers from NY, CT, and MA.

This guy will be bad news — more of the same we get from Parkhurst and Carr.

They'll talk love and caring while they are cutting off your freedoms at the knees.

Before they push any more green agendas, maybe they should all take a look out their windows, or even have a look at NH from Google Earth. By gorry, if it ain't jest one hul stretcha tarmac. NOT

wants to know you said...

Well Thom, we're waiting for answers, where are you? How do you plan on helping homeowners and reducing property taxes and funding education 100% as the state should?

Tea Bagers unit! said...

Simmons said, he is a strong supporter of Marriage Equality, medical marijuana, and legal gaming, portrays himself as “fiscally responsible and socially progressive…placing me squarely in the great New Hampshire tradition.”

Great NH tradition? Socially progressive...What!

I didn't know what New Hampshire tradition Simmons said, he is squarely part of, I didn't know we had a tradition of same sex marriage, smoking marijuana and legal gaming, except for scratch tickets and power ball. That is why our state have very few rest areas.

You are only another left wing ant-religion pro Obama trans-plant moving in our state and tiring to make our state just like where you came from. I am a strong supporter of the tea party, and we say enough is enough of the Democrats idea of what our state should be. Get on the bus with Gus and go back to where you came from.

Thom Simmons said...

Registered Voter: I oppose all broadbased taxes, and would oppose sales 7 income taxes. I support a rollback of the meals tax.

?????: Yes, I favor expanded gaming, and not just in a few favorite towns.

Anonymous: No, I dont expect their cooperation either.

Watch Dog: Never even met him.

Anonymous II: I was a lifelong Republican, and will probably disagree with those two more than agree.

Tea Bagger: I was an ordained minister for 12 years, and am currently active in St. James Episcopal Church. I am an active man of faith...I just dont believe in imposing my beliefes through government. The New Hampshire way has always been to Live and Let Live, and keep your nose out of other poeple's lives and businesses...and that is what I stand for.

Hope that answers your questions.

fed up said...

Thanks- as far as I'm concerned- anybody but Henry.

Thom Simmons said...

fed up: the problem is in getting people who think like you to vote in the Democratic primary....