Monday, March 7, 2016


Polls open tomorrow morning at 8:am and close at 7:pm tomorrow evening. There is no excuse for not showing up and casting your vote for candidates for office and on the other issues listed under warrants.

Too many of you stay home and hope that the other people who do vote will carry the day for you.. It doesn't happen that way .. each vote counts and when you don't vote, your opinion doesn't count; your voice isn't heard and you have no say over important decisions affecting your life and that of your children's future in this town.

Every year it's the same old story in this town, the same people run for office and get elected on name recognition not on their merits or ability to govern fairly and continue with the trend of increased taxation, more raises and bonuses for town employees, the same pattern of  recommended warrant articles containing more unnecessary spending requests. Many for new items that are not needed in a small town of less than 4000, that sees people struggling and losing their homes each year. Many old time residents have left, because of the indifference to what's been happening in this town by those of you who do note vote.

 Have some civic pride, take an interest !

There are some very important issues facing the citizens of Winchester and actually all of us that live in the state. One is the NED pipeline proposed to cut through our town, taking people's property, ruining neighboring property values and if allowed by regulators, increasing our electricity costs as we may be forced to pay for it's construction. Some feel this is good for the area, and will increase jobs and lower heating costs; well it won't. People in this town have voiced their opposition to this project and put three articles on the ballot last year and they overwhelmingly passed. For this reason you should support the candidates for office that have publicly come forward and who have voiced their opposition to the building of this pipeline and who will stand with the citizens of Winchester.

For that reason the Informer also stands with Susan Durling and the Winchester Pipeline Awareness group and endorses the following candidates for Selectman because we feel fighting the NED pipeline is the most critical issue facing our community today, that the impact of this project would have long lasting and far reaching effects on the residents of this town and others in it's proposed path.

We endorse Ben Kilanski and Robert Leustek for 2016 Winchester Board of Selectmen.

These two candidates are the most strongly opposed to the NED pipeline and most actively involved in the pipeline opposition. We feel their choices will best represent the best interest of the majority of residents of Winchester.

We hope you will also vote for them at the upcoming town meeting.


Anonymous said...

I too encourage everyone to vote tomorrow. Please vote YES on Article #20 on the Town Warrant. Voting YES would bring a Budget Committee back to the town of Winchester that has actual power. The members of this Committee would be elected by the citizens of Winchester and be an example of checks and balances in town government. The current financial advisory committee is appointed by the Selectmen and School Board and are advisory only. They hold no power. Please vote YES on Article #20.

Kevin on Swan Street

Mike Towne said...

Just a word or two for those of you who continue to vote the status quo.

If you vote, you have no right to complain ..

Now most people like to turn that around and say," if you don't vote, you have no right to complain ", but where's the logic in that? If you vote and elect dishonest, incompetent people and once they get into office they screw everything up, act in a manner that leaves you shaking your head and questioning their motives, well guess what? YOU are responsible for what they have done.

As George Carlin would have said, you voted them in, you caused the problems, you have no right to complain..

VOTE FOR CHANGE, what have you got to lose? You already know what you'll be getting if you continue to vote for the same people again.

Jeff & Jan said...

OMG Mike Town I thought you had moved away by now given up on this crap hole we call a town. So sorry to have heard about your wifes passing, our condolences. Good to see you stuck around, though. Good advice but we both know none of the fools in this town will even think twice about voting in the same crew they do every year. My wife and I were just talking about how things might have been different for everyone had you and Bob been elected years ago. Too many have left because of the high taxes and bs that goes on behind close doors. I guess that's the way they want it so they can swoop in when people fall behind and grab up the properties then sell them off for a quick profit. Maybe this year we end up with some honest people and things will turn around. Sure would be nice.

We Will See said...

I would hope that the select board would appoint who ever comes in 3rd to fill the Berthiaume seat.

Anonymous said...

Vote yes on article 21!

8:37PM said...

Do we want to keep the first family of Winchester in tact?

I don't want to lose my house! said...

VOTE NO on Article 21!!

TRICK'Y said...

A little alteration with a pen on article 21, if this is legal, its just another trick to help the article pass. If its not legal the new board should ask for the resignation of the town clerk and maybe the moderator.

I voted NO ! said...

Yeah, they changed a 2-1 recommendation to 3-1 with the stroke of a pen, they think they're pretty sly aren't they? Want to wager who was behind that call? Margaret probably had a hand in that, after all she will stoop to anything to keep it all in the family. Just another reason we needed to vote in some new people and get rid of the old bunch that condones these kind of shenanigans and in fact this recommend bullcrap needs to stop altogether and let voters decide on their own if something is worth a yes vote ..ENOUGH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

re: "I voted NO said",
That was not a 2-1 recommendation on the original or "sample" was a 4-1. Wonder if it was changed because there were only 4 selectmen at time of voting??

Robert said...

The recommendation was changed from 4-1 to 3-1 because Ken Berthiaume, while active for the first vote, was no longer an acting selectman by the second vote.
After Margaret had the original intent of the petition warrant article changed 180 degrees they forgot to change the recommendation until Wednesday March 2nd and by then all the ballots were printed.
After speaking to the secretary of state I learned a written correction on a mistake is allowed if it is a money warrant article.