Friday, February 19, 2010

The Town is in need of a revamping of the water department!

   Wednesday - July 15, 2009

Selectman Tedford reads an excerpt of an email from Gary Puffer to Bob Gray, dated June 19, 2009, which states, “…I NEED HELP! I cannot continue running the office and working in the water department without more help. Every week we fall further behind in our work due to me being in the office more than in the past…” A majority of the Selectmen understand this email to mean Gary is asking for office help. The Board has seen too many abatements due to data entry error, and hope having a secretary in the office will resolve these issues. Selectman Tedford is not in favor of having the Selectmen’s secretary assist with this function. Bob wants to make clear that he is to approach the person, who was laid off, and offer her position back, up to 20 hours/week, based on the prior motion made by Selectman Tedford, which still stands in effect. Selectman Tedford makes a motion to revisit the motion made to rehire the former Water Department secretary. Selectman Berthiaume seconds the motion and it passes 5-0. Selectman Tedford makes a new motion to meet with the Water Department Supervisor on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at a Work Session to see what he needs for manpower, and hours for a part-time secretarial position and office duty work. Selectman Fraser seconds the motion and it passes 5-0.

Wednesday - August 26, 2009         WORK SESSION

5th Order of Business: Water and Sewer Secretary
Selectman Gardner is now present at 11:10AM. Selectman Tedford made a motion to rehire the part-time secretary to work up to 20 hours/week based on an email the Board read from Gary Puffer stating he needed the help, and that onsite work was suffering because of too much time spent in the office. Gary Puffer does not want to hire back the former water secretary, and the Town Personnel Policy makes clear that one year from time of layoff is required to offer a person’s job back, which time has expired. Gary explains paperwork in the office has not increased. It only takes 5.5 hours, per quarter to do data entry of water meter readings. Gary has previously asked during budget time to allow for more manpower. Gary thinks he cannot train someone to assist with the technical details of his job.

Rick Meleski says he could use a secretary to assist with updating property records and deficient customer lists, and document manholes because his office is not very efficient right now. Rick thinks you could hire someone with skills, maybe did previous work in water/sewer to do monthly permit requirements, calculations, paperwork for DMRs, and basic computer skills. Rick admits he functions now, but does think a more efficient technique is plausible. Selectman Fraser is concerned about the Water Department not returning customer calls promptly, to which Gary responds he and Ric Brooks check messages a couple of times daily, and Karey has been a great contact person when they are not in the office. Selectman Fraser likes the idea of having set hours for the Water Department, so a customer knows when they can stop by or call to speak with Gary. Again, Gary still feels his need for a secretary is limited. Gary is in favor of purchasing 2 water meter readers from a reputable, local manufacturer/distributor at a cost of $13,000.00 (for two meters). These meters radio read and show leaks, high or low usage, and would eliminate human error. Gary would rather do all paperwork himself, and doesn’t think there is space to put a person. Selectman Fraser suggests restructuring the Water Department’s office because of misuse of space. Gary is busy with well rehab, sewer plant, upgrades, manholes, road, and the Highway, Sewer and Water Departments do not have enough manpower to get these jobs done in a timely fashion. Gary has projects from the State (from before he took over), hydrants need to be replaced, flushing (required to do every 3 years), working wells, and a recent lightening strike.

The existing meters would not need to be replaced, as Gary has previously done research on replacing all meters in Town at a cost of $190,000.00 plus. Selectman Gardner suggests it would not be difficult to train a person to read these meters to free up some of Gary’s time. Selectman Fraser still feels a qualified person could be trained to assist with office demands, and suggests Gary comes up with a job description and hours necessary to help out.

Selectman Gardner would like to look at the Water, Sewer and Highway Departments, including John Gomarlo, to look at ways to combine duties and save the Town money. Selectman Gardner has been working on some facts and figures to consider changing the hierarchy by combining the Water and Sewer Departments. The Board briefly discusses the status of Ric Brooks’ CDL-B license, to which Gary responds he failed a written test by one question and could not retake the test yesterday because Gary needed Ric’s assistance with the wells. Selectman Fraser stresses that Ric needs to get with Dale so he can learn to drive the truck and take the test in Concord in that very same truck.
Selectman Berthiaume makes a motion to revisit the hiring of the former water secretary for up to 20 hours/week. Selectman Gardner seconds the motion and it passes 4-0. Selectman Berthiaume makes a motion to withstand hire of the former water secretary for up to 20 hours/week because the Board is revisiting all job descriptions Selectman Fraser seconds the motion and it passes 4-0.

Wednesday - September 16, 2009

Selectman Tedford reviewed the proposed Water Department budget and there is no wage line item for a secretary. Selectman Tedford would like to know the status, to which Selectman Fraser responds Gary Puffer does not want a secretary, but Rick Meleski said he could use one. The Board had a lengthy discussion with Gary and Rick and decided to hold off on hiring for this position until a job description is created based on what both superintendents need for assistance. Selectman Gardner is still in favor of combining the Water and Wastewater Superintendent into one position, with one secretary to be shared between departments. The Board also suggests the secretary could be responsible for quarterly meter readings. These ideas will require further research.


the Winchester Informer said...

Looks like Gary is very confused except when it comes to spending more money. He can't do his work, can't train someone to drive a truck and pass a license test and has fallen so far behind it's possible the work will never get done. Yet he refuses to allow the town to hire a secretary to help with paperwork so he can do what we hired him to do. Is the real story, Gary, that you'd like to hire another hand to do your work while you sit in the office all day?

Boo Hoo said...

Puffer thinks the selectmen are as stupid as he is lazy, no one is that stupid. Like the guys from hwy said a while back, his uniform should be a skirt.

BOO HOO2 said...

Even a blind man can see though than BS,I spend all day every day in the office so i cant get any work done, but i don't need office help! I can smell a bonus.

Anonymous said...

Good thing that the town has Rick to cover for him. Thank you Mr. Meleski for going above and beyond and keeping things going.

watching closely said...

Stop picking on Mr. Puffer. He's just like everyone else in town. He does not like being out in the snow or rain or the cold and heat and is miserable on windy days. As long as he shows up on time for work ( sometimes ) and drives around for a few hours before he parks at town hall or the bluebird he should be treated with the respect he deserves.

Ashuelot Town Crier said...

Unfortunately, the cat is out of the bag for this household. We had the misfortune of exeriencing his incompetence first hand last year. I can guarantee that he fired his wonderful secretary because she could back up that statement. He has NO CLUE what he is doing and is too ashamed to let anyone know it, but not intelligent enough to take some courses or ask someone who does know.

So, he will continue to cover up his incompetence by avoiding to hire anyone who could see through his thin veil.

Just because someone is a NICE guy, doesn't mean he is competent at what he does. Computers and paperwork he is good at - fixing water leaks...not so good!

Lack of trust-sorry said...

Correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't this the time of the year we get a paper with our water bill telling the users about the quality of the water we are drinking and being billed for. I think this is mandated by the state. It would advise the user that they could go to the water dept if they had any questions, maybe it's changed and its a thing of the past. Its nice to know what your drinking, especially if you don't trust the guy in charge. Look what's happening at the nuke plant.

??????????? said...

Did Gus say there is problems with the rt10 water well?

Anonymous said...

The blind leading the blind who are hanging onto the coat tails of the blind.

No.1 Ken Gardner never cared much about state law when he was on the budget committee and wanted to raid the water and sewer funds for town use. Seems like he still doesn't get it.

Water and sewer are "Enterprise" functions of the town. That means they each have a separate and distinct legal status and they are supposed to be self-funded. (Although the law allows voters to "volunteer" to pay for big things like the sewer construction, and in some cases where sewers have been poorly managed into bankruptcy, courts have ordered taxpayers to pick up the slack.)

But, never shall their funds mix with each other or the town's general fund. Think of them as nonprofit businesses run by the town. They cannot be combined. If selectmen start talking "Public Works Dept." run like crazy. That's another whole set of laws and state requirements to hire engineers, etc. and appropriate for large cities, not small towns— mucho casho.

No. 2 Selectmen can't spend money for anything which does not have an appropriation in the line item budget (or through a separate warrant article), so they can't hire a secretary for either water or sewer if there is no line item or a $0 appropriation in the line. (I'll bet they fixed that little snag in the budget for next year.)

I sure hope we get some new selectmen who will learn and follow the law and be able to do some real MANAGEMENT. It's hard for 2 alone to make any headway, so we'd have to hope Roberta would go back to the principles that elected her.