Thursday, November 24, 2011

Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 11-15-11

Town of Winchester NH
Budget Committee Meeting 
November 15, 2011

Members Present:  Jack Marsh, Hubie Crowell (Vice Chairman), Ted Ryll, Harvey Sieran, Brian Moser (Chairman), Elisha Jackson, Bob Davis, Kevan Whippie (School Board Rep), Kathy Hebert, Ken Gardner (Selectmen Rep), Rikki Bolewski (Secretary)

Others Present:  Joan Morel, Roberta Fraser (Selectman)

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Kevan makes a motion to accept the minutes from the November 8th and November 10th meetings, Jack seconds.
Motion carries 9-0

            It is explained that there is an increase in the labor line because there is a substantial amount of work that needs to be done that hasn’t routinely been done
            There is also a lot of damage that has been sustained through the storms as well as damage to a fence due to an accident – it was reported to the police, but no claim has been filed as of yet – it is being looked into.
            They are putting all of the cemetery records into the computer – they will also be available at the Town Hall when this is completed
            Brian questions whether the Evergreen Trust is part of the budget or if it is on top of the budget - Roberta checks into – it is on top of the budget
            Question as to where the Trust money is being spent and if there are any specific restrictions as to what it can and can’t be spent on
            After more discussion, Jack makes a motion to table the discussion until they get more information, Harvey seconds
            Motion carries 10-0

Town Beach:
            There is a corrected Town Beach proposed budget for $20,520 due to a new position that was put into building and ground maintenance.  The new position is for a Beach Supervisor and the wage package would be for $5,520 and would run from May –September.
            Discussion regarding the proposed budget and the new position
            Brian makes a motion to level fund at $17,200, Ted seconds
            Motion carries 7-2 with 1 abstention

Conant Library:
            Harvey recuses himself due to the fact that he is on the Conant Library board
            Discussion regarding budget,
            Would like to take less out of the Edith Adkins Trust to offset funds
            Continued discussion regarding budget, Trusts and how they want to use funds
            Kevan makes a motion to approve $75,655, Ken seconds
            Motion fails 3-6

Discussion continues
            Bob makes a motion to level fund at $58,800, Ted seconds
            Motion carries 5-4

Bob makes a motion to adjourn,Jack seconds
Motion carries 9-1

Meeting adjourns at 8:50pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Rikki Bolewski

Next meeting to be held on November 22 at 7pm


Anonymous said...


It is explained that there is an increase in the labor line because there is a substantial amount of work that needs to be done that hasn’t routinely been done

There is also a lot of damage that has been sustained through the storms as well as damage to a fence due to an accident – it was reported to the police, but no claim has been filed as of yet – it is being looked into.

They are putting all of the cemetery records into the computer – they will also be available at the Town Hall when this is completed

Brian questions whether the Evergreen Trust is part of the budget or if it is on top of the budget - Roberta checks into – it is on top of the budget

Question as to where the Trust money is being spent and if there are any specific restrictions as to what it can and can’t be spent on

After more discussion, Jack makes a motion to table the discussion until they get more information, Harvey seconds

Motion carries 10-0"

Might want to check to see what the budget is for "perpetual care" planting each year and where that money comes from....Also see WHO does that and gets paid by funds from the cemetary.

Set the record straight said...

Also, check into the fence repair....rumor has it that Gus had something to do with that!