Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mitchell Attempting To Expand Pit .. More Blasting

For those of you sick of the blasting and noise from Mitchell's Quarry, there's an important meeting coming up at the Swanzey Town Hall , March 26 at 6 pm. He's looking to get his permit renewed, which expires on November 15th, 2015 and permission to blast down 80' lower right on top of our aquifer. This place was once a brown zone and was never cleaned up. Can you imagine what could happen should they hit a vein and release long buried toxic chemicals? Though this will effect the Swanzey part of the pit, it will affect everyone down river should something happen. Plus, who wants a lake there once he walks away. What a hazard for children in the area who will be drawn to it and think about what a breeding ground for mosquitoes this will be. The meeting will be open to the public no matter where you are from. Come and let your voices be heard.

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